Many strange events are taking place and so fast. Our technology is advancing at a pace so fast, our brains and abilities cannot catch up. There are many things distracting us from the real changes that are taking place in and around the globe, as well as the entire Universe. Planets are retrograding, we don’t hear about it as much as how much we hear about any new item on the market or new programs, we are being inundated with technology which is stifling our very own capabilities of advancing in our own energies. I have been experiencing an increase in ability to seep and scan info, knowledge, basically, advancing in brain frequencies which enable higher information to come through. These information received may be in the form of communications or dreams, or holograms, whatever it is keeping the mind alerted will bear the fruits of much knowledge. Hence, the verification of these knowledge will come from outer sources in this real world, like an information I get about fighting the evil and negative forces in the world, there are the green forces and the red forces, and then I get verification by others sight into the reality, they see what I know, they draw or paint what I see or I see what they feel, and so on and so forth. People that have been given the ability to understand faster than others go by various names and identities because we all evolve, and the names added on reflect the characteristics of the spirit, soul and energy form. Anyone stuck in the realm of frigid thinking without evolution, will find all this so confusing, and those “gifted” or evolving faster, find themselves spiraled into a zone of being many people at one time, being able to fit in on all levels , truly the spiritual enlightenment comes to everyone, some who cannot move with the changes fast enough will be left to wonder, some argue, some refute, others fight against it and find faults with those that have accepted their changes or modifications. This all happens on the brain frequency level, the human form will probably evolve to suit the changes the brain progression allows, not meaning we shall grow extra limbs but we will have heightened physical attributes, such as increase in strength, hearing, seeing, astral travelling, being in more than one dimension at a time, that will begin to happen, as the Earth and all the electro magnetic energy evolves around us. Allah SWT did not and has not stopped creating, the religion has been perfected, Islam, the last and seal of Messengers saaw has been sent, now is the evolution process, the process that we call Hereafter, where we live forever, we assume death is the end when death is the beginning of the next part of it’s existence. We have existed for a long time, not in this level or plane, we adjusted ourselves when we were in the womb to live here, the next, soul or ruuh will adjust to migrate. Therefore, nothing is permanent. In Heaven, a majestic dwelling, we have and get whatever we desire, we progress to that end by deeds, these same deeds ,observances or commitments in devotions are the very same deeds that help the evolution of the soul to transcend from the Earth level to the other dimensions. I go by several names which often surprise people and they become confused, Surely, a pen name, a nick name, a soul name, a birth name, a chosen name and a given name cannot be wronged.Each endowed human will feel a need for changes unknowingly as they go through their spiritual progress. We will keep developing as the embryo did, to a baby, so the soul shall till it reaches the heights while still in the human form or when it leaves the human form, either way, you will transform. All the busy-ness of today, will prevent these developments, you will be regimented and your mind reprogrammed by them who do not want you to progress, because the technology makes you dependent on it and without it you will wonder what else you should be doing. That is why in Islam, we take a break by sholat, namaz, praying five times a day, to not only practice daily, committed rituals in devotions thereby learning responsibility and commitment , but also to release from the world and all it offers that take our time away from progressing our brain function.Our silent zikirullah ALLAH HU ALLAH, THE FORCE OF LIFE, THE ENERGY THAT ALTERS AND BINDS, CREATES GREAT ENERGY , ERADICATES NEGATIVITY, and the heard zikir LAA ILAA HA ILALLAH expands our brain capabilities and functions, reciting AL QUR’AN is a beneficial for the health as well as a source of guidance and a book of history, verification and also information, we have been given the tools to progress, to develop, to follow, and by so doing , we shall feel the benefits of the evolution of spirit and the energising of the soul. Allah SWT has only wanted to give us ease. We just need to follow, and all else will fall into place, When we deny it, the evolution is still in progress, the evolution is in progress, souls caught up in the worldly affairs and it’s distractions, will be left behind to try and make sense of everything, and they will look for other means of explanation, which will take them further from their intended destination.Our trials are given so we can sustain the bigger tests. Any small upheaval which causes misery is a lesson to be learnt, not a punishment. Our faults and bad choices causes our pain, our inability to accept causes our pain, when we “go with the flow” the journey takes a longer but easier route. Fight the waves, leaves you tired and not progressing.
May we all be in touch with all the changes occurring, accept our evolution, decide to be less dependent on other things and more independent.
Happiness is the key ,peace is the destination, love is the motivation, and light is our disposition.
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