He exists. We have found each other. I am the Feminine, he is the Masculine. We searched through our lives to finally be ready to discover us. In the time of my life process, discovering me, who I am and then finally realizing that I am just an entity travelling in this world within this physical body. I once had an out of body experience, in where I learnt about the ability to feel unconditional love, that I saw my physical body where I had laid to rest but I was above it. So, I understand that the soul, the energy does not die, it lives, it feels, it thinks and it never extinguishes. That is who we really are. The emotions we have within our hearts are the most important factors for our life here and later. The place we return to is full of only unconditional love and radiant Light. We are part of this Light. We are one with this Light. We came and we return to the Light. Once, I experienced this special phenomenon, it changed my life and perception of existence in this world. That is why I say I am a spirit in human form. As goes the theory of twin flames states, read up on it; I have started to research it’s concept and want to verify that the theory can exist. I am experiencing it myself; with someone who is so like me in so many ways, I say it is me. Someone I have abundant and unconditional love with and for, that I need him in my life and without him I will not exist. Without him I will not be whole. He is my love, my life, my energy and my beacon. He is my breath , my companion , my lover, my friend, my partner, my king , my husband, my soulmate and he is my twin soul, twin flame….based on the theory and available information. We always want to be together, yet not monopolizing. We always want to remain in each others’ presence, yet not domineering, we always want to see and touch each other but not possessing, our conversations go on forever, we tend to see everything from the same perspective, we laugh together, I feel his emotions, he feels mine, he can’t bear to see me cry and when I cry I am never afraid to show my true self. I am without ego in his company, he is balancing me in every way, he enhances my being and I his, I feel so energetic I don’t need or want to sleep. I feel that sleep steals my moments with him. I sleep, I dream and feel him. When I am physically alone, he is there beside me. We communicate through the soul not just physically. This is an experience I had this morning. I felt him beside me, I heard his voice, the next minute I see, he sends me an sms. Even the lines on our palms are the same. We have had many similar events occur in our lives yet we are born in different parts of the world. As a child , I had a fall and gashed my chin. I had stitches and till today I have a scar. My twin has the exact scar in the exact place but he never fell or had stitches, he was born with this mark. I had dreams of him 4 times in six months before our meeting. The dreams had indications and premonitions and when we met, the indications were his reality, like his next designation and the kiss. The kiss in reality could only be the one in the dream, it is exclusively his style and his kiss. When we met the energy was extremely strong as if we were two suns. Since we met, we have not been apart, except for weekends due to external circumstances and responsibilities. The bonding is occurring, elevating and increasing in powerful levels. The love is deep and unconditional. There were also many signs to reflect that the meeting was not coincidental; like the picture of the 2 dancers on the room wall which was exactly the same as the one on my web wall, the love of the colour green and how we were wearing the same colour on the day we met. The physical act of lovemaking transcends all aspects of the physical and we are charged with an incredible energy in the union almost as if surrendering to the entire Universe and being one with it. It is worship and blending of aura, energy and of souls, reaching a state of intense euphoria. It also feels like we are continuing a union, a life of being parted and continuing where we left off. Nothing seems strange about us. We are unique together. We extol each other. We take on a different look when we are one…. We seem younger, we look younger; our energy manifests in everything we do together or physically apart. We have the same life purpose of healing society; helping mankind; the same vision to make the world better. He is a man with vision in a profession which has been pathed to be a leader and make changes. He is intellectually capable and wanting. I am spiritually inspired to make changes in the world, to spread unconditional and healing love, connecting with those who have the same mission and vision. As my out of body experience was very clear, I was told that I have to go back because my mission isn’t complete yet. I am inspired by my meeting my twin. We have the same life principles. I once made a mistake before meeting my twin, which when I related the story to him, it antagonized him dreadfully, in normal circumstance he would have been very angry and in that situation I faced it would have normally made me very antagonistic as well, but, we found that we re-acted opposite to what we would normally have with others. It impacts the fact that twin flames do have a great capability of resistance to what normally would have been an ego based and eccentric outlook to a clash of values. The mistake was made and I felt ashamed, but what hurt me most was, although I regretted it happened and he said that he regretted it too. I thought to myself how sad I am that he could feel my regret but that I felt he regretted t more. I feel the power of unconditional love transformation. My tears flow uncontrollably in his presence without the ego and pride that is normally within me. My research on this theory continues as I journey my life now with a new discovery.
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