
Friday, February 22, 2013

Alternative spiritual healing

There are many methods of healing and revitalising energy by spiritual healers, as long as they start with BismillahHirRahmaniiRahiim, all should be good. I have had afew of my own experiences, always keeping an open mind about healing by energy. If I am to partake in any healing, I always pray for protection and recite all ayats I have memorised to stop any bad entities to affect me, and I ask if the healing is good, that I will be allowed to follow through. For example, one day I visited a lady who has the gift of healing. Apparently, she was involved in an accident once, which left her in a coma for almost two years and her pillion rider had passed away in that accident. She had broken her arms and legs and they were operated on and were slightly disfigured. Now, this lady was reputed to have helped many people by her alternative therapy. She woke from her coma , just knowing how to do what she does.I brought a friend who had blood pressure problems to her, perhaps after consultation, that person may want to go ahead and have treatment. Her procedures were, she would "look" at the backs of her patients with a little mirror, which she then would tell if there were sickness and if she would "operate". Her operation was with a gillette razor. If someone agreed, they would be given water and food to consume, then she would make insertions on the back, no pain is felt, she would then suck out the "dirty" blood ( wet cupping method but without the cups) . After that, she inserted fresh grated cucumbers and cotton wool into the open wound and covered in with white bandage. She gave sugar to use in food and drinks for a month. The next day, herassistant, removed the bandages and not a sign of the cut, insertion , cotton wool or cucumbers were see or felt. After a month, the patient returns for her to operate on the spots, again she slit with the gillette razor and she pulled out all the cotton wool inside which came out with dried blood attached. I do not understand the practice, but people have been known to get cured. Another experience I had, is with a man, who charges the patients' body with what feels like low dosage electricity jolts. He opens the "third" eye, when he puts some oil between the eyebrows, and a special crystal, he touches this spot and wham! I saw a white light and felt a string jolt, which shocked me. Sometimes, to charge again, he would use his kris, I am supposing that the metal in the kris is the carrier of energy. He would swipe the inside of the forearms, and little jitters of energy can be felt. These are two examples which I personally experienced. I feel they have certain gifts and ways to heal. Then there is the sitting session, of 6 days , twice a day, patients would sit on a chair, and below would be incense while reading Al Quran surahs of healing. After which one would shower with clay mixed with soap and rinse off with scented water. Another time, a man ( with no good intentions I might add) tried to fill me with something that my physical and spiritual states did not accept. His method was to use a yellow metal key which he put between the big toe and second toe, not pressing while turning it. I felt a hot searing pain as he did that, I screamed and made zikir of Laa ilaa ha ilallah, cringing and holding my right foot. It was so hot and painful and it was no good. Suddenly, the key flew out his hand as he surprised, that he could not take control of me... The zikir Laa ilaa ha ilallah protected me and the heat and pain when back to him. Astonishing ghaib. So there's healing and then there's sihir. The healing is good, it does not hurt. When it is bad it will hurt and that's the sign, that it is not good. I trust that I am well protected, that any kind of bad entity will be warded off with supplications . So, we begin everything with Bismillah and end with alhamdullilah, salawat and inshaallah , we shall be good healers. The gift of healing is from Allah SwT. This gift helps people who are in despair , who have illness which doctors cannot cure or heals bad possessions of jiin in people's bodies ... Or poor people who cannot afford modern medical hospitals, also people who have more faith in spiritual or alternative healing.
We may not always understand the technic but we can learn to appreciate the help.

The power of silence

Noone will be allowed to take their frustrations out on me, because they are upset with other aspects of their lives, because they aren't in touch with their own spirituality. In an air of tension of frustrations, people are impaired. They get caught up with what's not happening to their desire and they trample on everyone else's dreams and happiness. They try to lodge their depressive state by showing antagonism and bitterness. And they do not mind their words and behaviour. They become bullies to those who choose to keep quiet. They threaten and create such a negative environment, one literally feels sick. This kind of heightened spiritual state of negative forces drains anyone in the surroundings. Sometimes, when enough has been said, it is better to be quiet and reflect. Go in seclusion, away from the maddening crowd, so to say. Sometimes, in an agitated state of excitement or after being in company of others and picking up the aura or effects, people do not realise what they say at a point or moment. They may say something that suddenly upsets another. In a quiet state, they ponder and come back with an excuse or variant of the original story. Suffice to deduce, people go through different cycles of spiritual states which are inconsistent, because they do not make use of the power of awareness within themselves, to keep themselves stable. We, on the other hand, are always trying to be aware of the moment, and try not to allow the effects of inconsistent spiritual behaviour to effect our space. Being calm in body, mind and soul is a practice. The inconsistency of spiritual behaviour is a burden to carry and a weight around others.... We cannot allow their inconsistencies to drain us. We have the power to avert, that power is called silence. ~lorrainenur@2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Habib Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Sumait (RA)

Habib Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Sumait (RA)phoca_thumb_m_1193476190_habib umar bin ahmad

June 10, 2006


Habib Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Sumait, Shaykh of the Ba`alawi Order

By Habib Tauheed Qadiri 

The people of Yemen were at one time famous for their seafaring prowess. By means of their dhows, small lateen-rigged ships designed for speed and navigability, they were able to traverse most of the Indian Ocean from their homeport of Aden. Returning from India and points further east, they would stop in Oman to exchange spices, perfumes, medicines, and carpets for dates, pearls and incense. Following monsoon winds they plied the length and breadth of the mysterious Indian Ocean, trading in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and further south to South Africa. The Yemeni seafarers eventually established colonies along the African coast, in Mogadishu, Mombasa, Lamu, and Zanzibar, where they operated lucrative clove plantations. Wherever the seafaring Arabs of Yemen went, they brought with them one constant: love of Allah and His Prophet (s). Millions entered the faith of Islam at their call, for as the Prophet (s) said about these gentle people, "Faith is a Yemeni trait."

