
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our life, what it's all about.(An Islamic perspective)

Dear friends, family, brothers and sisters in Islam all over the world. I have been getting many indirect information , and it's been playing in my mind. May the evil that causes us to doubt God and His existence be abolished from our thoughts once and for all. Yet, at the end of the day, at the end of time, it is still a person's right to choose, what he or she wants to believe in or not.
1. Ordinary matter consists of atoms bound together by electromagnetic force to form molecules. These molecules come together to form solids, liquids and gasses.
2. Atoms consist of a dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Electromagnetic force holds the nucleus and electrons together.
3. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons held together by a powerful nuclear force.
4.Protons and neutrons consist of three quarks each and are held together by powerful nuclear force. 

Recently, a whole lot of emphasis is being given to 11:11 a set time for something to occur or a sign that one is being rightly guided. The coming of "alien" beings on a mothership and a new planet for life. Also, there are bountiful theories on our evolution as a human race, that we are also aliens, part aliens or evolved from apes.
I base my facts and proof from Al Qur'an. Most definitely, there are many information we have not yet discovered in the Last Book from God to mankind as a guidance. A Book of historical knowledge, a Book of proofs. A book that was written specifically for the times. It seems humans, are confused and  are searching again for the Truth about what this life is all about! 

.… it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius, (Qur'an, 53: 49)
The star Sirius appears in Surat an-Najm (meaning “star”). The double stars that comprise Sirius approach each other with their axes in a bow-shape once every 49.9 years. This astronomical phenomenon is indicated in the verses Surat an-Najm 9 and 49.

He was two bow-lengths away or even closer. (Qur'an, 53:9)

We are all spirits in this humanform. We came from a non physical world. We will transfer to another metaphysical world, we shall also be transformed and become whole again. In so far as I have information about us, the human race, being spirit then physical then spirit again in another dimension or world, is not only in Al Qur'an and the hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) but also from them who were once here and now have moved on.
In my mind, in regards to "aliens" coming to Earth , or that we were sent here, the Biblical and Islamic stories reveal that these beings (humans) were created and then sent down to this physical abode to dwell for a time, then to be die.
In regards, to alien ships and new planets for living, I cannot comment. It seems too intricate a design that life perpetuates here for billions of years only to be taken away to a foreign place, for a purpose unknown. Seems to me, a design to conflict with Books from God, to deceive and to make us doubt.
When one reads a Book of God, there should be proofs and no mistakes in it. This should determine if we shall take on the prescription as a tool to enable us to understand what this whole life is all about. What is the meaning of life?

“He is the one who created Death and life in order that He may try which of you is best in deeds , and He is the Exalted, the Forgiving.” 
(Soorah Al Mulk (67): 2)

 Four Worlds
“They ask you [O Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam)] concerning the Ruh (Soul). Say: 'It is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given very little.” 
[Soorah Al-Israa (17) :85]
The soul is a creature of Allah. It is blown into every human being when it is just a fetus of 120 days old, it remains in contact if not inside the human being throughout its life on earth, and at the point of death it departs from the body to reside in the heavens. Like everything else in the universe it is a creation of Allah, but as the above Qur'aanic verse informs us, mankind has been given only limited knowledge concerning it. When a body is given a soul, life begins. And when the soul leaves the body, life ends and death begins.
During their journeys through this universe, the soul and its body travel through four different worlds:
1. The womb - where the soul joins its body.
2. This world -  where we all live for a limited period only.
3. The grave - a ‘Barzakh’ period.
4. The Hereafter - The final destination of all human beings.
Each world is greater than the last, and the final world of the Hereafter is eternal and the most important. It is difficult for us as human beings living amidst the hubbub of worldly life to comprehend the sheer futility of this world and the permanence of the Hereafter. Thousands of dead are buried around us every day, but we find it impossible to envisage the new stage of the journey upon which they have embarked. To the living, the grave is simply an empty and dark hole in the ground; to the dead, it is their window into either Paradise or the Fire. And it is precisely because they cannot comprehend the next life that the majority of human beings refuse to believe in and obey Allah.
In this situation, we are like the fetus in the womb of its mother. Consider the unborn child whose only home for nine months is a dark and cramped place where it receives nourishment, warmth and space to grow. Suppose we could speak to the unborn child; what would we say when describing the world waiting for it outside? We would talk to it about the clouds, the mountains, the trees and the oceans. We would talk of a spectrum of colors, smells, tastes and textures. We would mention the thunder of trains, the roaring of planes, the speed of cars. We would describe flowers, birds and animals; a world of lush gardens, cascading rivers, valleys and plains. An enormous world of huge deserts, massive oceans and vast landscapes. A bustling world filled with noise, movement and numerous nationalities of people speaking a variety of languages
Would the little infant curled up in it's mother's womb understand the message? Indeed not. The womb is the only place he knows and to imagine the outside world would be beyond his comprehension. In the same way, our life in this world is temporary and like it or not, we will have to leave it to enter the world beyond the grave. Just because we cannot envisage or see the world of the Barzakh does not mean that it does not exist.

