“Miscommunication, inability to communicate,the absence of proper positive conflict resolution by means of communication;misguided by emotions that create a wall and negative energy in self.These are life killers, enjoyment busters and energy zappers, within our own selves.”
“As I perceive Islam as a perfect guidance for mankind, wherein, among the people of the world who do not hold the faith; we have so many conflicts and attacks against Islam, that the internal conflicts among muslims must be halted for the sake of Islam and the sacrifices of Rasulallah saaw. If we as muslims say “We love Islam and Rasulallah saaw”, we need to prove it so! This happens when we have the characteristics which complement our beloved Rasulallah saaw. Allah does not look at the bloodline or hierarchy but He looks at our hearts.No one is better in His sight except that He judges our iman.”~LorraineNur
It is totally impossible to penetrate a mind that is closed and will not free itself to understanding. In most cases, the people that go through this are people that choose not to develop, are stuck in their own mindset, they are those that refuse to accept reality and they put themselves in denial. They feel their fears are too huge to combat, hence they prefer to live in a bubble of self illusions. These characters make life completely miserable and have a way of inflicting their negative position as a poison that infects everything in their surroundings, bordering perhaps on a psychological state of depression. These people find it hard to handle conflict, feel greater when they can control situations which make life difficult for others, whether they realise it or not. They live a lie and they contribute lies. These factors are a troublesome hindrance for those that want to improve themselves. They have faith but they cannot apply it. They have devotions which don’t show their effectiveness, they have a mind they don’t want to use, they have intelligence that they abuse, all by choosing ways that are destructive, not intending on benefiting nor improving themselves, others or circumstances. These entities are loathsome when they prove by their own personalities and characters , that they have debris of hate and jealousy lodged in their hearts. Hypocritical behaviour and conflicting actions are another sign of the negative energy they carry with them. They soil the people in their environment with their distasteful attitude towards any situation or circumstance that they feel jeopardises their position. They have a hard time trusting because they themselves cannot be trusted. These kinds of people abuse rights of others when they feel threatened.They never have any intention to make a situation better if they feel they will “lose out”. The most amazing point of realisation, they feel empowered by manipulative tactics which they create. There is no means to communicate anything to a closed mind, that has limited brain function, who are in constant defensive mode and start everything in attack mode. These are mules in human form. Their stubbornness is a burden. They do not reflect light. They are in constant darkness and worry. Their shield are worldly matters and their thought process is only on the physical attributes of existence. They forget about the soul and the nurturing of it.They are also cowards, brave in packs and use tactical terror to abuse a person’s rights.
When faced with these self righteous poor examples of humans, what do we need to apply, for a successful positive outcome? For all they know what to do is complain and find fault with every single matter, that have no basis of principles. they go on finding faults that eventually become absurd and ridiculous, mirroring their lack of confidence and their lack of intelligence. They prove themselves to be unworthy of further attention. Their low self esteem brings about the negative connotation as people with no compassion or empathy, not knowing respect nor unconditional love for humankind. Hence, they are engulfed in protecting themselves till they become paranoid.
There is a limit to what help we can offer to these individuals; through support, explanations,positive thinking,reality checks, information;and if they choose to ignore all these,there is nothing we can do but leave them to their own self inflicted misery. But when they make life difficult for others’ with their lies and deceit, their pride in a position of temporary power to control a situation, they make the unnecessary inevitable outcome, which may not be their choice , happen. Only because they refused to cooperate from the beginning, they forget that others’ also have choices. Now, the retaliation or response ability heightens to reacting to a situation , not to life. They have no knowledge on what fairness is, they are self indulgent and selfish.
“Ego and ignorance are their fortitude, harassment their badge, rudeness their mode of conduct, self pity their destruction.”
I choose to move away from negative forces like these, I choose to eradicate them from my life, I do so when they have proven themselves to be such.
Unfortunately, there are people like this within Islam that make claims about lineage, they abuse their “stature”, they contribute to the destruction of Islam, by their bad characters. They judge and revile others when they need to help because of their so-called , self proclaimed lineage, from our Holy Prophet’s grandchildren but they make an absolute mockery of their self proclaimed ancestry. For if they were truly so, we would see better examples of how to be great caliphs and motivators in life. Not destructors. I am so disappointed and sad to mention this, because of my love for Islam as a chosen path, I find more concrete sincerity within those that choose Islam for themselves and from “normal” muslims who have no lineage claims.If I were them, I would shut up about the lineage claim until I pose an image to the like. In my utmost amazement, no reminders through Al Qur’an nor sunnah of our beloved Prophet saaw, has impacted on a specific group of people I speak about. I make mention in general about the whole issue of miscommunication because it is a fact many face this difficulty. On a personal note, I have had this particular experience with specific muslims that wear the tag of the “descendants of the grandchildren of Rasulallah saaw,which make it more disappointing for me as a revert.
I pray that Allah SWT in His Grace and Benevolence, bestows hikmah and hidayah to these people who have lost their way, and that He will give them the light of guidance to shine from the breasts and hearts.That they will think and act as the sunnah exemplified by our beloved Prophet Muhammad saaw, and not banter about what Al Qur’an has allowed. That a man’s rights will not be abused nor a woman’s rights be neglected.
5. Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread with Food)
48. And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad
) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Mohayminan (trustworthy in highness and a witness) over it (old Scriptures) . So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.
49……And truly, most of men are Fasiqun (rebellious and disobedient to Allah).
May we all be rightly guided to the path of good and truth.
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