“Karamah of Habib Husin bin Abu Bakar Al Idrus. The moon moves it's position within a matter of afew minutes to begin at one position and moves towards the minaret,hovering over and later, after we ziarah,moves back to the original postion.
Subhanallah. Be and it is!” ~photo by lorrainenur
“Tonight,at the makam of Habib Husin bin Abu Bakar Al Idrus.2 phenomenal events occured: 1. The moon moving and 2. An orb taken with my Iphone4 on the inside of the viewing panel/window. It's never captured orbs before due to low pixel hd. Subhanallah. Be and it is!” ~photo by lorrainenur
My latest orb photo taken with Iphone which never captures orbs but did on this eventful night.
I remember, my dream afew weeks ago, before the end of Ramadan, when I was in a very special place, walking through a beautiful building with alcoves, serene and pristine, wherein were beautiful and pure people, almost beings, and as I looked for a place to pray, I walked past a water fountain, running clear, and plants of green ferns, I was suddenly outside, as I followed a voice repeating verses of prayers from Al Qur'an, and I looked up to see a minaret, and hear the azan, call to prayer, Allah Hu Akhbar! Allah Hu Akhbar, and the minaret shone as if a full moon was blazened behind it and the arabic letters Mim Ha Mim Daal (MHMD=Muhammad) appeared in light. Subhanallah, when I see these photos I took on 10th Shawal, I remember this dream, and the correlating Quranic verse is :
(This will be) their cry therein: "Glory to Thee, O Allah!" And "Peace" will be their greeting therein! and the close of their cry will be: "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!"
DaAAwahum feeha subhanakaallahumma watahiyyatuhum feeha salamunwaakhiru daAAwahum ani alhamdu lillahirabbi alAAalameena
Allah knows best.
They say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "The Unseen is only for Allah (to know), then wait ye: I too will wait with you."
~Lorraine Nur
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