
Monday, January 7, 2013

Marriages that last and do not

Divorce in Islam is allowed but disliked by Allah SwT. In His Mercy, He has understood human nature to be changeable,depending on choices, circumstances and many more reasons why marriages break down. First and foremost, a true honesty and trust needs to be part of the basic fundaments of the marriage and relationship between the couple. Then, a common life mission and vision. Sharing the same beliefs and religious values as well. Communication is essential ; it's common to lose oneself in jobs, family responsibilities, children and may daily duties that the freshness of the relationship starts to fade. Husbands that help out and wives that make time for the husbands may have less issues. When both do everything together, neither party feels taken advantage of nor taken for granted. Both will grow together beautifully, after all that's what life partners are for. Let's learn to cherish our spouses and be loving everyday, with hugs, kisses and saying I love you constantly: and also saying sorry
or forgive me before bed is ideal. ~lorrainenur@2013™

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