
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

THE ILLUMINATI - My perspective

Dear friends ,
In light,love and peace I write this. With much thought on the matter. With much concern for all. That I should have taken all the interest to keep researching about this clandestine group. I decided that I must make my point of view public.
A brief of what I understand the aspects of The Illuminati group is:
This group, seems to have been started by a Jewish man and has extended itself now through family ties as the main members if this hierarchy! These now include various wealthy families, royalties, prominent figures in the entertainment industry,music industry, governments and business sectors. They are all interrelated and intertwined, with the main ultimate focus to have a world under one common government, in which they have the control over all that happens. Research has shown that all elected members in the elite level of this group are main royal family figures from across the globe. The "lesser" members or puppets are the workers of the group. This group has been said to have affiliations with the occult and black magic, satanic sources. The group ILLUMINATI is the umbrella for other bodies of powerful conglomerates and secret society groups. Through the lesser groups, people from "normal" society may "sign up" as members, either aware or unaware of the sinister motives. It is obvious that the satanic worshipping facts or myths of these groups are not public information, but information leaked over the years.Findings and evidence have also shown the major government involved is the government of the United States of America. Also that the global financial economy is manipulated by the dollar. There are many video links in YouTube. The stories, facts or fiction, the images and occult references are enough to send a chill down my spine and a stomach pitted inside out by the very thought of our world being manipulated and damaged intentionally by evil, through manipulating the humankind.
The results of my research and deciphering information led to my concern for my children especially. They are young and impressionable, and have easy access to the list of ILLUMINATI influenced industries.
It was a disappointed shock for my 11 year old son to discover that his favorite hobby World Wrestling Entertainment(WWE) is a front for the devil's attempt to mind control the audience. It was a turner shock for me to learn that in the WWE they have established a group called "new world order" a team that shakes down those that do not fares and their main focus is to take over other or another big wrestling group. Enough for me to cringe, knowing this term is used in the real world we live in.I feel the's no need for me to go into detail about that one, if you want to know more, search it in Google!
As a mother first, I am showing extreme caution and taking measures to educate my children so that they will not fall prey to this precarious and dangerous group's mind control methods! As a Muslim, I wholly believe the only way for humanity ton survive this onslaught is through Islam and with zikir of ALLAH HU ALLAH.
All Muslims are familiar with the stories of the coming of an entity or person named Dajjal al masih. He will come at the end of times.The times we call fitnah zaman, the times of lies and deceit.
We see mankind behaving in very cruel manners with stranger and incomprehensible behaviors and we just cannot accept or comprehend why! I have realized that with subliminal messages and images, using the subconscious, almost hypnotically, brainwashing and taking over the empty mind, this entity is using all humans for this end purpose, the destruction of humanity and of mankind.
As a psychic channeler and medium, I understand about this technic, it is powerful. And as a muslim, I follow what has been encouraged to 1. Follow Al Qur'an 2. follow the traditions of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) 3. Ask only from Allah Ta'ala for whatever we want! Keeping our minds filled with His Name, is the spiritual guidance and protection for the negative attacks of this evil on Earth!

May we all be given faith and wisdom to stand the test of times, right till our generations till the end.

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