One day, some things are great,and the next moment , it turns sour.The truth of facts are evidence. The soul path is a journey of discovery. Not everyone will understand everything on this level, unless you work towards it, or just see life as it is, use books and laws to abide and plod on with responsibilities within the limited capacities our human self has. More than that would be impossible, as energy of the physical self, mental self, will diminish but in the SOUL, is a whole different tale! And THAT takes work! So, work on yourselves, at a higher frequency and feel, how loving and kind , beautiful and soft, this world will manifest itself, even in the face of relentless misfortunes. I cannot retract words, but at that moment in time, what said was truth until circumstance changes the truth to become , a newer truth.
If we ponder on old sage's wisdoms, and we impersonate the advice, we shall find, in conforming with the latter, we will create a change, in every minute aspect of life.
When we feel, we know all, and we have difficulty expressing ourselves, yet speak words in contradictory tones, new lessons will evolve, and new truths be revealed, which would then explain, the WHY of debates, arguments and conflict, begins! Therefore, stay true to self, in every matter and in whatever situation.... You can't go wrong, when you do not compromise yourself, your principles, values, faith and life.
Love, Peace & Light
lorrainenurshufiya 2013
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