
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thoughts during the past year 2011



Sesiapa yang berusia 40 tahun, amalan kebajikannya belum mengatasi amalan kejahatannya, maka bersedialah ia ke neraka Allah. (Riwayat Tabrani)

Lorraine Branson

20 March 2011

"Bodoh, stupid, brisik, noisy, besuk ada malapetaka, tidak mungkin yang ini semua akan manfaatkan. Tinggalin solat, minum dan maksiat hanya bawa ke jalan jahanam... bodoh orang muslim yang mau hurrah2 di dunia ini dan melupakkan kehidupan yang kekal abadi. Malaikat2 meliat dengan sedih. Waktu sudah sempit, naikkan lah ibadah dan kelakuan iman yang Allah Ta'ala sudah ingatkan dan naikkan lah iman dan cinta Allah cinta Rasul saw , sebelum waktu kita yang terbatas, akan akhir." Lorraine Nur


Lorraine Branson

5 March 2011

"When the nine sides meet. In the new hilal, he will be coming. This is the sign, he is coming. The new hilal of the new month, Rabi Al-Thani 1432 A.H.

Lorraine Branson

17 February 2011

Ya Allah , berilah kami kesabaran, berilah kami keikhlasan untuk menerima kodrat kesusahan untuk menembuskan dosa2 kami supaya kami bisa pulang ke sisiMu dalam keadaan bersih. Amiin.


Lorraine Branson

16 February 2011

Alone I travel the journey of life. Who may pass through , who shall I meet on the path of enlightenment?

Lorraine Branson

16 February 2011

Mysteriously I glide through the corridors of my life , to discover the hidden meanings of the secrets. Give me the keys of knowledge, that I may renew myself.

Lorraine Branson

6 February 2011

"A worldwide revolution is taking place. The unbalanced evolution of society has left many scarred, scared and marred. A total revolution of peaceful people must happen so the leaders who are given responsibilities must listen to the VOICE OF THE NATION. Individuals have a right to ask , to expect, to demand, to revolutionise the way things are done. Economically and financially we must make amends to create the balance so people can begin to feel optimistic about the future. Egalitarian thinkers have been raised unconsciously within a structure that has perpetrated too long. Archaic behavioural political systems have caused damage to an extent which is unbearable. We must feel shameful that the poor, illiterate, hungry and homeless still exist in this day and age of highly intelligent human nation. Exploitation of countries' riches and natural resources have left a degenerating trail of dissatisfactory results."

22 January 2011

It saddens me, when I watch people and their insincerity; it saddens me to watch how manipulative they can be. I am saddened at the fact that soul has no window. I am saddened that the soul has withered and is strangled by fear and disillusions. How sad it is not to be able to stand up for what we believe in and cannot hold on to principles which include loving unconditionally. The reflection is hatred and unhappiness. ~ Lorraine Nur~


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