
Friday, April 12, 2013

Asshalatul khairun minna naum, Shalat is better than sleep

Bismillah HirRahman nirRahiim.



Shalat, prostration only to Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala (SwT) is a non negotiable command. It was taught directly to our holy Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaih wa alih wa shohbihi wa salam (saaw) during Isra’ Miraj. Shalat is the key to Jannah. Every other devotions becomes easier when we make a commitment to adhere to the command of shalat. It is the first action that will be counted. All fard shalat first and if it is all acceptable then the sunnah shalat. The sunnah shalat will cover any fard shalat that has been deleted because of many reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why shalat is so important for our lives. In the akhirat, there will be no more shalat. It is only in the dunya that we are commanded to shalat. When a believer remembers Allah SwT, the believer will run to shalat at the specified times and will never take shalat for granted. All praises are due to Allah SwT , Who has made shalat encumbent only to this ummat. This ummat has the benefits other ummats did not get. We are the last ummat, the ummat of Nabi Muhammad saaw, and we are the first ummat to enter Jannah. Shalat precedes the other pillars of Islam and makes it easier to follow. Why is the daily ritual so difficult for most? When in the month of Ramadan, some fast although they do not make shalat, their fast means nothing. We are blessed when we make shalat in jamaah, 27 times more than making shalat alone. Islam, encourages togetherness, in shalat we have this solidarity. We all stand in safs, rows of mixed people from all backgrounds, in the eyes of Allah SwT, all are equal, except in iman. We need to look after our shalat, maintain our deen through it and be known for the consistency as a muslim, by making proper shalat, with proper wudhu. In shalat, we remember Allah SwT, we are in His presence, we recite “attayyiyatu….” Remembering the conversation between Allah SwT and Rasulallah saw, how can we dismiss the importance of such remembrance? How can we neglect this simple but so important daily routine. We take pains to get to work, school, meetings and appointments on time, why do we neglect making shalat on time?……When all dunyawi matters are unimportant and insignificant without shalat. All that’s left is an empty shell. Devoid of anything useful. Precious time wasted on uneventful or meaningful matters. Shalat is the main ingredient in the life of a muslim, and it denotes a special bond as a believer and makes the difference between a kuffar and muslim. When a muslim makes time in full sincerity for shalat and all other pillars and devotions for Allah SwT, Allah SwT will take care of all matters for him/her. Allah SwT loves those that remember Him, makes shalat, makes shalawat and endears all commands for His sake. Mashaallah, every soul enrobed in light, is one that makes wudhu, shalat, zikir, fasts,gives charity, does good works, has good charater, obeys the commands, visits the haramain, and acts in accordance to what Rasulallah saw did, has good speech, behavior and attitudes, who thinks well of Allah SwT, loves Rasulallah saaw and his progeny, as well as other muslims. Who prays for the ummat and makes life easier for those with difficulties. These are some of the teachings Islam advocates. How can we be mislead by the opposite of all these things????

“Radhitu billahi Rabban wa bil Islami deenan wa bi Muhammadin nabiyya.”

Wake up sleeping souls!

Those who forsake shalat will enter Jahannam as a kafirun.

They will never see the face of Allah SwT. They will never meet with Rasulallah saw.

They will never drink from the fountain of Kautsar.

May Allah SwT make it easy for all the ummat, especially this writer, and may Allah SwT give us patience in our afflictions. May Allah SwT gather us with those He loves.

Was shalallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alih wa shohbihi wassalaim.


~ LorraineNurShufiya@2013

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