
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Imperfect life

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Life is not perfect. Life serves up imperfections no matter the standards or levels of any individuals or groups. Life is the lessons for the soul, to accomplish a journey. Where the journey ends depends on us.

Life teaches in segments, the tests we face raises our levels of awareness or stagnates us. The climb towards the goals of life takes determination and patience to progress as souls in human form. We shall be trialed, we shall be admonished, we shall face grievances and sentences. In the ultimate prison of the body and mind, where we lay the perfect line, we reach the summit of certain doubts, and we relinquish the hazards of life's stumble blocks, we free ourselves from the detrimental dangers of allowing the strength to deplete. We sturdy through this journey, when we stop and take breaks.

Nothing will ever be as perfect as we like it to be. We can only try to be the best, share the best, offer the best of ourselves and learn. Every individual is also going through the same, will go through the same and the cycle continues. It is never ending. As the human race is diversified, souls are too, what bonds us, is the faith and love of the Light from God, the love from God, the wisdom from God, The Creator who seems to leave us and abandons us and follows our development, as we head on forgetting His existence, is the Ultimate end focus of this journey.

Nothing remains the same. Nothing will ever be as expected. Disappointment abounds at every corner. The good resides for a while and goes, as evil sheds his presence in every part of life, we need to remember, we have to remember, we are mere energy forms from one energy source, and when we forget to recharge from that One source, we shall certainly be made used of by other forces, as leaches and zappers, which impale themselves into our being , unknowingly, and planting weeds around any good we plant, if we never bother to nourish and protect our good within.

Be consistent in all goodness, create the environment for it within yourself, caring for it, be aware of it, feel and live it. The actions are the reproduction of the mind that remembers. remembers good, that remembers that they are part of the family of light, love and peace. Inculcate in life these basic goodness, be these characteristics and shine as the beacon.

Sometimes, we find ourselves in less conducive situations where there are hindrances to becoming the goodness, we must retract and come back to our basics, not follow the waves or flows that sweep under our feet, losing control of our beings. What should be, never always is. Be examples to each other as reminders of what goodness is, now is the moment that all must evolve within, that the quality of life is not on the outside. Build the inner qualities of goodness, which enrich the feelings from the heart, add positive thoughts to embellish in the mind, consistent mantras of building higher frequencies. Explode the energy to become ultimate warriors of love, light and peace. Fight in the now for what we want to have in the future, become better as humans, living in a place that has great goodness and positive energy. This comes from self. Not others. Leave the others that drown in their own unworthiness because of their pride and ego that causes their self destruction and hoping to destroy all your goodness with them. Avert these monsters in human form, clandestine in their speech, actions and faithless lives.

Spirituality is based on religious thinking as a basic foundation to build on, how do we know when we never learn better ways? How can we establish goodness when we don't understand better? Shed the ego that mars knowledge and wisdom, that calls on bad emotions to destroy good intentions, blinding the self.

The destruction of man's spirituality is a devious and conniving plan, that engages man's desire for wealth and domination, to fool man from real success.

Thwart badness by knowledge, love with a great sense of spreading light, to become at peace inside and ultimately, this entire world can improve to change for the better.

If not, then we all must be prepared to face hardships that we never imagined possible , on a global scale, and there will be no winners.


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