After migrating from Hadramaut to the Comoros Islands in the late 19th century, among those who settled on the sea-trek to Zanzibar were the parents of Habib Umar. His father was a highly respected judge and scholar in Zanzibar. Habib Umar studied Qur`an, hadith and the bases of jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh). A descendent of the great shaykh of Yemen Sayyid Abubakar Bin Aidarous, Al-Habib Umar became an erudite scholar and judge.

He was also a Sufi shaykh of the Ba-`Alawi tariqat. Well-versed in all of the four madhhabs (schools of Islamic thought), as chief qadi (judge) in Zanzibar he was often called to go overseas to settle disputes in Muslim lands due to his incredible insight and knowledge of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Thus he became the de facto Chief Justice of all Islamic East Africa.

During his young adulthood Habib Umar spent four years in seclusion on the island of Madagascar. Under the direction of his shaykh, he stayed in the wild hills of the island, building up his spiritual stamina and perfecting his character through a strict regimen of worship, fasting and remembrance of Allah. Many miracles are related about Habib Umar.

His Miracles (karamat)
It is related that at age 16 or so, Habib Umar's father would find him late at night studying Islamic texts under the light of a lamp. Worried for his health, his father one night told him, "I am ordering you to sleep at night and stop this late studying." So saying, he blew out his lamp. He stopped by his son's room some time later. Much to his astonishment, Habib Umar was still studying – with the lamp off. The source of his light: one raised finger glowing brightly in the dark. His father said to him, "I see I cannot stop you. That means your intentions are accepted, study as much as you like."

One day as he was teaching in his Qur`anic school he suddenly exclaimed, "Recite Fatiha for my student so-and-so who is drowning in the sea!" He began relating, "Now he is being lifted out of the water; now he is being pulled ashore to the beach; now he is at the beach, let's go and get him!" So they all went to the beach and there was the student laying on the sand.

Once Habib Umar used to sit in his favorite chair that had always been kept in a certain corner of the room. Suddenly he ordered his chair to be placed in a different position. He sat there and a flood of tears poured from his eyes. When his students inquired as to what happened, one of his close companions said "When they moved his chair to the other position the heavens were moving above him and he was perceiving that."

Shaykh Umar's calipha, Habib Ahmad Mashur al-Haddad would always maintain rabita, the heart connection with his master. It was often seen that when Habib Umar stood up in one room, Habib Haddad would stand up in his room, out of respect (adab) for his shaykh, despite the intervening walls. Habib Ahmad Mashur would never go upstairs to the upper floor if his shaykh was downstairs.

One day Shaykh Umar Abdallah went to West Africa to meet with one of its great awliya. The shaykh asked Habib Umar Abdallah "Who is your shaykh?" Habib Umar took out the photo of his shaykh and showed it to that saint. In agitation the shaykh said, "Ya Allah ! This is the man I saw in my house several times and I wondered who he was."

Google Translation":


Habib Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumait (RA)

10 Juni 2006

Habib Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumait, Syekh Ordo `Ba Alawi

Dengan Habib Tauheed Qadiri

Orang-orang Yaman berada di satu waktu terkenal kecakapan pelaut mereka. Dengan cara dhow mereka, kecil lateen-kecurangan kapal dirancang untuk kecepatan dan dilayari, mereka mampu melintasi sebagian besar Samudra Hindia dari homeport mereka Aden. Kembali dari India dan poin lebih jauh ke timur, mereka akan berhenti di Oman untuk rempah-rempah pertukaran, parfum, obat-obatan, dan karpet untuk tanggal, mutiara dan dupa. Setelah angin monsoon mereka menghujani panjang dan luasnya Samudera Hindia misterius, perdagangan di Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, dan lebih jauh ke selatan ke Afrika Selatan. Para pelaut Yaman akhirnya mendirikan koloni di sepanjang pantai Afrika, di Mogadishu, Mombasa, Lamu, dan Zanzibar, di mana mereka beroperasi perkebunan cengkeh menguntungkan. Dimanapun Arab pelaut Yaman pergi, mereka membawa bersama mereka satu konstan: cinta kasih Allah dan Rasul-Nya (s). Jutaan memasuki iman Islam pada panggilan mereka, untuk sebagai Nabi (s) mengatakan tentang orang-orang yang lembut, "Iman adalah suatu sifat Yaman."

Setelah migrasi dari Hadramaut ke Kepulauan Komoro di akhir abad 19, di antara mereka yang menetap di laut-perjalanan ke Zanzibar adalah orangtua dari Habib Umar. Ayahnya adalah seorang hakim yang sangat dihormati dan sarjana di Zanzibar. Habib Umar mempelajari Qur `an, hadits dan dasar yurisprudensi (ushul al-fiqh). Sebuah keturunan dari syekh besar Yaman Sayyid Abubakar Bin Aidarous, Al-Habib Umar menjadi seorang sarjana terpelajar dan hakim.

Dia juga seorang syekh sufi dari Ba-Alawi `tariqat. Berpengalaman dalam semua empat mazhab (mazhab pemikiran Islam), sebagai kepala kadi (hakim) di Zanzibar ia sering dipanggil untuk pergi ke luar negeri untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan di negeri-negeri Muslim karena wawasan yang luar biasa dan pengetahuan tentang fiqh (hukum Islam) . Dengan demikian ia menjadi Ketua de facto seluruh Afrika Timur Islam.

