
Sunday, December 18, 2011


#Energy of souls and spirituality: Does it exist? Was not Angel Jibril(Gabriel) (alaihi salam) created as an arch angel,yet came to the Holy Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa salam) in human form?

  • #Energy 1.The zikirullah (ALLAH HU ALLAH ) increases the energy within & around us,filling voids & clearing blocks!
  • #Energy 2.Repetition of ALLAH HU ALLAH,cleanses & reflects as a lamp with a light,this nur guidance is awareness.
  • #Energy 3. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH raises consciousness & connects us with the entire Universe & all creation! It resonates,creates balance.
  • #Energy 4. Done in unison zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH is medicine & a balm for everything,opens the heart to receive guidance from angels.
  • #Energy 5. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH mends &strengthens faith, increases one's sharpness in communication in different dimensions.
  • #Energy 6. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH, with every heart beat, every drawn & exhaled breath, in the mind, creating a symphony within yourself.
  • #Energy 7. Sit quietly,silently,focusing, deep slow breathing; whilst "thinking" ALLAH HU ALLAH 100 times each day.
  • #Energy 8. In meditation, Allah Hu Allah is the best mantra for everyone, it will open portals of light & eliminate negative entities.
  • #Energy 9. at bedtime, zikir Allah Hu Allah, soothes & sleep is derived easily, the soul will feel at ease immediately.
  • #Energy 10.When we remember Allah, He remembers us. All troubles fades,what's left is LOVE. May we be rightly guided. Amiin.
Surah Yunus 10:12
And when affliction touches man, he calls upon Us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing; but when We remove from him his affliction, he continues [in disobedience] as if he had never called upon Us to [remove] an affliction that touched him. Thus is made pleasing to the transgressors that which they have been doing
Peace, Love & Light

Thursday, December 15, 2011


“There are moments in life that make us realise how diversified humans are and yet we are still the same, made from the same ingredients. Life changing moments of awareness, humble us.”

DSC08740 A solitary stopover. A comfort for the weary traveler.

A long time ago, when Singapore was developing, I remember growing up beside a “kampung”(village) Darat Nanas. That was before the International Changi Airport was built. I spent idyllic childhood moments by the beach on the weekends, swimming , eating and drinking coconut juice directly from the fruit. Those days are gone, as Singapore is now a modern and high tech city.Living abroad for almost 25 years, spending most of my years in Australia, I relished the different cultures and food, having also travelled extensively, my exposure to cultural variations have made my life such an adventure. As I adore the outdoors, meeting new people, tasting new foods, and absorbing each experience .

DSC08562 Tondano, a hilly municipal residing above the city of Manado.

The simple life 6

My recent travels, brought a new dimension to the life of the world. I witnessed people who live by simple means; cooking with firewood, cooking with basic utensils made from local and available natural resources, like dried coconut shells, wood, oil burners, and riding horse or bullock driven carts. Amidst nature, they respect their environment by keeping it clean and the friendly nature of the locals, reflected their simple lifestyles  with alot of smiles.

The simple life collage 1

Their day begins at dawn and as long as the sun shone , life was going on, till dusk, when everything slowed down and people stayed indoors and continued their activities. In the vicinity of North Sulawesi, they have their own unique culture, influenced by the Dutch and Spanish culture, I noticed pristine, cleanliness and discipline; music played loudly from mini buses or trucks as they passed on the long road between Manado and Gorontalo.

The simple life collage 3

The scenery was exquisite, green mountains, blue skies, the sea and bay areas, dotted with homes as we travelled dark roads and came to municipals on the twelve hour drive. The sunset was amazing, the dark night sky so clear with stars, something I have missed being away from my home in Australia for so long, the skies in Jakarta are clouded by pollution, so being in the North of Sulawesi took me back to my memories of home, which I miss so very much.

The simple life collage 4

Respect and love, among humanity ; tolerance of different beliefs and culture reflects in the atmosphere and ambience. No, need for racial and religious conflicts as we are all one when we perceive humanity as God’s creation.

The simple life 5


The simple life is something we all need to get in touch with, although most of us live in cities, taking quiet trips and exploring nature and country sides, will bring a balance in our lives. It will allow us to bring perspectives to our mission in life, when we see how others live that do not have the modern amenities as we do. We can make simple choices when we lead simple lives.

The simple life 7 The simple life 8

Foodcollage 11 The simple life 9

The different sights and tastes of Manado and Gorontalo, where my heart found a new light of love.

Foodcollage2 Great tastes , a variety so tantalising and mouth watering.

“I  want to go back and this time, experience the diving and snorkeling so well known in Manado.”

aerial view collage

My mornings in Gorontalo is a memory etched by glorious sunshine, prayers and calm. A soothing balm for the soul as I sat and had coffee with love and hugs from my zaujah. He and I experienced amazing life moving episodes, committing to one another with love and respect. Total communication and acceptance, as two souls on the same journey, heralding new beginnings and hope for a life  together. He is a sweet soul , an Angel Hearer  beaconed from Heaven. The poems I write reflect all my feelings engraved which now I feel on this physical plane, dare I say souls speak before they even meet?

peaceful mornings colage

He started without a form, came to me as an energy and love, so as it should remain, he has no face or body, for distance is never a hindrance when souls have met before on another plane, before arriving and meeting on the Earth.

And so, this beginning with a never ending, a moment for simplicity to enhance life, simply, by loving & caring; attracting goodness in life .

Gorontalo sights collage Gorontalo sights collage 2

  The simple things in life - click to view 

Love, peace & light





Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Food for our soul


“YA Allah, so many deviations in Islamic circles, so many confusions among scholars, so many misunderstandings among sufism and clerics.So many muslims do not understand the path of the seeker towards the Lord, and to love HIM makes sufis drunken with love for His glory.”


The secular ways and scholars, shout out to defend the faith, in the same tones they admonish seekers in the path of tharekat, they make statements that diminish their knowledge, when they feel that a innovation is happening.

How can anything that brings one closer to Ilahi be incorrect?

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Zikirullah, is the pivot of all Universal energy and life forms, ismuzat is the way of the heart to communicate with Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala(SWT:glorified and exalted be He ). When one seeks to purify the heart, this is the mantra, ALLAH HU ALLAH, the words, THE ZIKIR, that fill the entire being with the Nur Ilahi, the Light of Allah, where we can cleanse and purify the mirror of the heart of the seeker. Repeating long do’as; supplications have no meaning when the love of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala does not reside in the depths of the vulnerable heart of a worshipper.

“To sit in His presence is to remember His Name. To remember His Name is to remember His characteristics and to remember His characteristics is to remember His words, Al Qur’an and to remember His words is to remember His beloved, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam(saaw); Nurullah, the Nur from Allah’s Light. To remember Rasulallah (saaw) is to remember LOVE.”


