
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Psychic but….


I don't tell the future I don't read minds. I don't do bad magic. I don't do spells. I don't know how to tell If you will get your promotion or not Or win your cases Or what will he or she do next I don't know when the next time that thief will steal again Or when you will marry or die. What I can tell you is that you will one day die And so I can remind you of how to prepare for death By first killing self. In that I mean lose the ego and pride Which is as high as the sky And don't sit too high up that ladder, cos when it breaks And you fall, it's going to hurt! What I can say to you is remember Allah Ta'ala constantly Free your mind from worldly clutter And rearrange your life principles and beliefs To inculcate goodness, kindness and loving Trust, Friendship and Honesty What I can also tell you is that The angels are always at your side Be there when you need a hand or a friendly nudge, to push you through this life This world is no Paradise And Hell could be now Yet with all this in mind , I make a stand I will surely hang in there For I do now understand the bits and pieces Of this whole jigsaw life In is no parade or fashion show But it sure will help for us to see, that the main event and in the big huge screen Is one person called me. So, my dears when the time is nigh When the time draws close to the end Be sure to say in your heart and thank you Allah An Astaghfirullah And the last breath inhale and exhale In full belief in ALLAH HU ALLAH. Lorraine Nur Shufiya

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