
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some night thoughts, collection of Tweets~LorraineNur~

Note to self: Cart your cute toosh to Ray's room and dream with angels! You don't wanna have me drag you to bed, honey! LOL!When we attain some spirituality in life, it would be a natural process to bend forward more in humility,shedding all ego in all matters.

Identifying your Islamic self as opposed to your religious and spiritual self, is an effort to attain understanding of who we are.

So many ignoramuses in the world today, full of frustrations!They have no real reasons but plain stupidity.

IMO: Each time your President makes a mistake,there always seems to be a bombing to distract the nation!

RT @funnyfacts_: RT @iQuotePics: If T.G.I.F means "Thanks God It's Friday" ... does S.H.I.T mean "Sorry Honey, It's Thursday" ??!

  • Faith: when you close your eyes and take the fall.

Note to self: Cart your cute toosh to Ray's room and dream with angels! You don't wanna have me drag you to bed, honey! LOL!

Mother's built in antenae, sleepover @kids becomes a night without sleep! In my place I would be on cloud nine and snoring! Sigh ****

  • Sleepless in Jakarta! I guess I should go to Monas, as in the American version!
  • Awakening is realising you wake up alone and sleep alone!
  • Humour is reading reactions and comments on Twitter and FB!
  • Progress is planning a sixth marriage!
  • Change is good when all else follows!
  • Depressed is when you need her and she's gone before you realised her worth.
  • Old age when Tweeter is more interesting than sleep.
  • Special is when your weaknesses doesn't matter!
  • Annoying is sleeping next to someone who grinds their teeth in sleep!
  • Love is to give freely.
  • Broken is a heart in pieces
  • Gullible is not asking supporting evidence!
  • Foolish is hoping when there was nothing!
  • Ignorance is believing every word!
  • Stupidity is when you assume too much!

A lion watches before he decides how to tackle a prey.The prey is overwhelmed by lack of concentration to danger ,not all preys r victims.


Colour tones of life, make it bright!

~LorraineNur~ Love,peace & light

Some ~Night thoughts by Lorraine Nur via Twitter.~TWEETS Collection! Part I

Having a relationship is all in the mind,building a relationship is all from the heart.

Gradually,in time,all heals!Never give up on anything,for as long as you breath,you have hope!Never give in,defend what you believe in: you!

Keep open to love and falling in love,the sweetness is in the expectant rush of delirious emotions, how exciting!

There are some men who need more than one woman in their lives,for their own reasons,some can handle it and some can't.Women must be aware.

A questionable doubt, do women go for the men who show kindness and respect because they feel lonely or weak, perhaps scared?

When a woman loves she is devoted and when she plays she is excellent! A woman who knows herself is ultimately powerful.

It is mindboggling when older men take younger women after their wives have devoted time and have had their children.Did they forget something?

Sometimes,I really dislike speaking in my second language,people often misunderstand me.I have no choice and I try hard.

You can be as amazing as you choose to be! love, light & peace to you

Love mismatched,in patches,slowly comes together,a pattern of mystical auras and aromas.A blanket of warmth in,not knowing.Blessings.

And karma gets back too what hidden agendas people have to hurt and manipulate!Nothing that goes around but does come around.

Never a woman who has had a child,is not a good mother,she is the best for her child!

I just never met you, is a great song I heard today.It made me smile in hopeful dreams and wishing, I heaved a sigh of fondness.

Stress is being who you are not what is expected of you.Freedom to be who you are is refreshing.

Our children are our future,teach them well and allow them freedom to express,we mould the future,be good examples to them.

In the effort of successful upgrading a country,a nation must invest in education for future generations to become efficient as people.

Evolution is a process of gaining wisdom,understanding&cooperation from all,revolution is to kill a hope of peaceful resolution.

Thank God Indonesia is still one nation of islands,can you imagine the dire consequences otherwise?Look at the Middle East! No Revolution please.

Reality is calling,I may take some lovely sunset photos by the bay,while I await my kids to come back from play&I would not waste a day.

  • Antagonism: Saying something and doing the exact thing to create the something!
  • Manipulation: Saying something and doing something else.