LOVE the integral part of LIFE. That which bonds us all with the entire Universe and it’s creations. LOVE of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala (SWT) and RASULALLAH (saaw). Every atom of creation resonates the zikir of ALLAH HU ALLAH. Our hearts beat for only one reason , this zikir. Our life is lived for this reason for to His return is our mission and to be closer is our vision. As we remember to repeat ALLAH HU ALLAH, all other obligations become easier, for we shall do everything for HIS sake. Our devotions increase as our love increases. We shall be given hikmah (wisdom) and hidayah (guidance). The food of the soul is ALLAH HU ALLAH. The language of the Holy books are for our minds and for the dunya as a guidance so that we shall know what our mission and vision is on this Earth as we transcend from spirit form to human form.

Sufi leaders or teachers inculcate spiritual training for the seekers, that desire to drink the LOVE of LIGHT and PEACE. The deviants will call out that the teachings are shirk, this is not so. Whatever innovations are made, humans with knowledge have choice to use their intellectual abilities to decipher right from wrong. And Allah SWT shall not allow a lover to veer from HIS Path and will send the seeker protection.

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There are many zones and dimensions which we are not aware of, suffice for the seeker to know that remaining grounded in the teachings based on The Holy Qur’an is to remember, to follow Al Qur’an, the traditions of Rasulallah (saaw) and ask from Allah Ta’ala for whatever is needed to sustain this life, that is not permanent, this life that is full of dark shadows and tricks to take every soul away from the Light, and this is done and can only be achieved, when a person’s mind is empty from the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, hence the heart is dark and the mirror soiled, the soul left in darkness as if locked in a cave, hidden deep with no light source to guide it out to freedom and happiness. The soul is weakened by the dunya and all that takes a person away from remembering ALLAH TA’ALA YaZal Jalali (The one that all praises are due to)

Less of people from this times will do what the people of the past used to do, in matter of devotions. So many souls have forgotten, where they originated from. So many souls are distracted from His remembrance, so how then will we not see, so many difficulties and suffering? Need we add to the difficulties that are already rampant in our world, by segregating and arguing within factions, instead why don’t we put our love for humanity to good use and purposefully utilise the energy and power from our devotions to heal and spread LOVE?

May Allah Ta’ala forgive us for our inconsistencies, our weaknesses and our faults. May we all be guided towards the Nur of Life , for that is our true return. Nothing else that happens within the scope of the daimah matters, when the Nur Of HIS Majesty and Guidance has no place in the daimah of LIFE.

“From Him did we come and to Him is our return.”

Lead life to the best possibilities as souls in human form. Chastise not each other, learn , love and forgive. This is the way when a seeker is finding Light, the character will shine with attributes from His Love and Light. The curtains of secrets and forgetfulness will rise, we will then be blessed with many hikmah and hidayah. That the brain cannot begin to imagine.

Scoff not nor totally ignore, this gentle reminder from a humble servant, whose only desire is to spread His Love and exalt His Name. When the time will come when each sweet soul shall taste the bitterness of this world’s end, at that moment then will be known, humbly and soft spokenly did once, these whispers were heard.

Inlife and death

Peace, Love & Light

~Lorraine Nur~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Tweet collections, 2011

6da9698024cf11e180c9123138016265_7 Peace all!

  • We are given hardships in order to appreciate what we have.Not all good things come easily;committed,we can enjoy the fruits, later.
  • The moments that our souls connect to the Most High, there we discover infinite LOVE of His Light, may we be all blessed and enlightened.
  • "Allah sends hikmah to cool heads, poured by pureness, HIS angels wait,ready to give all freely, utter unending ALLAH HU ALLAH,feel the cool.
  • Shareat is for the body, tharekat is food for the soul, ma'rifat is our destination, zikir is our Buraaq, Allah is the MIGHT!
  • HIS beauty shines through the humble servant, in adoration and pure LOVE for HIS sake, Allah HU Allah..
  • Never blame anyone for circumstances as a result of bad choices.Choices are a freedom only humans have.Consequentially,we have to accept.
  • If one remembers what one intended, one would stay firm and steadfast in all matters,holding on to wholesome principles which improve lives.
  • Life is simple, rational minds can differentiate what logic proves between emotional circumstances.Derive methods of better communications.
  • Turmoil and attacks keep coming, when you think they've ended.The pact will stay intact when the pack starts their attacks.
  • I mean what I say and I say what I mean!I can't lie and am non judgmental.I simply say what I observe,it's meant to help & guide.
  • Love yourself,you deserve it!
  • Just because someone seems optimistic all the time, don't take took years of pain to arrive at this point of growth.
  • Fear of loss under threat constitutes oppression and blackmail. Some times we need to play poker& challenge or Russian roulette.
  • Leave troublemakers to face their lot, one day there will be recompense.
  • I walk away from situations and people who have no interest to improve! Thereby saving myself hardship and further disappointment
  • .My mind explodes from frustration knowing an injustice and helpless to do anything!
  • "When I die, I only want to take with me my good feelings. That is why I eradicate bad&negativity,so I can feel love,peace&joy forever."
  • If you only knew how the entire creation pulsates with one energy force, you would love one another more, love will extinguish the evil one
  • Emotional manipulation is distasteful & unacceptable.
  • We use feelings&emotions to show love,care&concern.We use the brain to make wise decisions.Don't think with your heart.
  • I look towards others to show guidance but finally Allah Ta'ala is the ultimate Guide, Al Qur'an is clear & Rasulallah saaw is perfect!
  • Hearts don't break, EGO does! Feelings are results of words we ingest! Feel good by saying good and feeding positive words, it's healthy!
  • Listen to your heart, what is good will feel right & what is wrong will be bad! Accept and move on. There is light at the end.
  • There's always abundant hope when we exercise our God given right to CHOOSE! Nothing is permanent & we don't have to settle for less.
  • Recently I have been feeling queasy! I don't take too well to negativity, as an empath psychic we tend to absorb and must release!
  • Love generously&sincerely.Sweetest nectar is hard to come by.Treasure each drop.
  • Truth unfolds for preservation of goodness&improvement.There is always room for growth.Avoiding issues is denial,causes discomfort.
  • Technology is going to disappoint us soon! We should be less dependent on it! We must rely more on our own intelligence to be successful.
  • The thing about life principles is that we must believe and utilise them as a part of life, not just think or talk about it only.
  • People tend to preach more than practice.When the time comes, without practice,the preaching have zero results! Ignorance and self denial.
  • The power of prayer keeps us strong and unified in all circumstances, souls connect on a different level, exceeds this physical dimension.
  • Love for the sake of Allah Ta'ala & Rasulallah saaw, for that is true love that will be forever in this world & the next.
  • Life changing episodes,Gain strength from pain,wisdom from disillusions,inner peace by prayers.Remaining firm in convictions,dedication!
  • The NUR of life compromises LOVE, endurance, self sacrifice, faith,patience,and mostly sincere good intentions.Daimah of life.Salaam.
  • Inspite of major upheavals&adversaries;grievances dominate untruths,love will prevail when we love for His sake.Allah Ta'ala sees&hears all.
  • Keep respect even in anger & frustration, to all.Uphold your own selfesteem.You were not born to give trouble.Have common decency.
  • Arguments about a predestiny makes pain & heartache close friends.Choosing better ways equals dignity,love&peace.Make wise choices.
  • In this day&age when faith should be built, sincerity is still a major concern.
  • I found love in a place I least expected and there I plan to stay.Always beside you all the way.Together in Love,Light&Peace.
  • Life takes sweet turns after spooning trials, add sugar and stir well. Love,Light&Peace
  • My dream is forever to be close,grow&support from each breath till each sunrise& sunset,now till the end!Love of angels on Earth!
  • I shall not speak to anyone for three days, if they ask I hope the baby will speak on my behalf.I really need one of those kinds of miracles. #hope
  • Great Creator of the Universe, Answer the pleas of those who ask from YOU, Oh JIBRIL, where are you when I need you most? Ya Rabb,cleanse us!
  • Words enter the brain, it causes an energy which we are in charge of.That determines our emotions.We are in control all the time.
  • In proclaiming a truth one may send the wrong signals others may misinterpret.We give power to words by how we digest & understand them.
  • Humankind choose better behaviour,be conscious that you are a reflection of Him, how can we then debase His goodness and blessings on us?
  • I cannot understand prolonged anger,hurt,pain,in ignoring,not forgiving& allowing suffering.We hope for all goodness,hence must act such.