Selama muda Habib Umar nya dewasa menghabiskan empat tahun di pengasingan di pulau Madagaskar. Di bawah arahan syekhnya, dia tinggal di perbukitan liar pulau, membangun stamina spiritual dan menyempurnakan karakternya melalui rejimen ketat ibadah, puasa dan mengingat Allah. Banyak keajaiban yang terkait tentang Habib Umar.

Mujizat-Nya (karamat)

Diriwayatkan bahwa pada usia 16 atau lebih, ayah Habib Umar akan menemukannya larut malam mempelajari teks-teks Islam di bawah cahaya lampu. Khawatir untuk kesehatan, ayahnya satu malam mengatakan kepadanya, "Aku memerintahkanmu untuk tidur di malam hari dan menghentikan Belajar terlambat." Jadi mengatakan, ia meniup lampu nya. Dia mampir ke kamar anaknya beberapa waktu kemudian. Semakin besar kekaguman nya, Habib Umar masih belajar - dengan lampu off. Sumber cahaya-Nya: satu jari mengangkat bersinar terang dalam gelap. Ayahnya berkata kepadanya, "Saya lihat Saya tidak dapat menghentikan Anda Itu berarti niat Anda diterima, belajar sebanyak yang Anda suka.."

Suatu hari saat ia sedang mengajar di sekolah `Qur anic dia tiba-tiba berseru," Ucapkan Fatiha untuk mahasiswa saya jadi ini dan itu yang tenggelam di laut! " Dia mulai berhubungan, "Sekarang dia sedang diangkat keluar dari air, sekarang dia sedang ditarik ke darat ke pantai, sekarang dia di pantai, mari kita pergi dan mendapatkan dia!" Jadi mereka semua pergi ke pantai dan ada siswa berbaring di pasir.

Setelah Habib Umar digunakan untuk duduk di kursi kesayangannya yang selalu disimpan di sudut tertentu dari ruangan. Tiba-tiba ia memerintahkan kursinya untuk ditempatkan di posisi yang berbeda. Dia duduk di sana dan banjir air mata mengalir dari matanya. Ketika murid-muridnya bertanya untuk apa yang terjadi, salah satu sahabat dekatnya mengatakan "Ketika mereka pindah kursinya ke posisi lainnya langit bergerak di atasnya dan ia mengamati itu."

Syaikh Umar calipha, Habib Ahmad Mashur al-Haddad akan selalu menjaga Rabitah, koneksi jantung dengan tuannya. Itu sering terlihat bahwa ketika Habib Umar berdiri dalam satu ruangan, Habib Haddad akan berdiri di kamarnya, karena menghormati (adab) untuk syekhnya, meskipun dinding intervensi. Habib Ahmad Mashur tidak akan pernah naik ke lantai atas jika syekhnya adalah lantai bawah.

Suatu hari Syaikh Umar Abdallah pergi ke Afrika Barat untuk bertemu dengan salah satu awliya besar. Syaikh meminta Habib Umar Abdallah "Siapa Anda Syekh?" Habib Umar mengambil foto dari syekhnya dan menunjukkan kepada suci itu. Dalam agitasi syekh berkata, "Ya Allah ini adalah orang yang saya lihat di rumah saya beberapa kali dan saya bertanya-tanya siapa dia.!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The real power


Taking time out! Focusing all energy to disperse negativity. It is too easy to let dunyawi matters affect us unnecessarily; to the point that the hikmah comes and we realise, " Laa hau la wala quwatta ila billah hil aliyyil aziim." As, we face daily life, we need to always be aware of our temporal existence, what is the mission of life and “see” the vision. In our dutiful obligations toward Allah SwT (Subhana wa Ta’ala), we derive strength and purpose. When we forget, we lose direction. Often, in forgetfulness, we leave ajar the door that allows negative forces to enter; they rush through the opportunity to cause chaos. In order to obliterate them, we need time out. To ismudzat, to regain focus, to settle, to be in control of senses again, to remember the mission and “see” the vision. Keeping things in perspective, realising we are in control only of ourselves and our own environment. There will be many disappointments in others’ choices and characters, people who once were a part of the family and community, who suddenly turn around and become the enemies or worst nightmares. These people become the ultimate tests of patience, because through our care and concern , we mean well, but because of their negative perceptions, they become antagonistic. They become strangers. We become alienated from their lives. We see the controversy and contradictions towards our religious autonomy and we feel uncomfortable. We want to help and impact better, but to no avail. Their hard hearts, stubbornness, their hurt and past have accumulated to an extent, that forgiveness is not genuine, sincerity is no more, they have taken ways which oppose the ways we choose to abide by. The choice to be different and live according to Al Qur’an and sunnah the best we can ensures no ill feel, bad communications or thoughts,words and actions. The law of the Maker of Entire creation is one law which is meant for all. So, when we face opposition;we have been humiliated, insulted and vilified, we feel downtrodden and misunderstood, flung into the wilderness,we realise how wrong we have been to have hope in His creations rather than in Him only. We must learn, to keep to our own business, and be silent when we cannot make effective positive changes that others do not want. This state of sorrow is the state of realisation of the phrase, Laa haula wala quwwata ila bilLahil aliyyil aziim.

I have had this pain on numerous occasions as a muslimah, and I remember this pain is the key to wisdom and knowledge, awareness and spiritual realisation. The pursuit of spiritual purity and increasing closeness to the Rabb, is a journey of many tests. We have choice to face it or ignore it. Introspection of self: this pain directs us… to look within. To look outwards, to analyse, and to think. We become barren of all thoughts except, how to get through this tear; we become devoid of anything but ALLAH Hu ALLAH.