Some people just don't get me, some just don't know me, some who know want to control me,others haven't got a clue what they know!

Ya Rabb, vindicate me.Elevate me, in Your eyes!

MC2=Energy.Energy.Velocity is Time/Space.Energy+Velocity=Dimension

Ego may destroy the perfect world we build. Ego is the curse of the heart when it is filled with a false sense of bravado.

That's why it's called Tweets, like birds chirping, can be very noisy!

People have no more sense of shame or respect for the living, what more the deceased.

We are told to seek knowledge and share,yet when wisdom dawns,critics never fail to plunder and abolish lessons,requited and absolved.

A teacher to a pupil is as a silver lining to a cloud, break it and it is just a normal speck in the sky.Teaching requires patience.

Terrorism suppresses our world enough,do we still have to have minor misunderstandings &conflicts without resolutions between one another?

One day, there will be no more poor and only the rich left, hence no more charity.

Why does the heart bleed, when we know all comes from Him, through His will and by His will.When we surrender all, we attain inner peace.

~LorraineNur, with love ,peace & light~


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ya Rabb, vindicate me.Elevate me, in Your eyes!

“Each day, I try so hard to learn and practice, closeness to My Rabb, knowing that I am a spec in His Universe. I yearn to be micro close to His Light. I am alive today only because of His will. I read and prayer, my sustenance is from Him , my source of all comes from Him, how then can I be a member of the devil’s club, who when he whispers, I feel it, who when comes close I feel, I am quite aware , am in the position to choose, and am empowered by my right as a soul, to choose the better path.

Saddened by false accusations. I must simply have faith, that I am guided by angels, because I do all for His sake.” ~Lorraine Nur,2011

The Prophet ﷺ (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) told us,“When Allah loves someone he calls to Jibreel (as) saying, ‘O Jibreel, I love such and such a person, so love him.’ Then Jibreel will call to the (angels) of the heavens, ‘Allah loves such and such a person so love him.’ And the angels will love [that person]. And then Allah will place acceptance on earth for that believer.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

“Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with the supererogatory (nawafil) so that I shall love him. When I love him, I shall be his hearing with which he shall hear, his sight with which he shall see, his hands with which he shall hold, and his feet with which he shall walk. And if he asks (something) of Me, I shall surely give it to him, and if he takes refuge in Me, I shall certainly grant him it.” (Bukhari)

9:128 There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.
9:129 But if they turn away, [O Muhammad], say, "Sufficient for me is Allah ; there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne."


Suggested reading from a different perspective:

1. ...........who else around here can talk with spirits!

2.Angel Guidance

Lorraine Nur ,2011

Zikir and dimensions

With much humility, I write again.

I am of the understanding that many people do not understand the concept of being in more than one place at a time. I fully understand the confusion, as it does take enough mental effort to remain focused on this life and the world events we face.

That doesn’t mean that the concept, or reality of some, does not exist. To be able to be in touch with more than one plane, a matter of brain functions, that capability is a gift bestowed. I can’t explain the how’s and I can’t explain the mechanisms. All I do understand is that when I tap into the realm of the other dimensions, I am being conscious of all existence in the entire Universe, that my God consciousness is activated, that I feel a mere speck in His creation.

As an energy form within the sphere of the human casing, I am entrapped wholly by the physical, my mental state determines, if I remain here or may “travel”. There I see and hear , but with my external senses, not with the physical organs of my body.Remember, the out of body experience or near death experience, when I am seeing myself asleep on the bed, but I am “up there” “up here” as a floating balloon, my clear mental vision is not my eyes. It is an emotion but I can “feel” although I have no physical abode.

Hence, our emotions entrap our feelings when we are in Alpha and Beta mode, in this world, the feelings are from the words and mental energy we use. When we raise our brain levels, to focus for instance, on God’s ONENESS, we can feel charged by an extraordinary power surge, and become, secluded although not.Our mantra, Allah Hu Allah will take us to that point, where all matters repeat this same chant, where we unify on the other level or dimension, this mantra will elevate us, chanting it on and on, it will raise us to the other dimensions, as we go higher and higher till a set point, we have been given permission to enter. As the energy form, we float without direction, not knowing where to go, chanting and thinking, Allah Hu Allah, is the road map, towards the point of meeting. Meeting with all who chant the same, all energy forms, glowing with Nur, Light. celebrating, a joyous LOVE, from the ONE source, Love, Light and eventually PEACE!

