Life is all about making a difference. Life is about gaining lessons for improvement. We were not born to create mischief and troubles. We were born to discover that we are perfect creation of the Most High who loves us. We were created to worship Him.
“Remember Me and I shall remember you.”
To participate in universal remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, we as one whole would never hurt each other. We would lose all ego and pride. We will support and nourish each other , wholly for His sake. We would banish all differences, we would merge as one, humanity. The variable difference among us is, faith. How we show devotion to His Oneness, never associating partners with Him and asking only from Him, to Whom we all return. Therefore, what and why are we all fighting for?
Where is forgiveness when we hope for His forgiveness? Where is our showing mercy and benevolence, when we hope for His? Where is our gratitude, when we forget to offer thanks and hope for better or more?
Weren’t we endowed with intelligence as a higher species? To think and be rational, to use the heart’s light to over power misdemeanors and wrong doings? Have we forgotten how it is like to be afflicted by diseases that we allow the disease of the heart to over power commonsense?
What’s the use of manipulation when we become His humble slaves , we offer everything back to Him? What are we supposed to achieve after all we have comes from Him when we make efforts, we either succeed or not?
Choices are ours to make, decisions are His. He offers to us palettes of blessings , we need only pick. He offers us the entire Universe to enjoy, without any payment, we need only appreciate and give thanks. We do not make the trees grow that offer us our breath of life, yet we tear then down these foundations of the Earth, so crucial to survival, for our own self needs, and the air we pollute for our selfish end desires, to grow and accumulate wealth. He did not charge us for these blessings, we are meant as caliphs on Earth to secure and maintain His generosities. So, which of His blessings do we give thanks for?
Who among us now, in these end years, ever remember Him…..we are so disturbed by gaining wealth and paying debts, we cheat and steal without knowing, under the financial system of repayments,mortgages and debt!
We are avaricious in needing to accumulate materialistic honour, we forget our mission of life and death. What legacy are we leaving our children? We offer education, encourage independence and we support all worldly efforts but, when and how, are we preparing them for death and Hereafter. Are we helping them in remembrance by being role models as older teachers , carers and parents? Are we indoctrinating in them FEAR based values towards The ONE or LOVE based ones? Are we teaching them that He is God, that worldly matters aren’t?Insignificant are we, when compared to His abundant LOVE for us, we need feel shame on being so obtuse and unappreciative.
May we all remember HIM , in whose Hands our survival and life depend on and to Whom we shall all return. May the windows of Repentance remain open till all come back to realisation and beg forgiveness for all follies.
Humbly in peace, love & light
~Lorraine Nur~
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