Then we cry in distress as a helpless baby, because we realise, Laa haula wala quwwata ila bilLahil aliyyil aziim!

Alhamdullilah, I have been reminded through angelic channels and beautiful guides, who love with pure unconditional white light, that we are not in control, that our concern has been noted, and that these tests of elevation, will bring succour to the soul of one distressed, by remembering ALLAH SWT all the time. We shall never be in perfection, but we always try to be purified. So, the following excerpt was “given” as a verification of what the unseen has said and with Allah SWT’s permission I share this simple guidance.



The Proof of Islam (Imam al-Ghazali), may God be pleased with him, said: “Power (hawl) is motion and ability (quwwa) is aptitude.”

It is on the ability and power to make choices, which God has granted to His servants, that commands and prohibitions are based. Things which are done intentionally and by choice are attributed to them, and they are rewarded and punished accordingly.

Hence the meaning of la hawla wala quwwata illa billah is the denial of one’s possession of autonomous power and ability, and the simultaneous confession of the existence of that (relative) power and ability to make choices that He has given His servants to be their own.

It is also reported that ‘La hawla wala quwwata illa billah is a remedy for 99 ailments, the least of which is sorrow.’ It is a remedy for sorrow because grief mostly occurs when one misses something one loves, or when a distressful thing occurs; and whenever either of these things occurs people perceive their helplessness and inability to achieve their desired aims; hence they feel sorrow. If at such times they repeat in their heart and with their tongues words which mean that they disavow the possession of any ability or power of their own, then this gives them certitude in their knowledge that they are helpless and weak except where God gives them power and ability, with the result that their sorrow is banished, and their knowledge of their Lord is increased.

Read more

Monday, February 18, 2013

Predicament of the muslimah.

I see so many wrongs, in many people's choices. I see so many that do not even try to become better. I feel saddened, and wonder, haven't they heard about the consequences of their life choices. I see how people don't care. I see how people often think of themselves before others, how they victimise but feel victimised, how they manipulate situations, making false statements and defending wrong issues which have no priority in life but selfishness.I see how people are calculative and transactional in their relationships, yet consider themselves filled with unconditional love, but when anyone opposes them, they get angry. I see how poisonous wealth and heritage can become, the fear of loss in wealth, status and respect in society, but they never worry about their fate in the eye's of God. I do believe that anyone with God consciousness, will begin to behave better. Never afraid to stand up for justice and equality. Will be rigid in their stance of beliefs, opposing whatever is neccessary, for the sake of what is fair and just in God's Law. I see how people measure others by how many dollars and cents they have to their name, and by this means, it determines how they are treated. I see that people, by others doing their will, they favour them, or pretend to like them, and I see how many people act up for those that determine their income and livlihood. I abhor, I cannot tolerate these life choices, which are fake and complicated, with no direction nor faith. Yet, I see all this in my closest daily interaction in the circle of community, not by choice but by manipulative injustice and disrespect for others' rights as well as by fear of loss, I face this daily. This is a negativity that takes it's toll on anyone with God conscious awareness. The hard hearted will blend in well. The materialistic fakers and phoney users as well, anyone who feels they gain something from acting the part, will fit in. This small scale society, self made community, inflicts it's poison on youngsters who are like an empty glass waiting to be filled, but with knowledge that will not be helpful in the future. Now, we realise the hadith that says , children are born pure, until they are taught other wise, that is taught everything but not how to serve Allah SwT. Nothing can be done about this obnoxious situation, except supplicate to the Rabb of us all, and be patient. In trying to be a character representative of what Islam is, a person may well turn out to be the target for discrimination. -lorrainenur@2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The difference facing death.



when a person is with Allah SwT, and has iman, they work towards being closer. Death is like a breath of fresh air, the chance to go home. The vilifiers, are afraid of death, because they feel they will face punishment. So, they should be afraid!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tests and trials, burdens of life


Who needs children, when people use them to cause pain. Whether they know it or not. By their attitude and behaviour, one’s children, in the care of others, will become foreign to a mother, eventually. As all the rights and liberties assigned by God’s laws are trodden on. This is a situation that breaks the camel’s back, when disrespect to mothers’ comes from the environment they grow up in, resulting in causing unbearable hurt and pain. Which, a mother, has to then make a choice, a insticnt of how to survive. Without her children , she feels dead. With their rotten examples and following bad characteristics, they kill her, so what is the difference for a mother, to never ever have to see or be with her children again? She is made to seem as an unimportant object in their lives, so much so, they disregard her as anything but that! Even if they are young, then shouldn’t it be the adult carers who show better examples. Imagine , a mother who has done nothing wrong, needs supervised contact in a designated environment to be with her children! That is not reality or real life, that is the devil’s way to cause more heartache and tension. So, the better and wiser, stronger and braver, will walk away for a better cause and to live a life fulfilled. After all, these children are now born and all they need is the education to become efficient people. But as the lessons taught by both sides are contradictory, it is as if the same as lying. I need to justify my life and I will be responsible for my actions, and as a mother who now says she has no children, only so they will realise, all of them, that they have crossed the line! Bear it all up from now on, in front of God and the future, you will be responsible for yourselves. Let this mother rest, before her body is buried alive by the filth and rotten nature of humans with no God consciousness. Perhaps she will be relinquished of the anguish they cause by ignorance. How shameful! My mother once told me, nobody is indispensible, she was right! Children need their mothers, not vice versa! Mothers can live through it all with strength because when she becomes a victim of injustice, angels will surround her. God can replace everything. Which mother suffered because her children did not want her? Which child suffered because they did wrong to their mother? What does Islam teach about mothers? These children have liberty to go every where but not to their own mother, me! Three times they have been to someone’s home just below in the same complex but they have never come to their mothers’ place, because their father is neurotic plus paranoid. And noone will stand up to it, noone will support the mother, noone will make a stand…because he has money. And this is evil tyrant’s injustice….. as in Al Qur’an their lot is served, in this dunya and the akhirat. As for me, Allah knows best, how much I can bear. Time to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Make yourselves ready for Jahannam, the place for tyrants and hypocrites. While you have been doing this to me for 7 years, the place for your end is forever.