My 47th birthday message to the world;be your best at all times,create peace&love,be truthful,honest&sincere!Stay happy&smile a lot.Spread well.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life Principles

What are your life principles? What do you hold onto when times get rough? Are the thoughts and processed doctrines within your life, applicable in your life when trials and tribulations bombard you? Do you suffer and recover or are you deflated and surrender without hope?


These are vital questions which one must ask. To believe in what you hold onto and defend these rights as a guidance in your life. Your life principle choices must definitely work for you. If they don’t, then it’s time for a review.


Most doctrines within us, planted from our environment and ties , what values we were raised with, are not permanent and need to be reviewed, adjusted and reformed, to work better for us. The journey of life seems mundane without these life support systems. Each thought transpose a character building. What are we feeding our selves with and how are we maintaining our development as spirits in human form.


My recent adventure took me many places and I discovered a better way of life, a simplistic outlook compared to the modern city comforts. I enjoyed spectacular views; as Nature reminded me that as a part of nature, their scenes cooled my eyes and brought forward thoughts of gratitude. My physical self felt rejuvenated for lack of dependency on technology and my mind was centered on the soul dimension through increase of devotions. It was easy to focus in an environment of simple beauty of nature. The fresh and clean air, the unpolluted environment all held healing attributes despite of a sudden and unexpected bombardment of animosity from an opposition to goodness, all necessary vitals needed surfaced as a protection, success and wholesome discovery of a new vision was created. IMG_2937

A paradox for humankind, when good is trying to be achieved, not all parties will agree, as their sound minds are contaminated by a lack of spiritual vigour and sustenance. To live as free souls, we often face contemporary adversaries which attempt to dull us. This is the crux of life principles in motion; does what you hold on to as a belief system, support your life as a reality? I try as much as I possibly can and achieve every time to progress, never regress. My aim is to always shine the light of love, understanding, knowledge, to benefit my surroundings and those I meet. I am non secular but hold firm to Islamic beliefs and prayers which enhance my life and helps me to maintain an aura of peace. As a muslimah who is not radical, I possess an open mind to various knowledge that helps to improve me as a person, applicable faith and wisdom from knowledge, a true blessing of a seeker , when the implemented knowledge, allows us to survive for His sake. That no others’ comments , good or bad, will erode us from His path nor make or break us.


Every muslim have their own perception of what Islam teaches as a doctrine; alot forget that the Word is truth, nothing to be argued about. They are bound by prejudices and false claims. Fools argue about something that is already proven, hence living the best and applying it, with enjoying the benefits through a dignified character, is then the proof of whether your choice of life principles actually work for you or not.

May we all be rightly guided.


Love, Light & peace.



A term that I want to use, for all aspects of unconditional love to mankind.


As life is always a lesson, the best teacher we have, when we open ourselves to accept what life dishes out. I am a woman who believes that when love comes into our lives, we have opportunity to learn and share. May the love be of friends, kin or partners. Every relationship has degrees of love and each relationship is unique. The unconditional love we share, results in comradeship. It hopefully builds and restores better support systems and renews vows of solidarity. No ownership or control is allowed in this unique aspect of loving, caring and sharing. And doing so, by being greatly attuned to the whole aspect of loving, a Universal feeling of great enlightenment, through which all mankind must perpetuate in order to receive the Universal bounties that are readily awaiting to be bestowed.

How wonderful, to be in a position of mental freedom, joyous interaction without clauses, making adjustments with the entire purpose of reforming and improvement. The scope of this comradeship, the bond of genuine love and care, creates a peaceful atmosphere, going with the flow as opposed to fighting the currents. With that we begin to see the beauty of all things in our lives, and start to appreciate all we have. We resonate as spirits on a higher level of awareness. And we do so being very conscious of the energy which flows through our network of comrades.


Even though, some moments may be painful and feels like it drags on, these special lessons heighten our sensitivity, makes us consciously aware to apply life tools and lessons past learnt, to apply,sift the negativity and focus on positivity. As the law of nature states, like attracts like. Positivity will attract positivity, in all matters. You will be gathered with those like you. Therefore, look at your circle and be vigilant about the comradeship you have, remember you have the CHOICE and FREEDOM to choose better; better comrades, better ways, better words, better attitude, better responses, better ability and all this comes about from better knowledge.

Love for the sake of His glorious compassion and beneficence, for His power to love is within us all. Shed EGO and JEALOUSY, the need to DOMINATE and grasp FREEDOM and CONFIDENCE with HUMILITY and GRATEFULNESS!

Apply conscious methods of self improvement, feel the coolness that advances as your hearts and souls merge with all creation, do your best at all times, to be the best in character. Fight the lower nafs (desires) and regain dignity, through LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

The pure soul is your ultimate end destination.

Love, light & peace

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Angel Hearer


The arrival into Manado, was the beginning of many blessings .The view of this northern part of the island of Sulawesi, the northern part of Indonesia, holds it’s own exoticness as well as attraction. On a more personal note, this is the home of my Angel Hearer.

As an island whose community are mostly Christians, it is certainly a rare privilege for me to finally meet, with Allah Ta’ala’s consent, my Angel Hearer. He has been in my life without any physical contact for months but has been vital in my fast development as a spirit, hurt to become healed, by his love from afar, a love that shone in my moments of gloom, a comfort voice in my moments of aloneness, the soul that clenched mine as we journeyed together, never setting eyes on one another. Loving freely, laughing freely, sharing freely, without hesitation and had heated arguments , which eventually through prayers, found solutions and understanding; mutual respect and trust.

