
Saturday, July 30, 2011

My recent experience of relationship

I have had moments that I cannot explain, why they happened, and they shouldn't have; there is nothing to regret, as mistakes are my learning curve.
I guess because I am an emphatic person, I like to see the good in most things, in most people and in men. I tend to trust immediately, unless I get the premonition that a person is not good for me, I do believe them.
Recent times, have allowed me to experience true horrible human characteristics, which have made me learn that not all is as it seems and we do need time to discover people's personality. I met someone I thought was really nice and intelligent, somehow over time, I discovered, he was probably remaining nice to gain my trust before protruding the nasty side, that if I was then already latched on, I would then become fodder to the manipulation and terror. Trying to give and take never worked, as it was just his world and opinions and although in theory I had rights, in reality I felt I was being cleverly ruled. It was clarified today, by an incident that I asked questions and received replies which, in a minute contradicted itself in his reactions. It has finally dawned on me, that I think it's time to have a complete cutoff, and focus on what is happening that is positive in my life, and not try to uphold something which has no resilience or quality as a relationship.
I learnt being intelligent and labeling oneself as an intellectual doesn't necessarily mean one is! I heard a lot of reference to the like and I did not see much of the ideas blossom. Topics to discuss were limited and in the end, after we minimised topics to avoid conflict, I could feel there was not much left to the relationship, except a good sexual energy. That also, eventually diminished as a sexual relationship without feelings is a waste of time.Ironically, this made the man feel more human and lack of it created a "monster". It would be unfair to say it was all bad, it wasn't. But as time moves on and people cannot compromise and are frigid in life, people separate. There are some people who literally feed off others, zapping their energy, use others' as crutches to live a life they cannot, or they tend to criticise everything if it doesn't fit in their program of thoughts. I feel a sense of loss for the nice personality, but I think that the opposite side is dominant. How can people who have spent sometime together, gather the nerve at the end when things don't go their way, to disregard everything that ever happened, in cold tones suggest, it's probably enough till now that we have been together, now since we don't get along, we should go our own ways, without a feeling of remorse. Is this their way to hide their hurt? Or is it that they just have no conscience. And they dare to label themselves , people with integrity, morals and values. With life principles intact and that because of a successful "original" marriage and children who have completed their education and can be independent, they have achieved such a great standard of life and may judge others? It is so wrong.
I often also hear phrases like " We have no problem." "I have no problem." " In moderation." "I can't afford to make a mistake." "A person of my stature..."
It is absurd! It is ridiculous! It is being in denial!
Neurotic and excessive compulsive behavioural patterns lead to a narcissistic tendency and the need to control everything.
I think I have had enough! Time to hit the highway, although it's rough like a friend said in his recent post, it will be worth the while anticipate greener pastures.
Most times, my heart weakens my ability to think straight, in hindsight, I always say works with what is happening, don't focus on what isn't in my control. Might take myself up on that!

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