I am often misunderstood, as a muslim woman , speaking these details, some may be offended, others may find it mysterious, although, this experience has taken me through many difficulties, as it reinforces the existence of us and our connection to Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala and all creation, never extinguishes, and those before and those that will appear later, have always and will always exist.

I try to explain many things yet seems too many to discuss, eventually, I realise, it is not important to discuss, enough just to share.

May we all be guided and do our best to return to our original place of abode.

Love, Light and Peace to all.

Cinta,Nur & Salam

~Lorraine Nur~

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pebbled paths

As I enter yet another phase of spiritual development, an istiqamah , learning consistency and commitment to a series of devotions; I find the pebbled road again.

The path to HIM, is almost always pebbled, testing our endurance, strength, tenacity, stamina etc. Not unlike a young Shaolin monk, being given tests by his teacher.Learning humility and forgiveness, is also an agenda, which needs upgrading. The pebbled road, slowly and with a set pace, we remove the stones and reveal the path.

I have come across many pebbled paths, streets and roads in my life; each with it’s own dangers, risks and difficulties. Keeping focused on the journey, the end result, has made the endeavour a learning curve and being tested till I overcame each level, was tedious but worth while. Imagine playing a Nintendo or Play station game, in where to achieve we have to go past each level and if we failed, we have to re-try. Press the “X” button and it’s all over, press the “O” button, like a circle of life, we begin and keep at it, till we succeed.

When we compare real life to a these virtual games, we get the BIG picture!

“ اعْلَمُواأَنَّمَا الْحَيَوةُ الدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزِينَةٌ وَتَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌ فِى الاٌّمْوَلِ وَالاٌّوْلْـدِ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ الْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَاهُ مُصْفَرًّا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَامًا وَفِى الاٌّخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَغْفِرَةٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَنٌ وَمَا الْحَيَوةُ الدُّنْيَآ إِلاَّ مَتَـعُ الْغُرُورِ

Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment“. [57:20]

وَإِذَا رَأَوْاْ تِجَـرَةً أَوْ لَهْواً انفَضُّواْ إِلَيْهَا وَتَرَكُوكَ قَآئِماً

“Yet [it does happen that] when people become aware of [an occasion for] worldly gain or a passing delight, they rush headlong towards it, and leave you (O Muhammad) standing [and preaching]“. [62:11]”

Many times, we share our experiences, for those who will accept we discover happiness and gratitude, and for those who still have no connection to our words, we feel so destitute.

I often remind myself, that I can only try, as I myself am on the path of pebbles, as we all are, sometimes our paths may cross and we can help each other in clearing debris, sometimes we need to do it by ourselves. Although, at times we may be alone, we need to remember, we have the help of all the elements and energy of positivity to steer us, knowing , we will meet help and sustenance through faith towards the Divine source of all LOVE and LIGHT, where we head is an abode of PEACE!

Our commitment in devotions are personal towards the ONE. Who is our ultimate sustenance, guide and giver for everything we need to proceed on the pebbled paths towards our home, into loving arms, that will accept and comfort us, as we endured with patience only for HIS sake.

May we all be filled with riches in our hearts to completely live our lives to the best we can, and the fullest happiness be bestowed on us, for what we have received and for what we shall receive, at the end of all our pebbled paths.

Peace, Love & Light

~Lorraine Nur~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Singapore re-visited , 2011


I had a wonderful flight with Lufthansa, their business class is great. On this trip, I decided to treat myself, firstly because I haven't travelled in over a year and next, recuperating from a quite stressful period in the last few months. 