As the airplane descended into this tropical island, I noticed how pristine it was, with it’s mountains, coconut and banana plantations, the bay area and islands. I felt a welcome. I felt a warm attraction. I was nervous and excited. I walked the tarmac, admiring the scenery as I disembarked. Thinking and keeping the feelings under control. I would see him in a few moments, a time I have been anticipating and could never imagine, what I would do the first time, I set eyes on the man who stole my heart by answering my unspoken and silent prayers, which only angels and Allah Ta’ala could know. I had no need to bother about the physical appearance only the soul connection made real by a meeting. That was the purpose of my trip. That Manado is a lovely place no doubt, was an added bonus. This was a perfect place to meet the love of my life, his hometown.I pledged nothing would ruin it for us. I called while I waited for my baggage, and peeping through the glass doors to glimpse his form, which I knew from photos we sent back and forth. I finally saw him, in the distance when I called to ask his exact position, when he entered from the carpark, holding his phone and waving out to me, this tall figure, in a light brown mandarin collar shirt and pants, and his signature sunnies. His smile , was so clear from afar. I felt more nervous than ever, he was so handsome and his charisma shook me from a distance. Taking a huge breath, I walked to the exit with my luggage, and raised my eyes and searched for him, walking through the crowds, I felt like my legs would give way, I took careful steps and having no idea how to greet an already familiar character in my life. As I approached him and drew closer, I stretched out my hand to kiss his hand , a customary gesture of a wife to husband, he firmly grabbed me in a hug and plunged a huge kiss which blew me away, he swept me away. He smelled so nice, warm , sweet and musky all at once. His hand fit perfectly in mine, as I snuggled my face in his embrace and breathed a sigh of appreciation, thanks and relief, hugged him tighter and I would never let go.We walked towards the car, hand in hand. The Angel Hearer is real now.


As Heaven may have it, we were comfortable as we felt we knew each other for a long time. Nothing seemed unnatural to us. We fit like hand in glove. How precious he is to me. How wonderful to have him by my side. How I adore his presence in my life, now my zaujah forever , in this world and the next. My imam, my leader, my pillar of strength, energy, wisdom, joy, humour , everything I need that I could ever desire from a soulmate, is encompassed in this one figure, the soul I have been waiting for, the energy which presented itself from a distance, the aura of the zaujah, the spouse Heaven has designated, me his zaujati always.

I love you zaujah. Forever be with me, and together we shall end this Earthly journey, facing all and everything together.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Moments of realisation

DSC08476 Rays of realisation come through difficulties and tests.

The day my son had an emergency appendicitis operation, was a moment of self control and a moment of awareness. A moment to apply all I have learnt spiritually, to good use.

As a seeker of my soul journey, from an early age, wondering what life is all about, I ventured through many areas of learning, was given many tests, which as an open minded and positive thinking individual, I sifted the good from the bad, over came many challenges to improve the quality of self and life.

I remember, before full dawning of the awakening of self, I did go through a big test when at the stage of late pregnancy with my last child, I fell very sick and had to be admitted in hospital. I could not breathe, and the baby’s and my heart rate escalated, I thought I was dying. In my life, I thought I was dying many times. When I was recovering, about a week later, my other two sons, at ages 4 and 1 , were also admitted into hospital , one had had an epilepsy fit from high fever and the other was infected by dengue. These two were poked and prodded everyday with needles, taking blood tests and having infusions. Technology and medicine have helped mankind recover from diseases fast, but pregnant mothers with two sick sons, feel at that moment, very helpless. I nearly had a breakdown, almost gave up on everything. I felt I was surely going mad! I couldn’t understand how much “bad luck” I was having in this new country.

I came from a developed country and relocated to this developing country, bringing children whose immunity system did not support the tropical diseases that were still rampant. Thank God, by the grace of Allah Ta’ala, we have survived now, eight years later and the children are healthy and strong.

Yet, at this time of my son’s emergency surgery, I couldn’t help but reflect on him, his life from a baby till eleven years of age; while holding on to his special ted, sitting on the floor, in the corridor just outside the operating rooms, how much this son has gone through in such a short space of time. In the preparation room, I waited with him, tears rolling down my face uncontrollably, I tried not to be worried, after all it was a simple operation. Yet, no mother can see any of their children in pain or suffering. He was nervous and acted so brave, yet his hear beat was increased and his hands clammy. He said, “Mama, it’s okay. I am fine, I’ll be alright. Don’t be so worried, why don’t you go outside and relax.” I thought it was wise, rather than make him feel worse, I did as he suggested. I left him for about twenty minutes, to compose myself and come back in, to see if he had been sent in the operating theatre yet, but as I looked in I saw him , entertaining himself with the great imagination that he has, waiting for his turn. As soon as he saw me, his face lit! Like a relief, not to be left alone. ALAS, IT WAS HIS TURN, HE SMILED AND WITH GREAT PRIDE I HAD, WHISPERED “I LOVE YOU. SEE YOU SOON. IT WILL BE OKAY.”

All memories of him, kept me, huddled by that exit door, with special ted, Flank, as my companion. We sat there till he came out, nearly 2 hours. In meditation, and keeping an eye on his soul, while he was under anesthetic, a mother for her son. The strength of love surpasses any other. It made me aware, that I have come a long way from the pregnant mother with two sick boys way back in 2004.

Thank you to Allah Ta’ala for sending me guidance and angel helpers.

Special thanks also to Alex, who slept by the entrance door, on the floor, keeping me company.

And gratitude to those who came in support and love. And to those who offered their support online.

Life is filled with love of great companions , we are grateful.

Love, Peace & Light ~Lorraine Nur~

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Mayan calendar and Doomsday!

FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE, IT HAS BEEN REVEALED: The "Mayans" are a race from another dimension; lived here on the earth and took care of it. Came the human race and so they crossed back to their place, entrusting the earth to it's rightful inheritors. The responsibility of guardians were handed over. They may see and may help from where they are. Bermuda Triangle is a 'drop down" spot. I am not saying UFO. I  am saying "Beings"  The Mayan calendar! Tell me about the Mayan calendar. Is the world actually going to end on that last day? No, I am told. No, we made the calendar as a signal to mankind, because at this point the world, Earth will be suffering too much from mankind's inattentive carelessness, irresponsible actions which have been the cause of all the environmental issues and problems we face now. The polar ice is melting , the toxic waste in the sea, the hole in the ozone, the crashing planets and more. We fight, we kill, we hate, we ruin what heritage left have we? The Mayans... can only do so much to advise and show guidance from the dimension where space divided by time equals velocity plus energy. mankind , can we start to recuperate? will we be alright as a civilization? Will we survive our very own selfish acts against the earth, nature and ourselves? NO, NOT IF WE DON'T REALISE AND CARE ENOUGH! Realism is facing us. Borobudur have similar architectures and buildings. All seems to be so mysterious since they never had the technology to build accurately. So too the pyramids etc. It is not aliens but "JINN" meaning those not human but creations.Sent like angels , whose job description is to "bring" prayers of mankind to be heard and answered, to Heaven. Good JIIN  help and cooperate to look after all creation. All the mysterious symbols left on the earth surface? A signal and sign that mankind is not alone in all Allah's creation, yet being the ultimate creation. A questionable statement now!!! Allah sent the Al Quran. In it is a guidance. In it is a knowledge. In it is a balm. In it is the future. In it is the existence of mankind; before, now and after. All creation is vibrating with "ALLAH HU ALLAH" before, now and after. It is a healing mantra and healing energy from one who recites and practices, which spreads throughout , knows not religion, sees the pure heart of one humbled by it's powerful vibrations. One carries it within the heart and spreads it's light throughout the entire creation. Angels and spirit guides all know this sound, this vibration and rush to the call of one who is in unison with the breath, heart and soul mantra. I implore all mankind, to say this throughout the rest of your life and I pray with it, all Divine goodness and help will be at our service to renew our earth, land, seas and our existence. Nur Shufiya

