
Monday, January 16, 2012

The supernatural phenomena and occurrence of energy

Healing power

I have been afflicted by such negative energy in the last few days. It has been a shocking attack from all directions, from afar and some from near. I seclude myself, from too much activity of people, as every person carries their own energy and vibrations, it is sometimes difficult being in such environments. I tend to absorb alot of negative energy, a cleanser of a psychic, a garbage collector of people’s bad energy, a helper in silence; and I dump it. But when the negative energy is directed at me, either directly or via another person, it is a horrific shock for my physical self, which reacts by having pains in the chest, bad headaches and breathlessness.  Sometimes , among people with whom we have spiritual and physical ties, our energies combine and we actually feel what they go through, when we remain connected. We as humans have what other creations do not have, called FREE WILL, CHOICE!

In our lives, we are often faced with many difficulties and dilemmas, this makes us go through worries and stresses. Know that you may control the effects of these negative events by choosing how you take control of it, focusing on goodness and positivity, telling yourself that you have choices, that nothing is forced upon you unless you allow the doctrines or words to be applied that make you feel forced, either by situation, environment, circumstances, attitudes, “responsibilities”, ego, fakeness and all other reasons why we do what we do but we don’t like it!

When we meet people, we will attract the like, like ourselves. So, if we keep a positive outlook, all positive should arrive, and if we do face some negative ones, because of a cause in circumstance or events, we may choose to disregard them. It all goes back to CHOICE, FREE WILL.

Now, when we fall in love, are in a relationship beginning with the chemistry ignition, this is the energy put out that connects to the one attraction. This energy collaborates, joins, fuses and the relationship is in it’s pure state begins. All goodness and beautiful, until the negative wedge is thrusted, which then impales itself into the relationship and causes disharmony, affecting the connection of energy between the two. In order to avoid such contamination, both parties should not allow the poison to affect them, for if one does, both will get infected and the relationship starts to deteriorate fast. The energy force is sometimes stronger in one then the other, till the other less strong will feel dependent on the one who is more aware. This energy is a vibrancy and a cure for many souls. Unfortunately, negativity is an energy zapper, so to defend a stance in one’s life, is not the cure  but detrimental to the energy flow. Protecting the energy but not allowing it to “leak” is fundamental, this comes from prayers and meditation, which increases the brain frequencies and allows the spirit to disconnect from the lower levels connected to daily life activities. Avoid bad thoughts and heightened negative emotions which accompany negative people. If by some need there must be dialogue, make the dialogue one that is informative, mutually to agree but then to respect if there is disagreement, trying to avoid conflict and agitation. If this is the approach, we can protect the energy around us and from ourselves. In defending oneself, in the case of an argumentative approach to discussion, we shell ourselves up spiritually, in an effort to avoid pain and heartache, we imprison our energy and diminish it.

The only way for anyone to expand their energies , is by awareness. Awareness is releasing negativity, meaning to accept bad or unacceptable situations or conditions, not blaming, eradicating negative emotions, and surrendering ; all this beneficial for the growth of soul and positive energy.

Meditation requires consistent practice till it becomes a daily activity, as breathing is for life. This makes us in a constant state of awareness, that we will remain in total control of our energy and how we use it. We will be less reactive and irresponsible, that we shall walk around feeling inner peace and exuding it.

No one can do it for you, it is the individual’s choice to make the effort and then reap the rewards. The umbilical cord of energy which joins us to others that are alike and non alike, can be severed at our will. Severing is harsh,  I read that pulling back gently while cleaning the cords , is a better way, rather than jolting.  I am a jolter when feel people abuse my good energy.

Words: We understand what words mean but what are the meaning of words? Words are important when we reaffirm positivity in ourselves. That is why zikirullah is important for soul and energy health.

The power of negative energy can radiate to affect many appliances around us, so mobile phones may suddenly not work, computers turn on and off, … we are connected by the electric impulses of all things. This recently happened to me, with no way to contact a person,  have relied on telepathy which has not worked, when I suddenly realised, I had severed the energy cords, for wanting to release from the negative impulses bounding off from that being.When before our relationship was pure, I was tapped into his entire system, which made this hard, when parted, and the physical reaction was not handled well, so I released slowly, pulling back my cords, and finally cut them off. This was a supernatural phenomena for me, as I have been aware of the effects of energy in myself, gaining and raising in frequencies.The soul will travel pass this dimension of worldly affairs that cloud our inner beings and thoughts, when we focus enough on raising our energy levels, that we may then transcend many obstacles in our daimah of life. I do believe that this energy passes from one to another by our free will and choice. God knows best: Allahu Alam.

On that note , please read for further interesting information on this subject below.

Remember, zikir (repeat the mantra) ALLAH HU ALLAH , this Universal mantra is the pure source of all LIGHT & POWER.

~Peace, Love & Light~ LorraineNur



At the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, quantum physics and atomic sub-articles were unknown. But in terms of both the facts indicated by and the sequences of letters within the Qur’an, it contains indications of all past and future sciences.  Another example of this can be seen in verses 37 and 39 of Surat al-Kahf, in which the names and weights of these fundamental particles are indicated in a miraculous manner. (Allah knows the truth.)

The letters that make up the word “neutron” (the Arabic letters Nun-Te-Re-Nun) appear consecutively in only two verses in the whole of the Qur’an. One of these is in verse 18:39, which itself expresses the "neutron mass = 1839 me."

As we have seen, verse 39 of Surat al-Kahf contains references to both the name of the neutron and, in terms of the verse number, of the neutron mass. (Allah knows the truth.) These letters appear consecutively in none of the other thousands of verses, and only in verse 18:39 does the word “neutron” appear.

The same thing applies to the “proton.” The letters comprising the word “proton” (the Arabic letters Be-Re-Te-Nun) appear in relatively greater numbers in the Qur’an compared to the neutron. Only in verse 37 of Surat al-Kahf, verse 18:37, in other words, do the letters comprising the word consecutively from left to right.  The proton mass is "1836-1837 me" and is generally taken as "1837 me." Therefore, the number of this verse is a direct reference to the mass of the proton, "1837 me." (Allah knows the truth.)

* There is no letter "P" in Arabic, the letter “Be” being used instead.

The words "neutron" and "proton" are written essentially the same way in Turkish, English, Arabic and other languages. Another verse that refers to these particles that comprise atoms reads as follows:

… Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on Earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Surah Yunus, 61)

More Interesting Reading:

Energy exchange between people

Miracles of Al Qur'an

The Mission of Life

The Energy Of Life



“Zikir encourages our souls to look at life like this.~LorraineNur”

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