As souls we lived in the world of souls and made recitation of Allah Allah Allah and when it was time to be present on the Earth, we all made a promise never to forget the source of our existence. As the Holy Qur'an states, some will believe and some will not. Some will pretend to believe and others will fight against it. We have been endowed with freewill, how fair is He, who knows all, that we should be allowed to roam unattended without giving us a code book of guidance? Yet we resist and look towards the findings of mankind itself to gain guidance and use theories not facts to evolve. How tall is our ego, how incompetent are our minds when we cannot accept a truth? Who then are the ultimate losers?
When we hold onto a truth, more Divine truth and wisdom shall trickle to us. Let's not assume that for all our reality shows and all the intelligence we have, that there aren't any that are more capable than us. This human race is a target. This humanrace, the beloved and best creation of Him, is a target for the one whose has vouched to gather as many as he can to lie to, and to deceive , to lead away from the path of truth by any means and ways. He started by instilling hatred amongst us, by wealth and greed. Then by programming all anti Islamic thoughts , which God dislikes to become our daily habit. To focus on avariciousness, to focus on worldy desires and uses our desires to destroy us.

I say to you, take care, be careful and be mindful. Read the last Holy Guidance for all mankind. See what your Lord has adviced, what He has said, how will you know Him and what he likes, when you don't get to know what He says. He doesn't require you to but you require yourself to, for your personal benefit. See, what He examplifies, do not allow yourself to be judgmental by hearsay. Read for knowledge and understanding. If when you do, you agree and you follow, you have been endowed with wisdom and if you read , yet you refuse to accept, that is your right to do so. But not for once, should any soul one day say, they were not told. Were not reminded.
I tell you, it is real, what has been revealed , proven through science but revealed 1400 years before. All beliefs and the men who came with guidance and reminders , were all inspired by the same God, yet at some stages of time, the words have been changed to cause confusion; a meddlesome technic of the one eyed liar.
When we approach Islam with a true and sincere heart, ready to accept guidance for life, we will receive a light of brightness and love. Allah is love,and through this love we will all be returned.
I don't believe that we were put on this Earth to be burdened nor to be misled on purpose. We have choices. We delete our fear. We create an awareness, we allocate courage and faith, we move forward with positive prospects wholly to serve Him by loving and showing kindness, gratitude, understanding, tolerance and we also get values instilled when we have been wronged and the rules are fair. If we insist on committing a crime, we must be prepared to accept the consequences of our actions. The message is to be responsible as a humanrace. To be vicegerents of God to tend the Earth, we need to have His qualities, and what are these Godlike qualities we need, we shall know when we read the Holy Qur'an.
So, when the new age says God is in you, or the divine qualities are in you, it is showing us that to be inspirational as humans with Godlike qualities, we have to know what these qualities are, so we can be like God, not be God. For Allah Ta'ala has given us life through His breath. What is this breath, the breath of Life and breath of God within us? What are we without this temple of God in us? Is it the soul that is being referred to? Is it the energy? What is it?

Allah says: “When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down in obeisance unto him.” [Sûrah al-Hijr: 29] 

We see and read all the new information through science and technology, which reveal how the humans are created now, within the womb of the mother. A zygote is formed, and after 4 months a spirit is blown into the flesh and bones. If in fact, that this spirit from God was not blown into, then it should be a lie, but how then do we explain how in the Holy Qur'an, the description of man's creation in the womb is so correct when in those times, technology was not at all advanced nor were there equipment to verify the details?
Allaah sends the angel to breathe the soul into the foetus as was reported by Abd-Allaah ibn Masood, who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who is the most truthful (of human beings) and his being truthful (is a fact) told us: The constituents of one of you is gathered in his mothers womb for forty days, then it becomes a clot of blood within another period of forty days. Then it becomes a lump of flesh, and forty days later, Allaah sends His angel to it to breathe into it the soul. The angel comes with instructions concerning four things, so the angel writes down his livelihood, his death, his deeds and whether he will doomed or blessed. (Reported by Muslim, 1528).

 I ask you to ponder. Seriously, think about just this one point. And there are too many to verify and have been with science. You could say as time continued people changed the book as it aged, I say, no way, because that many have memorised the contents , it would be ridiculous to suggest any such trick. And the Al Qur'an is protected.
People, the Heavens are immense and there is so much goodness awaiting us, I really encourage all to take a view with an open mind, with rational thinking and use your heart, let this last message take you to a new future , and let's try through it to elevate ourselves and eliminate the bad and wrongs we have caused to ourselves, to allow Allah Ta'ala alone to guide us through His words.
When you look , you will find, you will understand.
You have much to gain!

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
96:1 Read in the name of thy Lord Who creates —
96:2 Creates man from a clot,
96:3 Read and thy Lord is most Generous,
96:4 Who taught by the pen,
96:5 Taught man what he knew not.
96:6 Nay, man is surely inordinate,
96:7 Because he looks upon himself as self-sufficient.
96:8 Surely to thy Lord is the return.
96:9 Hast thou seen him who forbids
96:10 A servant when he prays?
96:11 Seest thou if he is on the right way,
96:12 Or enjoins observance of duty?
96:13 Seest thou if he denies and turns away?
96:14 Knows he not that Allah sees?
96:15 Nay, if he desist not, We will seize him by the forelock —
96:16 A lying, sinful forelock!
96:17 Then let him summon his council,
96:18 We will summon the braves of the army.
96:19 Nay! Obey him not, but prostrate thyself, and draw nigh (to Allah).

Love, Peace and Light


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