Friday, February 15, 2013

Orang yang tidak bijaksana

Allahu alam! Sebab dan akibat! Jangan suka menyalahkan orang dan kira diri sendiri yang terzhalimin! Padahal yang bikin muskillah ialah diri sendiri! Yang bikin muskillah diantara anak sama Ibunya ialah yang yang mengadu dan adu domba menambahkan fitnah, nemeemah dan ghibah! Hati2 dengan sebutan dari lidah yang tidak terkontrol dan otak yang terpengaruh Iblis! - lorrainenur@2013

The Fire Pg 74 from The Lives of Man - Imam Al Haddad

The Fire Pg 74 from The Lives of Man - Imam Al Haddad
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَمَاتُوا وَهُمْ كُفَّارٌ أُولَٰئِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ لَعْنَةُ اللَّهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ
Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- on them is Allah's curse, and the curse of angels, and of all mankind;
خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا لَا يُخَفَّفُ عَنْهُمُ الْعَذَابُ وَلَا هُمْ يُنظَرُونَ
They will abide therein: Their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot).
وَإِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحْمَٰنُ الرَّحِيمُ
And your Allah is One Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَالْفُلْكِ الَّتِي تَجْرِي فِي الْبَحْرِ بِمَا يَنفَعُ النَّاسَ وَمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مِن مَّاءٍ فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَابَّةٍ وَتَصْرِيفِ الرِّيَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ الْمُسَخَّرِ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ
Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise.
وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَتَّخِذُ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَندَادًا يُحِبُّونَهُمْ كَحُبِّ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِّلَّهِ وَلَوْ يَرَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا إِذْ يَرَوْنَ الْعَذَابَ أَنَّ الْقُوَّةَ لِلَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعَذَابِ
Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah): They love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty: that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty.
إِذْ تَبَرَّأَ الَّذِينَ اتُّبِعُوا مِنَ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوا وَرَأَوُا الْعَذَابَ وَتَقَطَّعَتْ بِهِمُ الْأَسْبَابُ
Then would those who are followed clear themselves of those who follow (them): They would see the penalty, and all relations between them would be cut off.
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاءُ وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ فَقَدِ افْتَرَىٰ إِثْمًا عَظِيمًا
Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed.
لَقَدْ كَفَرَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ وَقَالَ الْمَسِيحُ يَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ رَبِّي وَرَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ مَن يُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ فَقَدْ حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ الْجَنَّةَ وَمَأْوَاهُ النَّارُ وَمَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ مِنْ أَنصَارٍ
They do blaspheme who say: "Allah is Christ the son of Mary." But said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help.
إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ فِي الدَّرْكِ الْأَسْفَلِ مِنَ النَّارِ وَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُمْ نَصِيرًا
The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them;-

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Negative antagonism destroys iman, bad jiin and shaytan environment creators.

The bad jiin, the syaitan, will always be alert to cause diversion, division and destruction: so much so they will attack those who want to do their obligations and please, they will leave the ones who do not make devotions alone, because those need not be tempted. These bad entities cannot be seen but felt. They will cause unneccessary confusion, hurt and pain to manipulate and make trouble. They will use children in fights to upset parents, and when parents themselves aren't alert, and these events become out of hand, then the bad jiin and syaitan have achieved their aim. When we do something wrong, we must quickly make ammends, apologise and feel regret. At once, without ego or pride, and make the situation well again. Confrontation, negative antagonistic behaviour, words and actions, in an environment without light is like a bomb waiting to detonate. Improper words and actions that children learn and vice versa will come from their environment. Everyone is born in purity till their parents teach them to be otherwise. Or lack of attention and discipline in the home environment will cause non Islamic habits to flourish. These bad jiin and syaitan, know the weaknesses of individuals. In an atmosphere that feeds them, they become strong from the negativityy that surrounds them, hence any Islamic education and or influence will be fought off by them. The daily rituals in any Islamic household should be the regular shalat, the reading of Al Qur'an, reading shalawat, within a structured text like Ratib Al Hadad or Ratib AlAtos. The zikir of Allah(SWT) Subhana wa Taala must be taught to children, and also shown by example, as a daily habit in a home. So, when a home lacks these motivations and positive energy from Al Qur'an, the establishment of shalat and other devotions, the bad and negative energy of bad jiin and syaitan, will take control of that home and environment. It is as if a dedicated seeker and believer will fight waves to dakwah and teach in a negative and dark environment as such, which have many people who care not about the rules and regulations stipulated by Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, and they go about their lives, defining themselves by status, wealth and control. Little do they realise, they bring more and more syaitan and bad jiin into their homes, with attitude and behaviour that go against Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. Every muslim knows that angels do not enter the home where their is a dog in it.

Abu Talha reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) having said: Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.
It says in Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi (8/72):

The words “the angels do not enter” mean: the angels of mercy, not the recording angels or the Angels of death. End quote.