Styles of LOVE

Tuesday, 01 September 2009 at 23:20 | The Experience of "Being In Love" Is Not The Same For Everyone
Not everyone experiences love in exactly the same manner.
Research has shown that love comes in several different forms or styles (see, Lee and Regan). For the most part, people experience love as a blend of two or three of the styles listed below. Essentially, people have different notions of what it means to "be in love."
Styles of Love:
Eros – some people experience love with a lot of passion, intimacy and intensity. Love based on Eros has a strong sexual and emotional component. People who experience love this way want to be emotionally and physically close to their romantic partners and they tend to idealize love. Such love is marked by passion as well as compassion (kindness and consideration). Eros is best viewed as romantic, passionate love - the type of love that creates excitement at the beginning of a new relationship.
Ludus – some people experience love as a game to be played with other people’s emotions. The goal or desire is to gain control over a partner through manipulation. People who experience love as Ludus like to have multiple love interests where they are in complete control. Lying, cheating and deception are common for people who experience love as Ludus – it’s all part of the game. For people who experience love as Ludus, it is satisfying to outwit a partner and exploit his or her weak spots (see, husband plays with my heart, who is likely to cheat, love fraud).
Storge – some people experience love as a gradual and slow process. When love is based on Storge, getting to know someone comes before having intense feelings for that person. Love based on Storge takes time, it requires genuine liking and understanding of a partner, and it develops slowly over time. Love based on Storge is often compared to the love that one has for a friend. In fact, people who experience love as Storge often fall in love with their friends.
Agape – some people experience love as care giving. Love is the overwhelming desire to want to take care of a partner - a parental or nurturing type of love. Love based on Agape is attentive, caring, compassionate and kind - a more altruistic or selfless type of love.
Mania – some people experience love as being out of control. Love is an overwhelming experience; it turns one’s life upside down and it results in a complete loss of one’s identity. Love based on Mania is crazy, impulsive and needy. People who experience love as Mania fall in love quickly, but their love tends to consume them. Love experienced as Mania also tends to burnout before it gets the chance to mature. Such love is often marked by extreme delusions, feelings of being out of control, rash decisions, and vulnerability. People who experience love as Mania are easily taken advantage of by people who experience love as Ludus.
Pragma – some people take a practical approach to love. Love is not crazy, intense, or out of control. Love is based on common sense and reason. People who experience love as Pragma tend to pick a suitable mate the way most other people make serious life decisions: picking a partner is based on careful consideration and reason. Practical concerns underlie this type of love.
The love styles listed above have also been linked to one’s style of attachment (see, Levy and Davis).
Eros and Agape are linked to Secure Attachment
Mania is linked to Anxious Attachment
Ludus is linked to Dismissing Attachment
Overall, when thinking about love and relationships, sometimes it helps to keep in mind that love does not always mean the same thing to everyone.

Role complications,ego based misunderstandings.



Some men have all the nerve to say they love you, make demands, make rigid rules, make arguments , create problems, forever negative, demand a schedule for intimate matters, then try to justify all rightful non-flexible principles knowing that if they would only be patient and show tolerance because of a better outcome, knowing full well the complications involved, would suddenly stop everything, with full knowledge of the certain predicaments and outcomes, and frozenly shun and ignore women , because they feel that it's been enough till now, we'll just move on. Thanks it's been great. People like these are better off dead for they are not human and have no feelings and aren't concerned about anyone but themselves. These people are in denial and ought to realise that one day, they will be compensated with the same. How can a man, who is supposed to be the protectors and charges of women, who want to "own" women, who want and need women, behave so selfishly, so egoistic and so hateful, but in a cool, calm and collected way.? How? It is not human, I guess people like these have shelved their souls into a cave and sleeping till the time to awaken is summoned. How can any man, in his right state of mind justify an extreme decision all because they can't tolerate not being the main attraction, when responsibilities are the reasons for lack of time and energy for doting on his self esteem.? How? Thursday, June 26th, 2011

The search for a soulmate


He exists. We have found each other. I am the Feminine, he is the Masculine. We searched through our lives to finally be ready to discover us. In the time of my life process, discovering me, who I am and then finally realizing that I am just an entity travelling in this world within this physical body. I once had an out of body experience, in where I learnt about the ability to feel unconditional love, that I saw my physical body where I had laid to rest but I was above it. So, I understand that the soul, the energy does not die, it lives, it feels, it thinks and it never extinguishes. That is who we really are. The emotions we have within our hearts are the most important factors for our life here and later. The place we return to is full of only unconditional love and radiant Light. We are part of this Light. We are one with this Light. We came and we return to the Light. Once, I experienced this special phenomenon, it changed my life and perception of existence in this world. That is why I say I am a spirit in human form. As goes the theory of twin flames states, read up on it; I have started to research it’s concept and want to verify that the theory can exist. I am experiencing it myself; with someone who is so like me in so many ways, I say it is me. Someone I have abundant and unconditional love with and for, that I need him in my life and without him I will not exist. Without him I will not be whole. He is my love, my life, my energy and my beacon. He is my breath , my companion , my lover, my friend, my partner, my king , my husband, my soulmate and he is my twin soul, twin flame….based on the theory and available information. We always want to be together, yet not monopolizing. We always want to remain in each others’ presence, yet not domineering, we always want to see and touch each other but not possessing, our conversations go on forever, we tend to see everything from the same perspective, we laugh together, I feel his emotions, he feels mine, he can’t bear to see me cry and when I cry I am never afraid to show my true self. I am without ego in his company, he is balancing me in every way, he enhances my being and I his, I feel so energetic I don’t need or want to sleep. I feel that sleep steals my moments with him. I sleep, I dream and feel him. When I am physically alone, he is there beside me. We communicate through the soul not just physically. This is an experience I had this morning. I felt him beside me, I heard his voice, the next minute I see, he sends me an sms. Even the lines on our palms are the same. We have had many similar events occur in our lives yet we are born in different parts of the world. As a child , I had a fall and gashed my chin. I had stitches and till today I have a scar. My twin has the exact scar in the exact place but he never fell or had stitches, he was born with this mark. I had dreams of him 4 times in six months before our meeting. The dreams had indications and premonitions and when we met, the indications were his reality, like his next designation and the kiss. The kiss in reality could only be the one in the dream, it is exclusively his style and his kiss. When we met the energy was extremely strong as if we were two suns. Since we met, we have not been apart, except for weekends due to external circumstances and responsibilities. The bonding is occurring, elevating and increasing in powerful levels. The love is deep and unconditional. There were also many signs to reflect that the meeting was not coincidental; like the picture of the 2 dancers on the room wall which was exactly the same as the one on my web wall, the love of the colour green and how we were wearing the same colour on the day we met. The physical act of lovemaking transcends all aspects of the physical and we are charged with an incredible energy in the union almost as if surrendering to the entire Universe and being one with it. It is worship and blending of aura, energy and of souls, reaching a state of intense euphoria. It also feels like we are continuing a union, a life of being parted and continuing where we left off. Nothing seems strange about us. We are unique together. We extol each other. We take on a different look when we are one…. We seem younger, we look younger; our energy manifests in everything we do together or physically apart. We have the same life purpose of healing society; helping mankind; the same vision to make the world better. He is a man with vision in a profession which has been pathed to be a leader and make changes. He is intellectually capable and wanting. I am spiritually inspired to make changes in the world, to spread unconditional and healing love, connecting with those who have the same mission and vision. As my out of body experience was very clear, I was told that I have to go back because my mission isn’t complete yet. I am inspired by my meeting my twin. We have the same life principles. I once made a mistake before meeting my twin, which when I related the story to him, it antagonized him dreadfully, in normal circumstance he would have been very angry and in that situation I faced it would have normally made me very antagonistic as well, but, we found that we re-acted opposite to what we would normally have with others. It impacts the fact that twin flames do have a great capability of resistance to what normally would have been an ego based and eccentric outlook to a clash of values. The mistake was made and I felt ashamed, but what hurt me most was, although I regretted it happened and he said that he regretted it too. I thought to myself how sad I am that he could feel my regret but that I felt he regretted t more. I feel the power of unconditional love transformation. My tears flow uncontrollably in his presence without the ego and pride that is normally within me. My research on this theory continues as I journey my life now with a new discovery.

