
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The 72 houris of Jannah.


Lame web disclaiming the 72 virgins in Jannah. – some explanations about the 72 virgins waiting in Jannah.


Nur-Shufiya’s opinion;

Bismillah HiRahmaanir Rahiim, Allahu humma solli was salim ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alih wa shoh bihi wassalam.

Amma Ba’da:

Rasulallah *salallahu alaih wa alih wa ssalam* was the Prophet, the Seal and the Example of and for this ummat. Rasulallah *saaw* did not say or do anything contradictory to the commands of Allah *Subhana wa Ta’ala* . Allah SwT revealed to Rasulallah *saaw many events, that have been recorded and hafiz have been memorising for so long, thus Westerners take Islam , out of context, especially in a 12 min, clown style fashion, to de bunk, plus with added preservatives, much like fast food, fills you up with non efficient calories to sustain. Quick cures and sore losers are charged  by antagonism in cynical ways, to re-alert about the emergence of what is a proposed life style based on choice! Dumb founded issues, have no relevance about the history, revelations, from a body, intellect or spiritual perspective, is lacking. There are clowns, ignoramuses, hardcore jihadists, mainstream muslims, forgetful muslims and muslim by chance or force. A serious muslim, an unknown who receives direct call through the heart, learns ,understand and  applies, is better than one learned by knowledge alone, and knowledge will be accompanied by experience, there fore, long whiplashing argumentative tongues wag about religion and on and on, creating foolish people and straying ignorant ones. A muslim must adhere, practice, no compromising and head forward on this jihad and life, by constantly remembering the pinnacle of the entire creation ..that is never stop zikirullah. This comes from practice, sitting alone, in total sincerity and speaking directly to Allah SwT, just be thinking, feeling each heartbeat, and directing each breath, with ALLAH HU ALLAH… synchronising, the symphony…that is the quiet zikir, then attempting to say Laa ilaa ha ilallah…500 –1000 times or more, every day, this incredible remembrance, stimulates all parts pf the brain, which encourages and increase in endurance and eagerness, to do more and more devotions, makes sholat a beautiful experience and helps us become open to more knowledge, as each step with endurance and patience is succeeded and takes us up to the next level of elevated awareness. This theory and historical facts behind our modern day attack by “fake muslim” sites , will begin to cause doubt, and Rasulallah *saaw says , stay away from what ever causes doubt. Know, this deen will sustain anyone who truly believes, and those with questions, must open the hearts and minds to know exactly who to ask, inshaallah, we will all be rightly guided unto Siratul Mustaqim… shocking news for souls who wastes time on arguments, debunkling, and basically talking rubbish. Now, is the time for introspecting self, get out of the endless crowds, go to your safe cave of meditation, where angels know you and wait to carry your supplications up to Ars’y, and inshaallah, almost immediately, we shall receive the rewards and answers. As for those supplications that go unanswered, there will be more kept in store, for it is not meant to be enjoyed in this Earthly form. Peace of mind, a comforted soul, a happiness with Allah SwT, begins when we have learnt , total surrender, asking permission before attempting anything and constantly seeking His guidance. I hear stories from normal knowledgeable men, about houris and what would the main job be in Jannah, sex cannot be it…but I shall not argue this fruitless point! To each his own, yet we shall be given companions of the best kinds, saved only for those who did their best whilst existing here… whatever you wish for, other than what we have already been told, will be up to us and how we think, that shall we have… Inshallah. It is still choice.

In Islam, the ḥūr or ḥūrīyah[note 1] (Arabic: حورية‎) are commonly translated as "(splendid)[1] companions of equal age (well-matched)",[2] "lovely eyed",[3] of "modest gaze",[4] "pure beings" or "companions pure" of paradise, denoting humans and jinn who enter Jannah (paradise) after being recreated anew in the hereafter.[5] Islam also has a strong mystical tradition which places these heavenly delights in the context of the ecstatic awareness of God.[6]


72 virgins

The idea of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an aspect of paradise. In a collection by Abu `Isa Muhammad ibn `Isa at-Tirmidhi in his Jami` at-Tirmidhi[55] and also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir ibn Kathir of sura 55[56] it is stated:

It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard Muhammad saying, 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San'a.[57]

However, regarding the above statement Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf has said: "The narration, which claims that everyone would have seventy-two wives has a weak chain of narrators."[39] There is also a theory that the promise of 72 virgins is a mistranslation from "72 angels".[58]

If we envision Jannah… we shall see beauty, love abounds, companionship and ecstasy..beyond the human imagination… sexuality and sensuality is an Earth practice, hence…hearing about houris and thinking about it sexually, will lead to grievous misunderstanding of the matter…. Allahu Alam.


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