
Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting through bad times

Sometimes,life circumstances are not easy to accept or understand. At best, we need to go through the struggles and gain the wisdom. Foremost, we need to gain the understanding, not questioning the why but instrospect self. It's so easy to blame others when things go wrong. We may have been warned prior or we may have been through the process of repairing a relationship or marriage before the calamity; we may not have heeded warnings and we may have taken things for granted. It takes two hands to clap! When someone bothers to go to the core of the matter, realising self made mistakes is the first step towards improvement. Never the less, being in denial and not accepting responsibilty for mistakes is a common weakness all humans face. Hopefully, being strong in faith, sincerely abiding by it, will pull us through and we will eventually see the light. Take responsibility for actions, causes, risks and consequences and stop blaming others. We all have choices in life. It's up to the individual to make things better or worse! ~lorrainenur@2013

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