Ibn al-Atheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

What is meant is the angels who travel about and not the recording angels and those who are present at the time of death. End quote.

Let alone if you totally ignore this hadith , and put the animal in a space where there is Asma ul Husna. As an example, this is disrespecting the names of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. No barakah can come from such acts. And a heart that will not follow what Al Qur'an states, nor follow the hadith of Rasulallah (saaw)salallahu wa alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa sallam, is a hard heart. Therefore, if we are to raise true muslim children, we must create an environment and daily lifestyle that will project to them the feeling and picture of what Islam is to us. We have children and as parents it is our duty and responsibility to educate them in Islam, making them knowledgable in accordance to Al Qur'an and true sunnah of Rasul (saaw). We are in the end of times, the bad and negative energy is heightening. We will all have to face the Qiyamaah. Our children and our descendants must be given the best tools as true muslims, to recognise good from bad characteristics, how to be the best in the true form of a human, and to feed their souls by daily observance that the shareah teaches us. This is their right, and it must be fulfilled. Anyone, who lacks concern in these matters, will be held responsible for negligence. They will be asked about this amanah that they neglected. May Allah SWT make it easy for us to strive in the path and to teach the best and hand down the best Islamic knowledge to our children. In today's environment, media is the tool which syaitan uses to infiltrate the minds of our beloved children, so much so that Islamic values are trodden on, and syaitan values are ingrained. Subconsciously, our children are taught to be disobedient and they do not realise this. The media of movies and songs shows, teaches and encourages bad habits in our children. If we have no control or daily Islamic habits in our homes, we will have unruly children. The responsibility of this has to be taken seriously. How can our children have better choices when they aren' t taught? How can they make good decisions when they have no knowledge? Certainly, we shall all be tested by family, spouses, wealth and this dunya is a playground and a test. One day, it will be too late for regrets.

رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ
O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer. Surah 14:40

(Bukhari) In the name of Allah. O Allah! Protect us from Satan and also protect what you bestow upon us (i.e. the coming offspring) from Satan.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The past haunts

My children are my life, joys and wonders. There was a time before they arrived when I wondered if I would ever have any. Whilst, raising other people's children and having neighbours' children fill my home, I kept praying for my own. In those days, I was kept busy with home duties and family, never asking or doubting that my life was blessed in many ways. When my first child was born, with all the happiness and gratitude I felt, life was not without troubles of other sorts. Having to deal with running a family mostly alone then was a huge task, but that was all I knew. That was my life , I didn't know better. I withstood trials within a marriage that was far from perfect or happy. But for my faith and sincerity of my life choice, I devoted a large part of my life in something I believed in. As life turns out today, the devotion and care which I sincerely gave for almost twenty years turns out to be a terrible dissappointment. Nothing of the toils have paid off in seeing bad life decision choices and attitude. So for what it was worth, it has not enhanced my life. Yet, those past years, were used wisely from a religious perspective. The reality is now clear that we make ourselves what we want to become but we cannot change others. So, the most blessings that came from that imperfect past, are my five children, in whom my toils and perseverance were rewarded by having them and that has made the madness of the past memories, bearable. Today, in a scenario which is less than perfect, I strive once again, to raise children of my own, with all hope and prayers, with faith and certainty, a mother's prayer for her children will always be answered by Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, that they will never compromise their deen and grow to become good muslims in the deen. I have no further hope for anythingelse, other than this. For my children matter most to me and they are the legacy I leave on this Earth. Women in Al Qur'an, have been raised in status and worth. Our rights as muslimahs are to be respected. And Jannah is at the feet of mothers. ~ lorrainenur @2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

When TRUST is broken

When trust is broken, it needs time and proof to regain. When someone loses trust, it is a difficult and painful experience to have to endure. Inevitably, the one whose trust has been broken, will lack interest in having any more time involved with the one who lost the trust. If one's mindset is determined on being correct all the time, never wrong or cannot comprehend how that trust had been compromised, then such a person has a problem admitting to mistakes, has a high ego, is not yet capable of progress or even to apologise. This kind of character is also usually proud and inconsistent in behaviour, acts and speech. The person who abuses trust must work hard to improve self, knowing that a wrong has been done, should quickly make ammends. In Islam, we are taught to be honest and trust worthy. We are encouraged to always tell the truth and be kind; we are taught to be kind especially to children. We have been encouraged to be friendly and humble, in these are rewards and a smile is charity. How can someone whom we trust, pretend for so long to be what they're not or that they change to the extent they take things for granted as eventually the truth always emerges, people never think they will be discovered until it's too late. Sometimes, they get warnings but because of egocentricness, they fail to heed and calamity strikes, trust is broken. They then wonder what happenned. It's never too late to change attitudes and thinking, to benefit oneself. It's never too late to learn better ways. The challenge is to come out of the comfort zone, and try. Giving one's best in everything done sincerely will create a sense of contentment and achievement. One cannot advice another unless one is doing that particular action. One must always be grateful that there is still time for reflection and make positive progressive change, without the alter ego directing falseness. Trust is an important factor, once broken, it will need alot of effort to regain. Imam Al Hadad reminds that once a person has been known to lie, this person should be avoided until they repent, prove themselves to have changed before anybody should trust them again. Facts back up truth, once a story of lies evolves , it develops and becomes a web of lies. When truth emerges, the person lies more to try and refute, when will they understand that it gets tiring having to deal with antagonistic negativity. Being antagonistic is bad enough, negative enough, but antagonistic negativity, is when every other phrase is an attack and blame, always trying to find the faults, rather than see the good. Always trying to make a hole rather than plug it. Always needing to be right, and with that comes their power, their need to wield it and they feel in control. When in actual fact, they have no control or power over anything because everything is weak based on fakeness , insincerity and lies. Character inconsistency develops because one is affected by moods or consent of others, as to how they would react or choose to be. Sad individuals and full of misery, their lives become dull and without meaning. If, as muslims we have taken hold strongly on the rope left from Heaven, inshaallah, the doors of repentance are still open, and Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala is Most Merciful, and His Mercy outweighs His wrath. Let us improve ourselves and purify ourselves from the sickness of nafs, as true muslims, let us surrender ourselves to our Rabb, and become humble servants on the path home. ~ lorrainenur@2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


