
Friday, May 25, 2012

The first magical moments of Ramadan Kareem.

Monday, 1 August 2011

One juz in 2.5 hours, insyaallah I will khatam this year after 7 years.

Oh Allah make it easy for me to subdue emotions,to feel Your Mercy.

Khatam Al Quran in the holy month of Ramadan, insyaallah.

A juz a day.

The angels descended at Tarawih, the Earth is filled with their presence, they will look for the gatherings, of ones who remember their Lord.

The night of Ramadan is cool, the Earth is blessed. The nights hereon will be, initiated by their presence, make your niat and doa the best.

Solat of the muslim is the submission of His servants, the solat of a muslim is the goodness on earth for all mankind;fasting fisabillilah.

The shivers of joy runs through the veins of the seeker who seeks his Lord in the nights of the holy month only for His pleasure.

How do you know your Rabb? How will you be responsible?When a seeker finds His Lord, all devotions become a part of life.Unconditional.

And when the curtain of conscience parts,there we shall behold, a spark of nur, a light, an image,a gesture of gratefulness pervades.

Rhythmically calm in the quiet and peace of silence, heart beats sing as voices praise, all that's around is love.There is no, I, only HU.

seeker ~LorraineNur~



The DAIMAH of life; From God we come and to Him is our return, also what goes around comes around, in this circle of life, in nature, in all things must come changes, hopefully gaining wisdom through the journey, gaining patience and endurance, gathering knowledge that is helpful, spreading love throughout, inculcating good habits, mindful of our limited life supply and fuel, ever instinctively listening to our inner voice, the calling and acclimatising our energy to balance with everything, taking the moderate way in all matters, synchronising life and synergising with creation.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012



clip_image002In a patriarchal society, women have no place and say. I want it abolished. I would like to see men as protectors, friends, carers, lovers and mates to women. A social status determined by physical attributes a woman is softer, kinder, more emotional, more lovable and all aspects that make her a woman. A strong willed woman is an asset. An outspoken woman is credible. A woman of principles and integrity is a stable foundation. A strong attributed woman is more than a physical pleasure for men but also a comfort zone. A woman has many façades and dimensions in her being and can chameleon herself in all situations and stages. The panorama view is required when looking at a woman. She cannot be "prism-ed" into one specific location and told to be this, do that and say this or not. A woman must be appreciated for all her values, physical appearances, her knowledge, her sensuality, her sexuality and her abilities.

In society, the women that made a difference in society, the feminists all have their view point about this term patriarchal, to mean , a system where women were annihilated or misused, abused or oppressed.

What is oppression of women? Why do men choose to oppress the mothers of their children? In certain societies, women are the foundations revered. In Al Qur'an , there is an entire chapter on women and their rights; Surah An Nisa. In creating women, Allah Ta'ala, gave her a mouth, not to be silent . She may have her say. I am not understanding the concept of having  a mouth only to be told to be quiet, a mouth just for feeding sustenance to the body. There must be more to the mouth of a woman than that. She was bestowed a brain, to think and help with ideas and ideology for the improvement of mankind. She may or may not need to have a male counterpart, partner or husband to achieve this. Her physical attributes compliment her ability as mother, cook, driver, housewife, career woman and so on and so forth.

I may determine my path and my will is strong to endeavour.  I am fine tuned to be incredulously all these in the stages of my life. I have been implanted with the ability to perform all these attributes and responsibilities as I have been granted the permission, tools and knowledge to do so and that did not come from a man.  I need men to be supportive of all women who dare to make a stand, admire their worth instead of ridiculing or showering sarcastic remarks. Many women choose to use brain over brawn/beauty. I am one of those women. I have no care for the materialistic world, neither am I obsessive about wealth. I am vehement about the issues and rights of women and I want to make a statement in support of women's rights to be honoured, admired, supported , respected; if need be, worshipped.

In matters of love, we may stray, but soon enough, we find the grounding we lost. We raise again. We forge again. That is life, the ups and downs, there is room for learning but no room for mistakes. Women, no matter what you do in your life; do not give up yourself, your worth, your materialistic achievements for any man who lives in a patriarchal condemning situation and lifestyle. Judgmental and egoistic sentiments play no part in a rich and respectful relationship. Demands and supplies must balance in ratio. Unconditional love means you may give as much as you may, want and or can WITHOUT sacrificing yourself resulting in an imbalance. There is no perfectness  but there is perfection in trying your best. Giving love never hurt. Giving love never created losses. Giving love never made anyone poor. Giving love never caused anyone's death. Giving love never takes anything back nor does in expect anything in return.

I have been endowed with the ability to continue my life in the best position I am as woman.

Nur Shufiya Lorraine Branson with a title .......

This too shall pass



Driving through the streets of Jakarta during the Lebaran period, one can't help but ponder. Ponder at how much less traffic there is. Then of course , the ultimate question forms. Why can't it be like this always? Ultimately, my mind starts to reel... I am evaluating this transportation system, the traffic problems we face, the over populated city and extremities in social standards of living! Why can't it be Lebaran everyday?

