
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Tweet collections, 2011

6da9698024cf11e180c9123138016265_7 Peace all!

  • We are given hardships in order to appreciate what we have.Not all good things come easily;committed,we can enjoy the fruits, later.
  • The moments that our souls connect to the Most High, there we discover infinite LOVE of His Light, may we be all blessed and enlightened.
  • "Allah sends hikmah to cool heads, poured by pureness, HIS angels wait,ready to give all freely, utter unending ALLAH HU ALLAH,feel the cool.
  • Shareat is for the body, tharekat is food for the soul, ma'rifat is our destination, zikir is our Buraaq, Allah is the MIGHT!
  • HIS beauty shines through the humble servant, in adoration and pure LOVE for HIS sake, Allah HU Allah..
  • Never blame anyone for circumstances as a result of bad choices.Choices are a freedom only humans have.Consequentially,we have to accept.
  • If one remembers what one intended, one would stay firm and steadfast in all matters,holding on to wholesome principles which improve lives.
  • Life is simple, rational minds can differentiate what logic proves between emotional circumstances.Derive methods of better communications.
  • Turmoil and attacks keep coming, when you think they've ended.The pact will stay intact when the pack starts their attacks.
  • I mean what I say and I say what I mean!I can't lie and am non judgmental.I simply say what I observe,it's meant to help & guide.
  • Love yourself,you deserve it!
  • Just because someone seems optimistic all the time, don't take took years of pain to arrive at this point of growth.
  • Fear of loss under threat constitutes oppression and blackmail. Some times we need to play poker& challenge or Russian roulette.
  • Leave troublemakers to face their lot, one day there will be recompense.
  • I walk away from situations and people who have no interest to improve! Thereby saving myself hardship and further disappointment
  • .My mind explodes from frustration knowing an injustice and helpless to do anything!
  • "When I die, I only want to take with me my good feelings. That is why I eradicate bad&negativity,so I can feel love,peace&joy forever."
  • If you only knew how the entire creation pulsates with one energy force, you would love one another more, love will extinguish the evil one
  • Emotional manipulation is distasteful & unacceptable.
  • We use feelings&emotions to show love,care&concern.We use the brain to make wise decisions.Don't think with your heart.
  • I look towards others to show guidance but finally Allah Ta'ala is the ultimate Guide, Al Qur'an is clear & Rasulallah saaw is perfect!
  • Hearts don't break, EGO does! Feelings are results of words we ingest! Feel good by saying good and feeding positive words, it's healthy!
  • Listen to your heart, what is good will feel right & what is wrong will be bad! Accept and move on. There is light at the end.
  • There's always abundant hope when we exercise our God given right to CHOOSE! Nothing is permanent & we don't have to settle for less.
  • Recently I have been feeling queasy! I don't take too well to negativity, as an empath psychic we tend to absorb and must release!
  • Love generously&sincerely.Sweetest nectar is hard to come by.Treasure each drop.
  • Truth unfolds for preservation of goodness&improvement.There is always room for growth.Avoiding issues is denial,causes discomfort.
  • Technology is going to disappoint us soon! We should be less dependent on it! We must rely more on our own intelligence to be successful.
  • The thing about life principles is that we must believe and utilise them as a part of life, not just think or talk about it only.
  • People tend to preach more than practice.When the time comes, without practice,the preaching have zero results! Ignorance and self denial.
  • The power of prayer keeps us strong and unified in all circumstances, souls connect on a different level, exceeds this physical dimension.
  • Love for the sake of Allah Ta'ala & Rasulallah saaw, for that is true love that will be forever in this world & the next.
  • Life changing episodes,Gain strength from pain,wisdom from disillusions,inner peace by prayers.Remaining firm in convictions,dedication!
  • The NUR of life compromises LOVE, endurance, self sacrifice, faith,patience,and mostly sincere good intentions.Daimah of life.Salaam.
  • Inspite of major upheavals&adversaries;grievances dominate untruths,love will prevail when we love for His sake.Allah Ta'ala sees&hears all.
  • Keep respect even in anger & frustration, to all.Uphold your own selfesteem.You were not born to give trouble.Have common decency.
  • Arguments about a predestiny makes pain & heartache close friends.Choosing better ways equals dignity,love&peace.Make wise choices.
  • In this day&age when faith should be built, sincerity is still a major concern.
  • I found love in a place I least expected and there I plan to stay.Always beside you all the way.Together in Love,Light&Peace.
  • Life takes sweet turns after spooning trials, add sugar and stir well. Love,Light&Peace
  • My dream is forever to be close,grow&support from each breath till each sunrise& sunset,now till the end!Love of angels on Earth!
  • I shall not speak to anyone for three days, if they ask I hope the baby will speak on my behalf.I really need one of those kinds of miracles. #hope
  • Great Creator of the Universe, Answer the pleas of those who ask from YOU, Oh JIBRIL, where are you when I need you most? Ya Rabb,cleanse us!
  • Words enter the brain, it causes an energy which we are in charge of.That determines our emotions.We are in control all the time.
  • In proclaiming a truth one may send the wrong signals others may misinterpret.We give power to words by how we digest & understand them.
  • Humankind choose better behaviour,be conscious that you are a reflection of Him, how can we then debase His goodness and blessings on us?
  • I cannot understand prolonged anger,hurt,pain,in ignoring,not forgiving& allowing suffering.We hope for all goodness,hence must act such.

My 47th birthday message to the world;be your best at all times,create peace&love,be truthful,honest&sincere!Stay happy&smile a lot.Spread well.



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