
Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Mayan calendar and Doomsday!

FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE, IT HAS BEEN REVEALED: The "Mayans" are a race from another dimension; lived here on the earth and took care of it. Came the human race and so they crossed back to their place, entrusting the earth to it's rightful inheritors. The responsibility of guardians were handed over. They may see and may help from where they are. Bermuda Triangle is a 'drop down" spot. I am not saying UFO. I  am saying "Beings"  The Mayan calendar! Tell me about the Mayan calendar. Is the world actually going to end on that last day? No, I am told. No, we made the calendar as a signal to mankind, because at this point the world, Earth will be suffering too much from mankind's inattentive carelessness, irresponsible actions which have been the cause of all the environmental issues and problems we face now. The polar ice is melting , the toxic waste in the sea, the hole in the ozone, the crashing planets and more. We fight, we kill, we hate, we ruin what heritage left have we? The Mayans... can only do so much to advise and show guidance from the dimension where space divided by time equals velocity plus energy. mankind , can we start to recuperate? will we be alright as a civilization? Will we survive our very own selfish acts against the earth, nature and ourselves? NO, NOT IF WE DON'T REALISE AND CARE ENOUGH! Realism is facing us. Borobudur have similar architectures and buildings. All seems to be so mysterious since they never had the technology to build accurately. So too the pyramids etc. It is not aliens but "JINN" meaning those not human but creations.Sent like angels , whose job description is to "bring" prayers of mankind to be heard and answered, to Heaven. Good JIIN  help and cooperate to look after all creation. All the mysterious symbols left on the earth surface? A signal and sign that mankind is not alone in all Allah's creation, yet being the ultimate creation. A questionable statement now!!! Allah sent the Al Quran. In it is a guidance. In it is a knowledge. In it is a balm. In it is the future. In it is the existence of mankind; before, now and after. All creation is vibrating with "ALLAH HU ALLAH" before, now and after. It is a healing mantra and healing energy from one who recites and practices, which spreads throughout , knows not religion, sees the pure heart of one humbled by it's powerful vibrations. One carries it within the heart and spreads it's light throughout the entire creation. Angels and spirit guides all know this sound, this vibration and rush to the call of one who is in unison with the breath, heart and soul mantra. I implore all mankind, to say this throughout the rest of your life and I pray with it, all Divine goodness and help will be at our service to renew our earth, land, seas and our existence. Nur Shufiya

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