
Friday, May 24, 2013

TAQWA - Habib 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Saqqaf

When al-Sayyid Salim bin 'Abdullah al-Hamid requested counsel from Habib 'Abd al-Qadir, he wrote the following:
After praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah, he advised him to hold fast to taqwa of Allah. He said that, “The people of taqwa are of varying levels and taqwa itself has no end, since it is in reality a divine out- pouring which people receive according to the readiness of their hearts. Those who have attained these stations are with the people with their physical bodies but with Allah with their hearts and souls.
So be avid, my brother, to reach these realms in which you witness the great- ness of Allah’s signs. This is to be achieved through inward and outward purity and protecting one’s limbs from committing acts of disobedience. If the slave uses his limbs in the service of his Lord, Allah will protect him from Shaytan: Truly you (Iblis) have no power over My slaves.
Fulfil the rights of your parents, your relatives, your spouse, your children, your neighbours and all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah. Observe the prayer, for in the prayer you give greetings to all the pious slaves of Allah. Thus, whoever neglects the prayer neglects the rights of all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah. Perform the sunnahs and the adhkar pertaining to the prayer, because every pious action entails a specific reward and a specific divine gift and connection. Whoever pleases his Lord through serving Him, seeks to draw close to Him by obeying His com- mands and realises that he is a slave whose role it is to stand at the door, Allah will enshroud him with the cloak of His love and bring him close until [Allah says] “I become the hearing with which he hears, the vision with which he sees...”
Seek constantly the descent of Allah’s mercy through calling upon Him in a state of brokenness and lowliness, as nothing is more conducive to bringing forth His mercy than the slave’s recognition of his own weakness, and Allah is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child.
You are required to fulfil the rights of Allah and the rights of His slaves and this is only possible, firstly, by seeking the assistance of Allah and, secondly, by organising your time so that you give every individual his or her right. Fulfil the rights of the people of la ilaha ill’Allah by attending funerals, visiting the sick and assisting the helpless. Treat them in the best possible way, as you would love to be treated, because mercy entails mercy and “those who show mercy are shown mercy by the All-Merciful.”
Habib 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Saqqaf

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dr. Ali Gomaa - The Night Ascension

Dr. Ali Gomaa
The Night journey also reveals the unity of all divine messages and the origin of monotheism as all God’s messengers came with the message of Islam. God says, “Say (O Muslims), "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya'qub (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and 'Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam)." (2:136)

Prophet Muhammad during his miraculous journey had met with previous prophets and led them all in praying; an act which indicates that this Ummah follows all previous prophets and believes in them all and it also indicates that the last ring of the chain of messengers is well connected to the first ring.
If God sent His messengers with old and new testaments, He sent Prophet Muhammad with His last testament and final message. God says, “And (remember) when Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "Take whatever I gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding of the Laws of Allah, etc.), and afterwards there will come to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is with you; you must, then, believe in him and help him." Allah said: "Do you agree (to it) and will you take up My Covenant (which I conclude with you)?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness; and I am with you among the witnesses (for this)." (3:81)

Nectars of life

Sour and sweet, nectars of life with a zap!
One day, some things are great,and the next moment , it turns sour.The truth of facts are evidence. The soul path is a journey of discovery. Not everyone will understand everything on this level, unless you work towards it, or just see life as it is, use books and laws to abide and plod on with responsibilities within the limited capacities our human self has. More than that would be impossible, as energy of the physical self, mental self, will diminish but in the SOUL, is a whole different tale! And THAT takes work! So, work on yourselves, at a higher frequency and feel, how loving and kind , beautiful and soft, this world will manifest itself, even in the face of relentless misfortunes. I cannot retract words, but at that moment in time, what said was truth until circumstance changes the truth to become , a newer truth. 
If we ponder on old sage's wisdoms, and we impersonate the advice, we shall find, in conforming with the latter, we will create a change, in every minute aspect of life. 
When we feel, we know all, and we have difficulty expressing ourselves, yet speak words in contradictory tones, new lessons will evolve, and new truths be revealed, which would then explain, the WHY of debates, arguments and conflict, begins! Therefore, stay true to self, in every matter and in whatever situation.... You can't go wrong, when you do not compromise yourself, your principles, values, faith and life.
Love, Peace & Light

lorrainenurshufiya 2013 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pearls in the month of Rajab.

Laa ilaa ha ilAllah al ghafurrurahiim

"Inna basharu ana hasbiallah ana zarra inni wal malaikatullah. ana kalam noor Muhammad, noor Rasulallah salallahu alaih wa alih wa barik wa salam.Alllahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar! Allahu humma raqataini radhaallahi imaniah Allahu humma buma amaniyah bi fadhlihi sabarin makburin assadiahi Rabbul daiman abadah." 