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Al Qur’an has been sent , but it cannot be forced upon. Rasulallah salallahu alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa salam(saaw), has lived and now is departed, yet the stronghold of deen is still in place for those that want to hold onto it firmly, inshaallah all promises for us will be fulfilled. As for those, infidels, disbelievers, hypocrites and puppets of ADajjal, who choose not to follow, the promises for them as well will be fulfilled.

I was sent a petition to sign for the capture of an individual who blasphemed Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala and Rasulallah salallahu alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa salam, very badly, it made my stomach turn, I felt sick, her face was evil, her words were rotten and her blaspheming was full of hatred. I have faced anti Islamic sentiments before and read some sites to the effect, yet this was different. She is a murtad, a born muslim who now has left Islam. Seriously, to do so for anyone is a matter of personal choice but to then go ahead and try to discredit Islam, as well as lead others onto the wrong path, is a war cry! Someone , a mischief maker, playing on the weak or humans with no deen but are born into Islamic families. To bring about the ultimate plan of AdDajjal, that is to mislead and take as many humans and jiin with him to Jahannam.

The Adlin case, is by far, a scary and bad case of a mental patient living in a dream world of hatred based on only she/him/the group know what, when and why. I tend to be very suspicious of any thing that has the slightest sniff of AdDajjal’s plan, when I see humans , ex-muslims they call themselves, and disbelievers, haters of muslims, all being used by the negative forces to create despair.

Well, this will not stop happening. Muslims in crisis are those who will at once leap to send off more insults as bad as the ones the perpetrators offer. The ummat must remember their dignity, and follow the ways of Rasulallah salallahu alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa salam, in all matters, and this crisis of infiltration within is already a known fact! They will now start to destroy your characters by infuriating you to become like them, using emotions to dispel the devotions and deen.

The knowledge which only Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala offers to selected individuals, called ilm laduni, is real, so when someone tells you, that this is the Dajjal plan, Adlin and the rest who work their evilness are his pawns, believe it! I recognise the sound of the words and tone, that this is the antics and misbehaviour of the one eyed blind Dajjal, who is preparing the world for his appearance. Inshaallah, mukminin ,mukminat, yaa ummaati, stay strong, firm, in zikirullah always, and read the verses of Surah Al Kahf to protect yourself from the deliberate attacks.

Once, ‘they’ reviled the muslims as terrorists and killed all the ones who dared to retaliate, they then insulted the religion and now the focus is to dismember the ummat.

Let us take care of our deen, our family, our children and ourselves, uniting in doa/supplication as the sword to defend, and wait patiently for Al Mahdi to arrive. All these events have been foretold, but without details; we have been given the ultimate guidance to abide by. We have also been told to avoid AdDajjal, laknatullah. If anyone cares to go to the past posts will see that these reminders have been coming for the last 2 years…. not only from my blog, but through the ways of the scholars and habaib to help support the deen of the ummat. LOVE is the key, not HATE. And hate and anger is what they are targeting. Safeguard your emotions and run to the teachers of tharekat, make zikir and learn to inculcate the daily devotions effectively.

This is the fitnah zaman. This is the ummat who will face it, who will face Qiyaamah and who will also be first to enter Jannah.

Especially teach the children well, to warn and protect themselves in the future as adults. The ummat of Muhammad saaw, have Allah SwT , as Protector. Laa haula wala quwatta ilabillah hil aliyyil aziim.

Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala knows best.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My afternoon tests.