Very ignorant and simple minded, I don't think that moving the city of Indonesia is going to improve matters here. I don't think relocating the city to another less developed is going to resolve issues. Wouldn't it just complicate matters? Wouldn't the same mistakes be repeated again? In ignorance I ask. I came from a country where I did not see alot of poverty, neither did I have to deal with bad traffic, nor did I have beggars on each street, side road or traffic lights. Did not all the leaders of this seemingly  hopeless  nation grow up with such adversities and promised themselves to make a change one day? What is the difficulty? I ask in such desperation and ignorance. It's "neoliberalism", I am told! Why are you so affected? Don't think too much about it!         

I am not a fan of politics, so I research this term. I am surprised to see that such an out of date approach to a high tech world and advanced human intelligence in todays modern political mindset. Yet the ones in leadership are of the old school era ; yet have not improvised this system, to suit the modern social standards, advancement and needs of the communities. People are travelling everyday , for 2 hours to get to a job which pays them pittance.They wake up before dawn, do their chores,get to work and by the time they are back home again, there's hardly any time left except for sleep. They truly have no choice nor do they have a love for their work. These are the average working class status, whose earnings average between US$100 - US$300 a month. That's a single income. To be able to earn more you must be an entrepreneur. And we wonder why corruption exists as a norm in Jakarta. Although prices of daily needs increases, taking loans are made easier; there has been no rescaling of the wage system. Private sectors build more and more shopping centers (WTC and ITC) which remain 70% empty. Why isn't there a diversion of the thriving entrepreneurs to relocate in the high populated districts  where polls show citizens of working age exists? Couldn't the government encourage a restructuring of the private business sectors to improve political and economic status out of the over-populated city of Jakarta?

The foreign investors pillage local goods; like coal, oil and gold. The country is in debt. The people in the villages have no funding; health, transport or micro financing. They have not been allocated much of the governments' funds which if reviewed does reflect as "paid in full".

I wonder who's the actual fool being made of here. The transportation system is failing. The roads are deteriorating. High prices impact on daily activities and requirements.


Government officials always have reasons to "justify" this failing country's predicament. Intellectuals hold forums and discussions. The real problem is debt and or funding.

We surely need someone hard-minded, tough, brave, strong, young and vibrant to lead this nation. Indonesians rise, bring up your dignity. Do not brawl in the streets and burn buildings, cars or flags. Do not yell, scream or fight each other. Use the knowledge and yearning in your heart. Burn and kindle the fruits of education. Learn from history's mistakes and do not be gullible. Do not lower yourself to accept bribes and payments for unlawful acts. Be honourable and proud as one nation. Advance with discipline. Anyone with the prerequisites must make the action. Do not give up. "This too will pass."

Lorraine Nur




In all truth and honesty.All knowledge/information about angels must never go against what Allah Ta’ala says. Angels would never tell anyone to go against the rules of the Book , Al Quran. Angels would not tell anyone anything new. Angel Jibril would never tell anyone to be different and say things to hurt them or deviate from the laws of Islam. 


This group tried to impact a change and the laws of the country stated that they are wrong! And so they are. That was a decree from the Islamic jurisdiction of Indonesia.

I , who am a person who strives to love Allah Ta'ala and love Rasulallah (saw) am saying  as a warning :

KOMUNITAS EDEN ( )  that began in the late 90's is DEVIANT AND WRONG!

Although there is a prison term served the teachings cannot be locked up :

HENCE I SAY !!!! "BEWARE OF BIDAH IN ANY FORM"  Bidah is innovations in matters of practising Islam. Or any new philosophy or anything that goes against what Allah Ta'ala has sent and what Rasulallah(saw) has exampled.


Sahih International

The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.


Malaikat-malaikat dan Jibril naik (menghadap) kepada Tuhan dalam sehari yang kadarnya limapuluh ribu tahun. ( A beautiful reading Surah Al Ma'arij)

Angel Jibril, when hearing azan will repeat as do the muslims who get ready for sholat. Each phrase is repeated. He then , repeats the doa after azan.

And offers solat. He reminds this. His hikmah by Allah Ta'ala's will reaches anyone Allah Ta'ala chooses, yet when hikmah comes as reminders to the ummat (or not i.e. personal), it will NEVER go against ALLAH TA'ALA.

Emotional sentiments arise when a" hamballah" ( servant of Allah) is reviled by fitnah but cannot say anything  in defense. Hence, this note!

A warning to all mankind, please do not slander the servants of Allah Ta'ala that have no speech to defend  themselves.

A warning that every and anything that causes mankind to distance from the teachings and remnders of Allah Ta'ala is from the "Mata Buta Satu" ( literally translated " One Eye Blind")  ALA DAJJAL!

I have done my part.