Hakikat, adalah insaf , adalah menuju pandangan Ilahi dengan beribadah dengan shareah. untuk manusia yang mau ikut tharekat tassawwuf,ada kalangan pintas ke makrifat..catatan-catatan kami berdasarkan sajarah masing-masingnya dan ikut ada baiknya."
Ghabaidu doa, ghabaidu ijazah Imam Abu Bakr bin Salim Assegaff
Barakallah fee kum ,dinii akhirah kabul inshaallah.
Wasalallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alih wa shohbihi wa barik wa salam.
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmahtullahi wa barakatuhu.

" Sajadi abdi panahi berdarah
Berikan, kabulkan Rabbi
Piala di Bumindan akhirah
Barahi man Rabbul aelamiin."

Alhamdullilah, Rahmahtul aelamin fee kum.

There is no other god but Allah the Forgiving, The Merciful

"With good news I, with the help of Allah, I come with the angels of Allah. I write about the Light of Muhammad, light of Rasulallah salallahu alaih wa alih wa barik wa salam. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest! Oh Allah accept our raqaat which we seek Your blessings with our iman,Oh Allah accept our faith and bless us with patience, welcome happiness of our Rabb forever and ever. "
Hakikat is to repent, and that is the guidance towards the presence of the Lord, with our devotions following the shareah, and for those who want to follow a tharekat tassawwuf, there are some from this group who achieve makrifat easily. ... Our writings are based on our history of our times individuallly and if anyone wants to follow, there will be goodness in it.
Accept this doa, and ijazah from Imam Abu Bakr bin Salim Assegaff
May the blessings of Allah be with you all till the akhirah, inshallah answer this prayer. And may salutations be upon our master sayyidina Muhammad and his progeny and companions , blessings and peace.
And peace be upon you all , and the blessings and mercy of Allah.

"The sujud of the servant is as a bloodied arrow
Bestow upon him , answer his prayers Yaa Rabb
On this Earth and for the hereafter, present him the trophy
Quickly Oh Lord of the worlds. "

Thanks be to Allah , Alhamdullilah,
May the Mercy of the Lord of the worlds be with you all.


Transcribed, channeled, inspired, translated by lorrainenurshufiya , 14th May 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

My dream before Rajab this year

Laa haula wala quwata illabillah

An Fusillat surah 41 saya mendengar ucapan ini di mimpi saya. Perkembangan ceritanya berikut:

Mau datang ambil manusia yang suka pasang angka
Yg bersembahan2an
Dia tau tiada daya dan kekuasaan selain Allah
Orang2 yang ikut dia mengundang dia , hatta sampai masuk kerumah2 mereka sendiri, mereka tidak sadari. Saya kejar dia sampai tangga dengan karpet merah dan ada foto atau lukisan dan dia takut mau kejar saya disana dia kira ada sembahan atau sesajen. Ada satu tempat di tangga, ada tulisan Ayat Kursi , dia tidak mau lewat, dimana saya turun waktu itu dan menyanya tiada daya dan kekuasaan selain? Dan dia ulang dan menambah selain Allah. Dia tau itu hal tapi dia ada ketakutan kepada yang dikatakan berhala2? Tapi dengan perkataan ini dan aksen yang kontradiksi saya kenal makhluk itu ialah AdDajjal Laknatullah!
Saya mau bunuhnya ;saya punya alat besi berrantai dan dengan lafaz ini saya cekek dia sambil dibelakang ada seorang laki2 berdiri dan mengatakan ini belum waktunya dan saya tidak bisa membunuhnya.
Saya memanggil nama Allah, nama Rasulallah saaw , nama sayyidina Imam Ali, Hababah Fatimah, Sayyidina Hasan wa Husin, saya menangis dan minta maaf , pertolongam dan perlundungan untuk ummat ini.
Ini mimpi tetapi seperti benar, kehadiran selaknatullah sudah ada tanda2 di Bumi, jiin2 jahat pasukkannya ada diantara manusia dan menginfeksi manusia sebagaimana seorang lepra menyentuhi kulit seseorg dan akibatnya penyakit.Pasukan jiin2 jahat suka berbohong, sangat jelek dan mereka mengumpul manusia2 dijalan2: mereka seperti kumpulan2 sapi. Mereka memusnahkan iman dan diin dengan bermaki2, orang2 mukminin melawan mereka dengan lafaz2 Allah. Di pasang dikepalanya, sebuah tanda yang berapi yg bernyala, namanya ditulis Dal Ja Lam! Dia bersiul dengan kebahagian. Dia kejar manusia ditempat2 manusia tidak ketahui, seperti gembala mengusir kambing2. Itulah cara manusia2 mengikut jalan2 yang tidak benar, seperti binatang2 kepada si laknatullah AdDajjal, pasukan2 dan tentera mengumpul manusia dan manusia dalam kebingungan mau dibawa ke mana.
Makanya, karena kita sudah mau masuk ke bulan2 besar cepat2 mensucikan diri dengan sholat, istighfar dan salawat, mana kita mengharap ketemu bulan suci Ramadan dalam keadaan suci zahir wal bathin, inshaallah.

Mimpi saya mengakhiri dengan sebutan
Laa haula wa la quwwata ilabillah.