It was a flustering afternoon. The days have been very hot, and I finally managed to gear myself to go out, to do some errands, facing the heat, the mobs and the traffic. I wanted to buy a pillow for my daughter and stock up on groceries. As I reached the mall, we had to wait for the parking ticket as the dispensers had all broken after the floods, seeing the poor boy in the sweltering heat made me feel I was luckier in the coolness of my car. I parked outside the mall, and ventured ... I went to the booth that sold the pillow but the attendant wasn't there, so I decided to walk up the escalators that were also not working, to the minimart and the emproium. As I walked out from the emporium, the security alert machine buzzed and I had to walk back to the cashier, as they had forgotten to release the little antitheft button..with all my other heavy shopping. Remembering to be patient, I went down the escalators again, to the pillow booth, got the pillow and went back to my car. I then decided to go to the supermarket for other groceries, in the heat and unruly traffic that is Jakarta;one must learn defensive driving and have alot of patience. The stifling heat does not help either. As we are queued to enter the carpark of the small supermarket, all with indicators on and waiting, a car suddenly comes in from the left lane, cuts in and I found that so rude. I wished him not to get a car space, as he moved in and other cars were waiting he had to move ahead, and so missed a car space which I then took. A blessing in a way, yet tests never stop. As I moved into where the other car had moved out from, I was told by the parking attendant that I needed to repark my car to the right abit more, there was enough space for another car just there, and I asked him if a car could fit there, he said yes, so I asked why did I have to move. He insisted, and his stupidity infuriated me. When I reparked, and coming out of my car, had adhered to his instructions, my car door accidentally hit the car next to me, very lightly. The owner sitting in his parked car, honked at me... And told me rudely, in bahasa, ,"Bawa mobil baik2 ah!" for a moment , I wondered how I wanted to react, but decided just to apologise, saying,"Sorry." He continued to comment something in English, so I came up to his opened window and asked him, what he had said. So rudely, he closed his car window, as I glared in disbelief at peoples' rudeness, plus stupidity. I felt like opening his door and ask him again, but I thought it would not serve any purpose, but I was so angry. As I walked into the supermarket, I said to the attendants that it made no sense that I had to repark, and they laughed and insisted, that it did. I was infuriated... I felt that they had no respect and was picking on me because I was a woman! So, I call my husband, who was at work nearby, to come over, as I was so angry and that these people were so wrong. I wanted his presence knowing it would make a difference. At the checkout my face was probably very fierce as people were staring at me, and I waited for Kar to come. He came in a four wheel drive, parked right behind my car, gallantly got out from his car, in his Friday mosque attire, and questioned the attendant as to what the problem was and why they had upset his wife. The parking attendant suddenly became weak, he fumbled, he started bowing in respect, he started to defend himself, I told him that they inconvenienced me and that the other driver was rude, that they should not behave that way... And finally he apologised, Kar was gallant,wise and brilliant at handling the stupidity of the attendant, and adviced him, to treat women better. We do not expect royal treatment, but we do expect courtesy,politeness, help and friendliness. Noone knows what the other person has just been through before they get to their next stop, so to be nice is not difficult, and stay nice always. Ignorance and stupidity is a fault everyone can improve, a matter of whether they want to or not. Having a male presence changed the entire scenario, situation and why does that have to be the case, that women get picked on. If I wasn't conscious that I am a muslimah dressed and portrayed as Islam shows, I would have done some silly mistakes today. But, husbands are protectors and defenders of their wives, so my husband is my hero and I am proud to be his wife, proud of how he is prepared to defend me in any circumstance, when I haven't made mistakes or done wrong. Alhamdullilah, I am most lucky. Inshaallah, all husbands are gallant, love and protect their wives for every good cause. And wives show appreciation for good husbands who have high morals and values that they value good wives. Shukran zaujah,I love you heaps. May Allah bless you forever, in this world and the next.

Remembering Maulid

Rasulallah (*saaw)salallahu alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa salam came to teach better ways at a time when mankind was drowning in polytheism and forgetfulness, entranced by wealth and life was wretched for the poor as slavery and injustice were predominant. A time of darkness and depression. As the beloved was born, light filled this world and hope was born. The revelations of Al Qur'an descended with Jibril (a.s) alaihisalam , to Prophet Muhammad saaw. We are reminded throughout the recitations, clearly and directly, how to achieve peace within, how to serve and adore Allah SwT in worship. We are taught better ways. We are living in a world which chastise us and cause us tiredness, day in and out. Unending it seems and for as long as we breathe, this tiredness will not disappear. We must achieve something on this tired journey. We must prepare a place of perpetual rest, for that time when we can completely rest and enjoy the fruits of this labour. Our devotions are our vision and mission in life. Allah SwT (Subhana wa Ta'ala) has said that He created mankind and jiin only to worship Him , thus the tiredness of life must have a good ending if we remember to serve Him as Al Qur'an has indicated and as Rasulallah saaw has inculcated all Al Qur'an in his life: we who believe that there is no other god to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, must adopt his examples if we are to successfully prepare our abode after the journey ends. Imagine travelling with no end destination nor any hospitable place to rest. Follow the words of Allah SwT to achieve peace of mind, clarity of the soul and overall healthy well being, which will automatically reflect in our characters and wise life choices. The ability to do this is just by giving back time; to allocate time and being consistent in worship to Allah SwT by practising solat, reading Al Qur'an and making supplications for all this journey's needs. Rasulallah saaw is our light house, the beacon to safety, back home. Allah humma solli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alih wa shohbihi wassalam. Allah humma solli ala ummat. May Allah bestow peace and blessings on our beloved and noble Prophet saaw, his family and companions and to the entire nation.
Allah SwT shines His Light through the light of Muhammad saaw. Allah SwT is Most Gentle,Loving and Forgiving. Allah SwT loves those who love Rasulallah saaw and all creation makes sholawat of Nabi Muhammad saaw. To love Rasulallah saaw is to make sholawat as much as possible, and Allah SwT mentions us to the angels and all creation mentions us. Allah SwT remembers those who remember Him. Rasulallah's saaw supplication for this ummat never ceases and when maulid Nabi is remembered and people gather to recite salutations, praises and prayers, Rasulallah saaw is happy, his smile is as the fresh morning and all angels lift the sholawat and supplications to the
Arsy of Allah SwT happily and with such fervour. Inshaallah may all our devotions be acceptable and answered.
Jazakallah sayyidina Muhammad saaw khayran. Jazakallah Nabi ummati. He who is the freshness of morning, the sun and moon that always shines, whose love preserves humanity, whose devotions are our pillars, whose character is flawless, whose impecable presence is always felt, whom is missed and loved forever, whose presence we yearn for, whose voice we long to hear, whose warmth is felt like an outstrecthed hand, whose physical presence is a dream to come true, whose family are true to him, his progeny and followers increase and whose directions lead us to Jannah. Ya Rasulallah, Habiballah, grant us your shafa'a on that day when this journey will produce whatever we sow now.~lorrainenur@2013