Psychic but….


I don't tell the future I don't read minds. I don't do bad magic. I don't do spells. I don't know how to tell If you will get your promotion or not Or win your cases Or what will he or she do next I don't know when the next time that thief will steal again Or when you will marry or die. What I can tell you is that you will one day die And so I can remind you of how to prepare for death By first killing self. In that I mean lose the ego and pride Which is as high as the sky And don't sit too high up that ladder, cos when it breaks And you fall, it's going to hurt! What I can say to you is remember Allah Ta'ala constantly Free your mind from worldly clutter And rearrange your life principles and beliefs To inculcate goodness, kindness and loving Trust, Friendship and Honesty What I can also tell you is that The angels are always at your side Be there when you need a hand or a friendly nudge, to push you through this life This world is no Paradise And Hell could be now Yet with all this in mind , I make a stand I will surely hang in there For I do now understand the bits and pieces Of this whole jigsaw life In is no parade or fashion show But it sure will help for us to see, that the main event and in the big huge screen Is one person called me. So, my dears when the time is nigh When the time draws close to the end Be sure to say in your heart and thank you Allah An Astaghfirullah And the last breath inhale and exhale In full belief in ALLAH HU ALLAH. Lorraine Nur Shufiya

A Look Beyond


I look into your eyes and look beyond I see him that I love I look beyond your circumstance I see the one I love Look beyond, I see within The one hidden from sight I look beyond, I feel The one I seek I look beyond our differences I seek to honour love So, I look beyond our faults and I love the pure soul How do I phrase it Eloquence is not enough To look beyond the feeling Is not an emotion any more It is the circumstance, an experience A look beyond has developed A beyond the boundaries, freedom A soul reconnection A walk beyond the darkness A look beyond the emptiness A look beyond the void Discovery, produces synergy Light , love and you.

Gullible is one thing, stupid another

by Lorraine Branson on Friday, 24 December 2010 at 02:55

Purple dahlia

The Buddha has said, "If a man can find a suitable and understanding wife and a woman can find a suitable and understanding husband, both are fortunate indeed." The way a woman plays with her hair reveals so many intimate details. Dear old sage, mentor in worldly matters. How a pure heart deems services in marriage so calmly. Full of rational interpretation, not upholding only justice but love too. In so many denominations, we find many advice on what a good marriage consists of. My personal belief is LOVE will overcome and fulfill all needs, wants and desires.  Based on moral values, sound respect, conjoined motivation of a successful union. Trust is a father figure in a marriage where a man feels a need to protect his "own". Protection and defense of his dominion. That in a normal marriage is fundamental. Where positions in the marriage is a normal path, not needed to be processed as set rules and regulations. A flow based on a mutual understanding. "Never lose hope no matter how bad things get; no matter how depressing, no matter how negative. Rise above it all. You may make mistakes but at least you gave your best in all sincerity. Love is given freely, don't take advantage of it." ~ Lorraine Nur~ "Wolves in sheep's' clothing. Gullible is one thing, stupid another. Sometimes one makes choices based on false pretences hence a liable mistake. If every thing was clear cut, directed and wrapped; all you'd get is a commodity not an asset." ~ Lorraine Nur ~ Hence, coexisting as life partners in a marriage does need to be based on non-bias principles and values. As my own belief structure and choices guide me and I as a woman know where I stand , what my responsibilities are and where my priorities lie. "I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman."  ~Anaïs Nin~ In the above quote, I have the opinion that all women in a marriage do depend on this character and will to have this, although never failing as woman when becoming a wife. "Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. " ~Joseph Conrad~"No woman is required to build the world by destroying herself."  ~Rabbi Sofer "One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat a man.  ~Marlo Thomas" How uncanny that some men do have the innate ability to have a moral conscience that they can be a difficult species and admit it. Although, how many while knowing that they are difficult, try to change their ways for the better and protect something which is worth saving? I often feel and advice against name calling or offensive ,derogatory language in the relationship of husband and wife. In that, no matter how angry one may be, it is totally unacceptable to repeat insults. Words have a cutting edge. The mind filters hurtful verbal abuse, but can never erase it. Words spoken in random anger leave scars. It can affect a woman's self-esteem which does say much about her as a gentle creature in need of love, care and nurturing. It would be quite official to say cows were made for milking and tugging, not women. "The beauty of a woman is in her heart not just her body. SeX: Such a taboo subject when I was growing up. I was never given straightforward advice and learnt many things the "hard" way. I do not begrudge my parents at all, they did their best in all matters raising me to become the woman I am today. In matters of sexual relations within a marriage. I love romance. I love the "play". I would not be bored with someone I love and I would anticipate great sex with him as well. I feel when sex is love based, through understanding, communication, openness and acceptance, one can have a wonderful time in sex with one's spouse. On the other hand, when sex becomes a ritual, an act of responsibility with only one partner dominant/active or with only one expected to make all the effort, it can become a tedious chore, no matter what. Sex based on love and not lust is long lasting. Fantasies in a marriage can be a healthy ,adventurous and is normal. Frivolity, intimacy, romance, nonjudgmental and commitment is also appreciated when considering a happy, healthy and long lasting marriage. Women and men's roles differ in a marriage. Women who are mothers also have their "roles" to play as wives and nurturers. When demands exceed supply, we have problems. When rules are set as to intending a time spent together and everything needs to be agreed upon before commencing is unusual and not normal, according to me. Finding time in our hectic schedules for love making is good. But when it becomes tactical, then that is bad. Tactic to create vying and jealousy have no place in a healthy and romantic marriage. Romance is a necessary ingredient. Positive verbal appreciation and showing appreciation is too. Say " I Love you" a lot, it is sweet and reminds one that the affection is never forgotten. Women from  different cultures adhere to husbands differently, although never losing respect of him as the head of the family. Some women live in marriages because they have to, some women suffer in marriages because they feel the sacrifice is worth it, some women choose to be removed from a negative marriage and some women simply accept the course their marriage takes. Definitely, every action has a re-action, consequence and risks. As long as women are happy to be in whatever marriage status or situation they find themselves, love is most truly the key to its success. Men who have a keen eye for the women, who have the lust pleasure , most certainly do not fit the profile of perfect husband, no matter how much responsibility they claim to be able to convey and carry out. Negativity can come in the form of cynicism, criticism, whining, attacking, pessimism, discontent, perfectionism, and hyperintensity. All of these behaviors can push people away, including your spouse. "Research indicates you can get mad as hell or avoid conflict altogether. But the positivity must outweigh the negativity by five to one." Source: John Gottman, Nan Silver, "What Makes Marriage Work?",, Mar/Apr 1994. In conclusion, words have no good effect if words are from poor choice in vocabulary. Women are by nature sensitive to words, hardened and not showing feeling kills love. Hence, taking care without many demand, making the journey together will be happy, successful and long, if in truth and honesty everthing started. Partners feel love in sex. ~Lorraine Nur~