At he Soekarno-Hatta airport, my treatment as a 'queen" began, with priority check in, they were great! I didn't have to queue, they took care of my luggage, immigration was so elegant, it gave the man behind the desk a sense of honour to work there I'm sure, went throught to the lounge and waited for boarding. It was pleasant.

 sleep but happy to radak! And Barley juice

On board, I had a seat in the first row beside the window,wow! it reminded me of first class ages ago. I can't think what travelling first class must be like. It took me a while to figure out the seat, so many buttons to push and try out! pressing...pressing, ooohhh the chair moves into a bed position, how awesome...hahahahah I felt a right Mr.Bean!

Upon arrival at Singapore, I had a thought to check into a hotel, so the next day to the Indonesian Embassy would be easier. I approached the Tour Desk, unfortunately, the crotchety old lady serving, was getting a knickers in a knot, from her trainee being late coming back. As she was serving the China national family ahead of me, whle nagging, I thought it quite rude, and said so! I requested that she just help us get rooms, as it was late and we were tired, and continue their argument later! To my surprise, she did not take notice of us, I decided to go to my parents instead! That was a surprise for me, as usually Singaporeans are not like that! Well, she was upset because she was late going back, but was not in good taste. I was not about to let that ruin my  Jamons, it's ecstasy!

I arrived at my parents' place and was welcomed , it was nice to be home.

I stayed up all night, till morning, I still could not sleep, so dreary person took herself off to the Embassy like a zombie, squinting to keep the eyes open and yawning like a bear, accompanied so sweetly by my sister's husband. Poor lady from Bolivia , she was frustrated with Embassy staff, she was ahead of me, as I was nearly falling over from lack of sleep, I waited till my turn. the Embassy staff, a local, was also "garang" with this lady, poor thing. I was wondering, maybe it's the full moon making all these ladies crotchety. Taking a stroll to the shops

I had a nice brunch after, went home and slept. During the trip to the Embassy, I felt a need to book a hotel, I have no credit cards ( my bad habits of old!) so I had the gracious help of a dear friend to book one for me; Mum came and is now sleeping while I write this note. In a nice comfortable bed, all wrapped up! perhaps it's too cold!

We had a nice, mother daughter evening. Can't remember when the last time I slept with my Ma! hahahahha 

We went to Mustofa Centre, a great shopping place with loads of "barang-barang", you can spend a fortune there. heheheh.... At least I got what I wanted and more in one place. 

We ate across the street in one of the Indian restaurants, I was famished! The dish I ordered was a multi mix of curries, yoghurt, papadam, chapati and rice. Mum had Briyani. We each ordered ginger tea, which came in an odd looking way, a small cup half filled within a half filled bowl! I looked at the waiter in bemused confusion, as if to say, so,"Vat do I do vith dis?" ...shaking my head and slightly waving my hand, aca yes I did that... My mother nearly slapped me! Yorrrrrr, vatelse to say? He took it and tarik lah the teh in front of me...hahhahahaha so funny! I did the same then for Mum's but of course his tarik was higher than mine! 

Oh what fun! then the food came....... stop talking , makan time! Wow!!! Mmmm....oh the different tastes, my tastebuds were having such a sensational time, damn bloody shiok!!!!!Damn bloody shiokers!!!OMG! I ate it all!

I could imagine my mother saying," alamak, my daughter like din eat for years!" (hahahahah)

It was the second meal of the day and so delish!

Since, I am in a Central location, I am hoping I can meet some friends while I am here. So, do contact me yarrr! 

I leave on Friday, 16th for Jakarta. It is going to be a very nice holiday! 

Peace, Love N Light!

Pretending to be a Bollywood star! Hahahah so many Indians.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hidup dan mati

Di dunia real, kita menghadapi berbagai masalah yang kalau mau di perbaiki harus ada solusi real.

 Jadi, mati itu dalam perkaitan dunia ialah mati kepada hal2 yang membawa kerusakkan kepada diri sendiri, bukan melakukakkan hal-hal yang membawa musibah kepada orang lain. 

Hidup sejati, kekal dan abadi ialah kalau kita lagi hidup di dunia fana ini dan bisa menikmatin semua yang di beri barang bersyukur,

 itu akan dibawa setelah akhir nafas terhembus dan kita hidup setelah mati.

 Lorraine Nur