
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The plight of the people, unheard

Recent political unrest is occurring in Indonesia, where the elite members of the ruling political party is experiencing disturbing accusations in regards to corruption. I follow the events as I live here. I see how the rich get richer, people on the streets have little and I see how the politicians picked haven't made radical changes to the lives of people and they have no hope any more of being happier. They feel the people who run for elections only need them for votes, the members give away money or small gifts to secure votes; but when the time comes for the elected members to actually serve and represent the people, there is very little done.
The lower levels and majority of the nations are poor and not educated, easily deceived and gullible.
The current situation have many "players" who want to take control of the country for their sole interests to become important, yet none really place importance on the masses who live in squalid conditions, in poverty and have little hope in their leaders.
Will this be the cause of a revolution again, countrymen fighting each other, internal conflict , wars and deaths?
All over the globe, millions are distressed, with developed countries making difficulties and creating conflicts, to secure wealth. The obsession for leaders to be in control and dominate the riches of the world, and make slaves of the one in developing countries. It would be simple if there was sincere cooperation to improve, but as we now see worldwide, with all the revolts, more poverty and wars, it is a situation that makes no sense at all.
The conditions in our world seems very hopeless. Very hopeless, indeed. Unless we heed the voices of the struggling people, meet standards of living for them to have a proper meal, send their children to school, ability to earn and survive independently, we shall only see the ruination of mankind right before our very eyes.

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