The future is not clear, Indonesia.


In the middle of the night and the air is nice and cool I listen quietly to a discussion of the country All reflective on how will this country advance Who will be strong and intelligent enough to bring this nation forward Who will care enough to carry a legacy To unfold changes, to modify, to improve Everyone is waiting, a wait that is a waste Personally, I want to feel a change I see a need for a radical movement A forceful launch of a future plan The leader clutches his fading shadow He puts on a plastic face To conceal his confusion As well as his concern For time passing quickly Time is an expensive tool Used unwisely will never be retrieved So, time for talk, time for movement, time for a change. Improvising a system is not what this nation needs This nation needs a just and caring soul. I wonder who will take up the challenge? Lorraine Nur

Remembrance & Gratitude

Life is all about making a difference. Life is about gaining lessons for improvement. We were not born to create mischief and troubles. We were born to discover that we are perfect creation of the Most High who loves us. We were created to worship Him.

“Remember Me and I shall remember you.”

To participate in universal remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, we as one whole would never hurt each other. We would lose all ego and pride. We will support and nourish each other , wholly for His sake. We would banish all differences, we would merge as one, humanity. The variable difference among us is, faith. How we show devotion to His Oneness, never associating partners with Him and asking only from Him, to Whom we all return. Therefore, what and why are we all fighting for?

Where is forgiveness when we hope for His forgiveness? Where is our showing mercy and benevolence, when we hope for His? Where is our gratitude, when we forget to offer thanks and hope for better or more?

Weren’t we endowed with intelligence as a higher species? To think and be rational, to use the heart’s light to over power misdemeanors and wrong doings? Have we forgotten how it is like to be afflicted by diseases that we allow the disease of the heart to over power commonsense?

What’s the use of manipulation when we become His humble slaves , we offer everything back to Him? What are we supposed to achieve after all we have comes from Him when we make efforts, we either succeed or not?

Choices are ours to make, decisions are His. He offers to us palettes of blessings , we need only pick. He offers us the entire Universe to enjoy, without any payment, we need only appreciate and give thanks. We do not make the trees grow that offer us our breath of life, yet we tear then down these foundations of the Earth, so crucial to survival, for our own self needs, and the air we pollute for our selfish end desires, to grow and accumulate wealth. He did not charge us for these blessings, we are meant as caliphs on Earth to secure and maintain His generosities. So, which of His blessings do we give thanks for?

Who among us now, in these end years, ever remember Him…..we are so disturbed by gaining wealth and paying debts, we cheat and steal without knowing, under the financial system of repayments,mortgages and debt!

We are avaricious in needing to accumulate materialistic honour, we forget our mission of life and death. What legacy are we leaving our children? We offer education, encourage independence and we support all worldly efforts but, when and how, are we preparing them for death and Hereafter. Are we helping them in remembrance by being role models as older teachers , carers and parents? Are we indoctrinating in them FEAR based values towards The ONE or LOVE based ones? Are we teaching them that He is God, that worldly matters aren’t?Insignificant are we, when compared to His abundant LOVE for us, we need feel shame on being so obtuse and unappreciative.

May we all remember HIM , in whose Hands our survival and life depend on and to Whom we shall all return. May the windows of Repentance remain open till all come back to realisation and beg forgiveness for all follies.

Love the eternal bliss

Humbly in peace, love & light

~Lorraine Nur~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The love process and endurance

Love the eternal bliss

How often do we go through the process of love, falling in love and loving?

With that many people in the world, are we meant just for one, when all fails, we have to keep silent and alone? I have a difference of opinion about the search for that special one, the other half, the soul mate forever, the twin soul or flame.

During my short research and acting the roles which I found my path being led towards, I was always sure that “he”was the one. The consistent emotions we feel during a new meeting with a beloved, goes through pangs of challenges, and abundance of joys. In balance of life, we receive so many blessings through relationships. Marriage always the one factor that is supposed to bind people forever, seems to be a frigid and rigid law, when enforced as a till death do us part appendix. But, for all that it’s worth, for those who find themselves in confusing relationships, passing through each mate  in their life journey; would it then not seem rational to consider, that they were meant to meet for a reason and then left when it was over, also for a progressive reason?

Each love brings it’s own graces and blessings. The percentage of the love seems to elevate, perhaps with being more aware of what to avoid, knowing what to expect, learning to keep love as an open book, filling the chapters with all the experiences and one day, perhaps, one day, getting it “right” and keeping the eternal bliss of Heaven’s gift, safely in our lives.

We dare to take the risk of heartaches and pains, for love is not just the bed of roses, it initially spreads out to be. It welcomes us joyously, it unfolds , it stimulates, it revives a melancholy heart, it emerges as a bird of phoenix and creates rainbows after the rain.

Then the storms begin, to pressure the relationship, because life has imparted all it’s complexities and complications on the weary soul, responsibilities and the demands of society, impacts on every relationship, new or old, relationships which need to grow and transform over time. With new loves in mature ages, this is confounding, it implicates that two must forge their existence with all the traits of history through their individual lives. The room for making mistakes is small as no one wants to continue to make difficulties, yet there is a love connection. Taken into perspective, looking at the desired aim and end goal, I think that the love felt must encourage a worthy and happy existence as two becoming one.

With restricted caution, measures we take, baby steps we make, we can take our time, not rush, about LOVE; as if it’s going to disappear…if it does , then it was not right in the first place, and if in the time taken or needed, a good , solid relationship based on all aspects of love is built, we can hope for a happy ending, after all. So, no rush, never lose hope, always remain positive, affirm what love is in your life, keep happy and attract the like.

For everyone, there is someone.

