
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

7 points of thought of the last week of April 2013

  1. Each day passes but which second, moment, will it end , will we know? Nobody is guaranteed fore knowledge of this once in a life time event which ends the time of life. Those endowed with more knowledge than others should be showing more wisdom and awareness than those with less, rather I see, the opposite. Because love for the sake of our Rabb is not a theory but a practice, hence, when the time approaches and He makes the calling, perhaps, our hearts would be rendered the signals and we shall face Him, with love , hope and humility. In all sincerity, good intentions precedes good actions, and encouragement of word must be the daily character and practice of a good seeker. The ultimate goal is not here on the earth, so we should train ourselves for the Hereafter. And never forget, He knows every single grain of thought and feelings, so suffice is He for us. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013
  2. Say, think, act, speaking well, thinking well, politeness and kindness, eradicate sensitive and irresponsible arrogance, contradictions and egoism. Failing to do all this with real effort and sincerity, will render one a hypocrite. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013
  3. In comparison to all the expanse of creation, I am but a speck searching truth, justice and believing in love that lights up hearts, I believe that we all share this common bond except that bad communications and ego centric selfish desires blanks the frequencies we need to establish a strong fort within ourselves. We are racing with time, it consumes us each day, we race towards the door of our Rabb, to show and prove our worthiness, yet to one another , we allow nasty desires to override our purity of hearts, I believe as you speak is what you should be, and by standards of knowledge, theory must include practice, consistence and controlled awareness. Common-sense will prevail and irrationality destroyed for the heart that is focused on other than self. Therefore, in silence shall we discover, who we really are. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013
  4. Disappointments happens when we expect too much, trying to accept what is available will help us to appreciate more when we have less so we will receive more, and the more we receive, the more we shall share, and this is how the human character is supposed to be. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013
  5. I have suffered and accepted for Your sake, because I believe that You shall take care of all things for as long as I adhere to Your commands and advice that is all for my own good; and I know that through these trials, in silence I contemplate, or show my distaste for what I cannot comprehend, I surrender it back to You, Who allowed the grief in the first place. The struggles I have been given will always end at the start of it, to be able to let go, and let things flow, You will sort it all for me. I am convinced of this My Rabb. So, open the doors of Mercy and Light, that my path will be made simpler and raise me in the levels of Your pleasure only. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013
  6. The answer is sent, In quiet disposition we have asked Thee, and the answer is sent...Ya Rabb, You have the power over all things, and when we ask, You will answer. Allahu Akhbar, GOD is the Greatest.
  7. Truly, most definitely, Your Rabb is Your master, and His entire plan is for you to know Him, that is why we have plights, through silent endurance , we overcome obstacles, ask Him for anything, ask Him for guidance , ask Him for respite, and you shall gain and receive it all; he will never forsake you, He is your only absolute saviour from yourself, selfish desires, crowded thoughts and embellished character.If you say you strive for Him, He will test you with your words, so behave as you say, and He is the ultimate Judge and rewards all your efforts and goodness, and he will show you towards the light. Then your face will be a reflection of His Light, through your enlightened heart. ~lorrainenurshufiya2013

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