
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The gift of chanelling

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I fear sometimes #channeling messages may cause offence &taken the wrong way, please be assured guides mean the best as reminders.As a muslimah,being a psychic empath, sometimes gets me in trouble, as I have neither the image nor the background of anyone worthy of receiving messages or reminders, this denotes contradiction, because Allah SWT looks at the heart not the outer looks.Allah SWT is the One who gives the gift, it depends how we utilise it, with humility, we accept this gift which we have been given for the best possible outcomes & to reaffirm all that we have been told, about life, death & beyond,does so exist.Being psychic is not mystical, it is a science, of heightened brain frequencies, which allow our souls to be be in unison with what is unseen, by energy, through thought,as long as what we are told does not go against Al Qur'an & Sunnah.As a muslim. therefore, psychics that have a calling to help others , may be helped by "others", may this be a beacon & positive support.


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