Love, peace & light


~Lorraine Nur~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Running away


I am a fleer! I admit it! I cannot tolerate any discomfort to my soul. Anything that gets me down, anything that starts to upset me and there seems no solutions , just endless arguments , gets me …fleeing!

What I mean by running away, is not because I am afraid to face issues. I just have issues with negativity. To totally eradicate it, I flee from circumstances that have no viable solutions. I then have the “stop fleeing “ button, when I see there can be a solution. I know it will take energy and time to produce the desired positive effect, than I take a deep breath, say a prayer to fortify my soul, and start slowly to rebuild.

Nothing is actually difficult to compromise, when we shelve ego. Seriously, when we learn to agree to disagree, respect others’ views, learn to appreciate and understand others’ concepts, we learn to achieve dynamic peace in life.

There are many times, this is unachievable, and with people that really matter, we can come close by showering love and acceptance , for that is who they are. Different personality traits may clash, ideas may clash, still when we learn to respect, we can accept and conform, as long as it does not go against good principles, values and morals.

Toleration is an important ingredient to acquire. Imagine being in a shop, where we can buy these characteristics, life would be so simple. There are some things money just can’t buy! So, we have to learn and apply self improvement methods.

Now, being a fleer, is not a bad thing. It avoids so many conflicts and in some cases and is a big win overall. One thing I found though, as a fleer of negative situations, I am in total control of myself, so I flee by choice. Inadvertently, what makes me choose to flee, are acts of disrespect, rudeness, inability to comprehend,selfishness, choosing to be difficult and the like; which create an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.I actually get so caught up in trying to understand the “why’s” till I cause myself to have shortness of breath and a dull pain in my chest! I flee when I face adults with these characteristics and I have no problem evicting them from my personal space, for health reasons!

In the case of children, I cultivate a better habit by facing the challenges of moulding better adults by showing better options ,words and motivating better speech with intelligence and treating them as little adults with their own rights.I find it most satisfying when we succeed to overcome those negativities, with love, communication, understanding and mutual respect. As a role model, I do hope that will create better adults in the future.

How then as adults did we become so rigid? Something to reflect on.

Peace, Love & Light

~Lorraine Nur~

Balancing acts in life


If someone enters your life and remains complacent for too long, then it’s time to review, what it’s all about.

There are so many roles we all play in our lives, the position of responsibilities. At times, we have to juggle so many things that are happening all at once, it can get very inundated and tiring. Too much thinking can cause so much stresses and difficulties. Perceptions differ and so much is expected of oneself, when one attempts to do everything to please everyone else.So, with that in mind, where is there time to have relationships of quality?

In my situation, where so many failed relationships may reflect hugely on my inability to play all my roles; having been divorced and separated from my children, an ordeal I live with every day. It’s hard trying to juggle an extended relationship outside the scope of my children’s lives. Having tried to rebuild a life with a partner, because as a woman I do have various needs for companionship, I found it extremely difficult playing my role as a mother and then as a wife in another household. Having to go back and forth from my children’s home and then to my husband’s home, was a very taxing lifestyle. As I have limited and supervised access to my children, this being the case, I have had various attempts at trying to re-marry , with failing every attempt, only because a husband does have his role and it is impossible to ask anyone to understand and accept my role as mother to children who are not allowed to come to my home.

This is a hindrance for me having any hope of ever discovering a soul mate, it would have to be an angel who would encourage and support, let alone understand, my complicated life style, at this point in my life. Therefore, to have anyone permanent in my life as a husband would be a miracle.

I have had to review a future with another before I can commit with all life’s complications and intricacies, I know what I would like and that perfection of family will not be attained, when there is no understanding and support. I found I allowed myself to dream about such happiness when in reality, there can be none for as long as I do not sacrifice the time needed to build a relationship. It takes it’s toll. I also found, that I open myself to pain and suffering with either situation having a need of some sacrifice. Most of the time this seems so unfair. I have been given case scenarios of how I can best lead a life of a woman under stressed and less than ideal circumstances, which if that person had the last ingredient I needed in his personality, I would have that achievement of perfection. Unfortunately, this is not to be so.

I need care and attention, every human does, it is a natural vital part of life, to share with another that one loves. Love, too easy a word to speak of, and difficult for most to carry out. What it means to love unconditionally, means giving of yourself, supplying the sustenance in relationships, without judging and demanding.

Humans are demanding and we need to learn that vitality of life which moulds us to become better souls journeying on this earth.

With all the pain and suffering we each endure , at different levels, may we be grateful that we will learn wisdom; with the hurt, may we learn fortitude, with the tears, may we be given patience.

~Love , peace & light~

Lorraine Nur

Friday, October 21, 2011

Be free

We are often foolish in love and love affairs. I was once taught that all could be reasonable as well as rational in matters of love, and I doubted it. I felt love was a beautiful feeling and falling in love would ultimately lead to fulfilling marital vows. That is a very naive assumption. Although that assumption would be based on prior conversations to the effect. Often, personalities differ in perception to what commitment is. Many times I have written and pondered on this subject. It has not made me any wiser in matters of love. I have been in and out of love so many times that with each failure, all I have gained is disappointment and hurt. To the point, I am almost not surprised any more. Yet, I shall never give up on love of lovers. For to allow the heart to pine and hurt, increases endurance and remain open to love, love affairs, romance and the like.
As each person we meet come into our lives for a lesson or a reason, the post consequence of a failed relationship is a grieving process, a momentary silence of the soul. It will be revived by the next soul love that comes along, that we shall have the flame of hope kindle once more. I am starting to believe that, it is an undying energy that has solely my signature on it, that travels through each potentially suited man, that the energy helps us to bond and grow, to a limit that is reachable of heightened senses, and that only with mutual consent will this energy flourish. Therefore, every suitable man that has a vested and sincere interest, will be helped by this unique energy force. That is probably why, most people in love have the sense of knowing each other. The chemistry called love, is an emotion which is triggered by the brain to conceive a union between two humans. The kind of love felt has gradations. It needs nurturing to expand and bloom. It cannot be one sided, there should be no hesitation, no pauses or insecurities. There should be no misconceptions neither any doubts. Love is never wrong when in the heart, it feels good, comfortable and healthy.
Ever so often, we fall blindly but allow the self to lead with intuition as a guide. When we prepare life for loving and lovingness, words of doubt never leak from the lips, contradicting words of amour at other times, consistency is infallible. Difficulties arise, but when two souls determine a joint path, the love overrides all else. I am hurting, am in pain, in the depths of my heart, I have a craving and longing for that soul love, energy based, intuition guided, angel delivered soul mate for a partner on Earth. I may have to send the right frequencies of call and support out to the antenna of the beloved who is also seeking me. For every new candidate there is new hope, the past is not viable because it has proven itself incompatible. We need to move forward. Not be stuck in manipulation and dreams alone. Imagination with hope then a drastic fall with disappoitment. The road on towards a love is rough. Everyday brings new hope, new journeys, new wisdom and maybe one day finally, the new love. When one finally meets this love , one shall know, it is said. Do consider that soul families are large and love is great, but only one is the real spouse.

 ~Lorraine Nur~