
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Spirit travel in dreams

Recently, I have been having so many vivid dreams that have been happening in a short space of time. Dreams are usually visions and messages for me.They often forewarn or tell of something happening or going to eventualise. Some make up of the dreams aren't  depicted as reality but more picturesque. Their allegorical meanings needs deciphering. Thus, it encourages me to ponder it's meaning. Solely, it is a spirit awareness that emerges because to meditate a vision ,must take time and focus to receive clear messages ; unlike a dowsing where I can actually be sure of the specifics during sessions. In these times we often forget how to connect our soul to the Universal language and the messages from the metaphysical world. I like to think myself as a visitor here and I get "GPRS" direction or "Wifi" connection all the time. I suppose, in today's modern world filled with high tech, it isn't difficult to comprehend my theory of spiritual communication. From a physics tangent we can follow and understand this by using law of energy, waves,  & quantum theory will soon not just be a theory as people scuffle to find the meaning of life. We are all connected to one another by an energy force that is greater than us all put together. If we just tapped into it as it is our fuel to use,we will see and discover what abounds and be surprised. We together are a mighty force on this Earth which is also part of our force. So, dream time isn't a myth , it is a conscious act of being in more than this dimension and "traveling" to other ones to receive news. Almost like a radio sending news over the airwaves. Chanellers are such. If we don't use a tool to expedite our communication, we can often miss messages. If we don't use tools before we receive messages , we will get a buzzing sound in the ears and not long later we will dream. And not long after that , it will happen. I have been dreaming since a child. In young adulthood I didn't take my dreams seriously; but since having a space of time practising dowsing; I now know from intuition that a dream carries a message. Intuition because during dowsing; we go through what l like to term" boot camp" training by spirit guides in order to know true and false messages; and the identity of the ones bringing us messages. And the real truth or fact of this unseen message will manifest itself in the real world by a script we read, news we see or someone else may mention as a form of verification. Someone with faith in God must trust that He may choose whoever for a particular life task. I have faith in the One God and within Islam as my chosen religion I have guidelines which allow me to understand this spiritual journey and the task at hand. I didn't choose to have this gift nor did I have to earn it in some mystical way. I was born with it and as I matured I needed to learn more about how to use this gift to help others. Knowledge of anything may be sent when the time is right and by simple research on a topic I learn what is what, by facts.  As a Muslim, we do not use "fortune telling" as a term or art because it is prohibited. If a message comes it is sent by God's will and this is in our Al Qur'an which says God will inform whom He pleases when He pleases. He chooses them. I have certainty in God , in a way that I feel I need His permission for all aspects of my life; knowing He is the Ultimate Power and so by this I believe in my dreams and then I pray about the content and ask for His Merciful Guidance. 
I have only to pray and deliver to who it is meant for and if the receiver wants to accept it or not it is their prerogative. Simply, when one receives a message it is meant to be of help and make one feel looked after .... Hence, hopefully creating awareness of God's Kindness and Mercy and bringing a soul closer to the Lord of the worlds. Everything that I receive cannot contradict what is said in Al Qur'an or go against Islam; if it does then I know the entity is the opposition. With this knowledge I then "fight" them. It isn't imagination but a phenomena that happens in another dimension and my soul is in charge not my body. Much like when people play on their gadgets, Xbox or PlayStation ... They get engrossed in their game as if it's real; so focused they forget where they are or what time it is; and they never feel tired. Such is spirit traveling. In order not to be side tracked ; spirit needs spirit food and spirit time, meaning lots of prayers, enough solitude and silence ; to regenerate. It is a lifestyle ... As the gamester and the addictive games played via gadgets and online. We may live in the present moment but is it the real reality or is there something more to this life than what we actually "see" or are being made to see? 
Let's ponder on this a while, shall we.

Love, peace & light to all


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