
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Muslims today, here & there, we're everywhere


After reading two articles of a muslim brother, a Palestinian descent,born and raised in America, I realised that all muslims have a personal jihad. Not just the jihad within to contain and fight bad characteristics or desires, but also a jihad of awareness to communities. I remember well, 25 years ago, in Australia, as a new muslimah, I had no contact with many muslims,I did not have access to books,literally, I was under spiritual guidance sent by Allah Ta'ala, in my journey as a muslimah in a non-muslim country. Everything I needed to learn, always miraculously, "appeared" for me, which made it easier for me to learn the fundamental basics of practicing Islam.

I do however, also remember that the Australians always were wary of me as I dressed Islamically, with hijab and flowing dresses. I felt proud and distinct, being able to identify with Islam, I was out of the generally popular muslim areas in New South Wales, and having just migrated, I found myself facing many challenges,which tested my loyalty to the religion of my choice.I was born and raised in a Catholic family,in Singapore, my parents ancestry are British, Irish, Portuguese,Siamese and possibly Indonesians or Arabs, I cannot be sure. I chose Islam at the age of 22, in Singapore, after 7 years of soul searching and learning about various other belief systems,and of course after completing reading the Bible.

I had so many confronting questions about life, death, the meaning of life, why did some countries have poor and suffering, why were there wars, why was there a heaven and hell, where do we go after death, what is the soul and so on and so forth. I asked many people within the clerics, religious people, looked into books and articles, until finally, having the English transliteration of Al Qur'an in my possession, a gift from a friend, I decided to read it, after I had read a book on the 99 Names of Allah, which, began to confuse me a little, as in Catholicism we were taught there were 3 gods in 1 , and I thought 99? How more confusing, as I always knew from a very young age, the God is One. In the beginning of the booklet, was a story about a sheikh who had many murids that he taught zikir to, it was this kalimat that shook me, unlocked my heart and with a golden shiny glow of light "Laa ilaa ha ilallah" was implanted into and locked in my heart, my qalb. I knew then, that my search for truth was on the right path, I began reading the English transliteration of Al Qur'an. One by one, each of the questions that had bombarded me for the last 7 years began to be answered. I felt lighter, I felt brighter, I felt that life was starting to make sense. I began my life as a muslimah, feeling a great sense of complete contentment.

25 years later, I have been through many challenges as a muslimah, faced with many contradictions, having learnt shareah,tharekah,and now living in a country whose population is 99% muslim, I am taken aback, by how we muslims in the West struggle for the right to practice our faith,we relish and appreciate the Islamic value that it has given in our lives; I see many muslims suffering at the intolerance of religion in other countries, I see muslims fighting among anti-Islamists, then I see within Indonesia, sad to say, muslims and muslims having conflicts, and this saddens me. I see, Islam taken for granted or ignorance of some ,who follow but don't understand.I feel saddened, that Islam which has spread far and wide, is not understood to it's full potential as a way of life.

Perhaps if people took time to really evaluate what Islam means for them, without being judgmental on themselves or others; perhaps if people took the time to understand and see the beauty that Islam holds, they may start to appreciate that Islam is truly infact the perfect guide for us all. Inshaallah, the link to this brother's site may be an eye opener for some.

May peace,love & light be showered on us all.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Indigoes & other Light Workers

I believe in positive thinking & positive awareness,in eradicating negativity in life,I am pro self improvement on all levels. ~LorraineNur


People who do not understand about inner qualities & gifts of psychic empaths, be they Indigoes,Crystals or Octarines; always make wrong assumptions.They label us "magicians" or occultists.They have no perception of awakenings,enlightenment of the soul,a path & journey of seekers to the path of Love,Light&Peace: Light workers on the Earth, helped by angels to create a positive environment for all.

All light workers are lovers of truth,paths to peace & harmony,synergising,balancing & releasing good positive energy;Love of God. Most are psychic,endowed with special ability to love without conditions for all humankind,they do not judge,they try to help. They are angels on Earth.They work for the sake of Love,Light & Peace,they come from all backgrounds,cultures&religions. 

Most know who they are,whilst some are evolving to heightened abilities,they are survivors of life's troubles,system busters. They have only your best interest at heart,when you meet them,don't hurt them nor abuse them,they are your light workers. Most psychics have a God given ability which they use for all goodness,their aura attracts those like themselves,usually paired.

When matched, they work together,have a tremendous love which ascends and transcends,all worldly matters.They are almost as twins.

I have been incorrectly accused of being a magical Indigo, in a negative sense, I hope this sheds some light on the subject.


Light Workers


We are all helpers of the Universe

We serve humankind for the sake of Universal Love
We serve wholly for the sake of the ONE Creator
We are aided by Angels, they help & guide us
We have pure intentions
We have no animosity
We love,laugh 7 cry with you
We watch the world
We pray for the world

We create the ambience of balance,light,love & peace

~LorraineNur, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Universal positivity


Transgressing limits of human endeavour, we reach for the stars still attached to the world. The contamination which forms within the hearts that harden. This is a disease of all beings when they forget their roots. Relying so much on the world and trying to control everything, and they forget that devastations are in their paths which they cannot, block or avoid.

