
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dream vision 16th May,2012


It was all too much to bear,a sudden silence eerie amidst a mournful whimper rising to cries of dismal distress: as the energy protection,

Within emerged unable to control any more, the energy started moving the gigantic marble ,glass &wood table to wards the edge of the

Designer window wall to flip it. As it crashed through creating splinters of glass and debris caused by ultrasonic vibrations!

In the distance,a whirl magnetic force,a mountain height, as all things became sucked into the air,brooding gloomy skies accompanies ..

This phenomena, of electro magnetic vibrations and ultrasonic sounds travel through to gather the enemies,as if a warning to change bad ways

Right what has been wrong, show appreciation, treat with respect the elders,this the warning given to the younger generation that is

Deteriorating in character causing hurt and malaise which cover the earth in sadness and gloom but the strength of justice comes hard to clean

Up, harsh reminders from the patient and fearless ones from another unseen dimension! The whole scene was one of destruction, a pending?

They are human and they are animals, they change forms, they have a sign of a hoof in their palms, they feel as humans but they are erratic

As animals agitated, they help sincerely, appreciate kindness and loyal to protectors in humankind, although within themselves,they have

Disagreement, they are ready, willing and able. The young in our society are the future, make sure that they are ready to face the challenge.

Allah knows best.May we all keep in zikirullah ALLAH HU ALLAH, heightening our spirituality to become aware,seeking strength and

fortitude to face the future which only Allah SWT knows and which has been written in Lauhul Makhfudz.

~with Love,Light &Peace


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