Laa haula wa laa quwatta illabillah
There is no power or might except Allah.
We are weak. We make mistakes , we fall into sin, our nafs suffocates us, at low ebbs , we haven't the ability to do what we normally would or what we have been doing for years. Through anger or distraction, without proper knowledge or even with knowledge, without proper istiqomah or even with proper istiqomah, our deen will be tested, our dedication will be tested, our failure or gains lies in ... Understanding, "Laa haula "
"No other power" - without Allah's SWT intervention in times of crisis, without Allah's SWT permission and without the energy and power He gives us ( by His Mercy), we cannot come through the mishaps , gain knowledge and use the wisdom... For each test must be passed, to go up the ladder to closeness.
And understanding "Laa quwatta" is to also admit, without Allah's SWT might, we are unable to function to the best without the gifts He bestows on us....
Ilabillah , for with Allah SWT is the power and might over all creation, once, we surrender to this, while all things may befall us, as we accept this litany, these words of surrender, nothing then becomes a burden, all shifts to the Most Powerful, Most Mighty, and our lesson has been learnt, we can do what He permits, so when He loves His humble servants, the trials of hurt and pain become, the cause of realisation, then He brings us close in the folds of His Mercy. Inshaallah.
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