As humans we have a definite ego problem , which when not eradicated tends to make monkeys of humans, utilising brain as animals with no path or direction of life. Following desires that are destructive to themselves as well as to their environments and surroundings.

In depth reflection of self would help sufferers from disillusions to collect senses and relocate perspectives as part of a healthy human mind. A constant and abiding faith which one holds, is the pivot of life, though many take for granted and utilise the small animalistic brain waves to function at low levels , degradation of the human when ego is their constant companion.

Humans strive on love, love is a powerful generator of good, wholesome and positive energy. This energy drives humans to better deeds and lives. They would be aware of better ways and characteristics, behaving as higher life forms, with love as a companion throughout life.

In their hardened hearts, the mirrors dirty and darkness resides, humans have no glow when they have no love.The weak minded , have their free will and level of tolerance for others who attack in aggravating and constant waves, these also need to upgrade self worth to realise that having negativity within their environment is senseless as devastation will never end, a propelled audience for the animalistic lower life human form receives attention , they strive from causing disharmony.Being in balance and in harmony needs a sincere and conducive environment to thrive, if not it will be dehydrated and whither to a lifeless form.

"Cut the weeds that spoil the crop, Everything moves in it's own circles, and negativity retracts from positivity."


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In the midst of reflection


Yaa Mujiibu

Mankind's share of this name, to respond when we are called upon,  is described in the Qur'ân (2:186):

When my servants ask thee concerning Me I am indeed close (to them); I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me; let them also with a will listen to My call and believe in Me; that they may walk in the right way.

The more I reflect upon the circumstances of humanity,the more I am convinced about the plans Of Allah SWT,that the Holy Qur'an does have all the secrets locked within, as well as what is stated clearly, that the signs that warn us to repent, are in all fairness, given because Allah SWT loves us and wants the best for mankind. Remember, that mankinds' gretatest enemy is only one with a mighty force to consume any individual that gives it the right to take over and manipulate the mind, for it is within that shell it will direct mankind to undo the goodness Allah SWT bestows on us as Allah"s perfect creation.This last ummaat must survive the onslaught of the perverted enemy which is only one but a force so great it gathers troops from jinn and mankind. It does not care except to cause destruction to humanity.Mankind be wiser,stronger and faithful toward the Almighty,the ultimate Protector.YaaMujiibu ~ The Fullfiller of Prayers,  The Answerer of Prayers,  The Responsive One

Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 as per research & Al Qur’an – a warning of the signs

Dear brothers/sisters in Islam, dear brothers/sisters in Humanity,

Sincere thanks to all those who support me and still find value in my research findings even if nothing ever happens as it is Allah alone Who decided what happens and when (if any) as stated in the above verse.

The start of our events is dependent on God’s Will and on the Islamic Hijri calendar which should start on the Day of Hijra not the Year of Hijra which is 26 Safar 1433 - 22 Rabi’ I 1433 == 20 Jan – 14 Feb 2012. This makes the 44th day (the first event) to be between 03 - 28 March 2012 (xls,doc) but God knows and controls all as per above Quranic verse.

The strange sky sounds heard over Malaysia and elsewhere may be due tosolar flares or Earth’s core changes due to Earth slowing down at different rates for different layers as Planet X approaches.

If you hear the sound live, then immediately put your head to the ground and attest that “God is greater than anything imaginable” or simple said “Allah Akbar” regardless of your religious path. This may also help explain the continuous changes to the weather every few days as our solar system sails through an ever-increasing-in-frequency galactic scalar wave.

Please watch this healing universe video while keeping in mind that thePrimalogy values of certain Quranic verses may gives us the exact healing frequencies we need (in some natural frequency unit not Hz).

Allah knows better and controls everything in real time.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

God given right of choice

"Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a believer, We will give them a good life and recompense them according to the best of what they did" (Surat an-Nahl: 97).

The choice is yours

Life is set as we make it, with the intelligence given to all humans. We create our circumstances, we can change our circumstances ; improve and benefit from it or it can be destructive. Our God given faculties of intelligence enable us to choose better if we desire improvement. Nobody is responsible for how we feel, no one can be responsible for our happiness or unhappiness. No one can control how we feel. Situations and circumstances may manipulate our thoughts, creating either harmony or disharmony, our power is the ability to control ourselves.

Therefore, a person with sadness and pain, must take responsibility for that, she/he allowed words to be misinterpreted, that caused those feelings. A situation which is unattainable now, may be so, later. Acceptance, is a key to life’s inner peace. When we take care to be responsible for all our thoughts, which causes an action or re-action, we take the power to be in control of our lives. There is no gathering without a movement, no changes without a gathering, we create and mould ourselves, by imaging a future, we create a photographic hologram of what we desire, that plants a nucleus that will form as a cell, that reflects,our plan or feeling,for NOW!

A movement, creates an encounter, creates a change!

The power of the mind is an incredible God given faculty, that we have as a tool, to use, as we choose, when we WANT to improve.

In Allah’s law, that is Islam or submission to Allah Almighty alone,individual rights and responsibilities are clearly defined in Quran 91:7–10:

“And a soul and Him Who perfected it And taught it what is wrong and what right for it.He is indeed successful who purifies it,And he will indeed fail who corrupts it.”

Soul & Spirit

~Love, light & peace

Lorraine Nur