Heal and save your soul with ALLAH HU ALLAH remembrance.

Lorraine Nur

Releasing negativity


Intergrity,Humility , Rationality and Maturity.


Characteristics that are valuable and favoured. Intentions that are great begin with simple thoughts of wanting to be better. When a spark of thought wisdom is ignited, hurry to fan the flames. A bonfire needs to be created for self improvement; personal development. It is in these gentle reminders that the angels give you, to be able to learn. Adversity creates an awareness. It is simple to take time to be quiet and think about a circumstance or situation. Learning to visualise the approach, will make it easy for you to make a decision. Not all things can be solved by a rational mind only. We need to blend the tools Allah Ta'ala has given us. In time, after receiving the wisdom or knowledge, and we keep our mind open, we shall certainly attain a new level of realisation. It is said , this is the age of re-awakening. It is the age of realisation. How can we not stop for a minute and take a break, to touch base? The fast paced life drains all good energy.

Meditate, quiet time, time out, many ways to say the same thing. Connect with your soul, feed your soul. Life force of the body is physical nourishment. What is the life source of the soul?

We are all from One source, one place, where we all did one same activity. We all kept saying "ALLAH HU ALLAH"

Create the integral awareness , face adversities, remain or learn to be rational, mature the soul; the mantra is "ALLAH HU ALLAH"

I encourage readers, to try this. Keep your eyes closed and mind open, focus drawing a breath from your belly button and deeply breathe in ALLAH,  till the tip of your forehead, say HU, breathe out slowly ALLAH. Keep doing this for 5 - 10 minutes and see how you feel.


In all our daily activities, we burn ourselves out, spiritually hungry, emotionally drained, mentally stressed, fogged in the memory and just burdened by worldly matters. Revitalise and reach for the inner guidance we all have. When you clear your mind from all the worldly matters, you allow the angel of wisdom to have the opportunity to fill your heart with awareness.

I wish you Peace and Love.


Lorraine Nur Shufiya


In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent and Most Merciful.

May Allah Ta'ala send peace and blessings to our holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) , his family and friends.

Blog spots like the one above are all over the internet imploring mankind to pay attention to the plight of the suffering. In graphic photos do we see the hardships wars cause.  In this world, there should not be any extreme suffering. We are an educated  and advanced people, it is unimaginable.

I have a belief that this man made suffering caused by wars , the repercussions and extremely intolerable and torturous suffering are INTENTIONAL. I beg all light workers to stand with me. Radiate beaming love white light and energy. We are in every land, we are endowed with the ability to fuse and in collaborating our energies we shall diffuse the negative forces that intend ruining this Earth and it's contents.

Hypothetically creating a white band circulating the globe. A standing force in unity; a pervasive energy equal to a high energy voltage that will jolt in 1000's of watts. Imagine the effect of pure and unconditional love as a healing energy and power to overcome the negativity. A cleansing and rejuvenating sense which will be felt by all.

It is the duty of all capable to band together. Irregardless of age, colour and creed. It is a natural born humanitarian act, on behalf of the worlds' suffering, that we shower an indisputable effort to right the wrong by believing and trusting inexplicably, The Guardian of the Light, to assist us by sending bands of angels and guardians.

I am Nur Shufiya and I want to make a difference. Will you?


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Supplication for a pure heart

The following is a prayer by the great gnostic and caller to Islam, Imam Abdullah ibn ‘Alawi al-Haddad (may Allah have mercy and be well-pleased with him):

اَللّهُمَّ أعِنِّي وَ اهْدِنِي وَ وَفِّقْنِي لِتَهذِيبِ أخْلاقِ نَفْسي وَ تَلْطِيفِ كَثافَتِها بِالرَّياضَةِ البالِغَةِ الماحِقَةِ لِلرُّعوناتِ النَّفْسِيَّةِ ألٌلقاهِرَةِ لِلحُظوظِ الشَّهْوانِيَّةِ المُزَيَّنَةِ بِالحُضورِ الدَّائمِ مَعَ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ وَ وَصْفِ حُسْنِ الأدَبِ عَلى بِساطَ الذِلَّةِ وَ الاِنْكِسارِ والاِفْتِقارِ وَ الاِضْطِرارِ تَحْقِيقاً لِلْعُبوديَّةِ وَ وفاءً بِحَقِّ الرُّبُوبيَّةِ إنَّكَ عَلى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدير

O Allah! aid, guide and grant me (tawfiq) success to refine the qualities of my soul and clarify its density; through spiritual exertion that overcomes and effaces egoistic (nafsi) frivolities and subdues desirous motives; which is adorned by constant presence with Allah, Mighty and Majestic and the quality of good manners on the carpet of lowliness, brokenness, poverty and absolute need; thus realizing slavehood and fulfilling the rights of Lordship. Indeed you have power over all things.

taken from the blog of Abdul Karim Yahya

Your choices determine your destiny.


When people walk away from you, let them go. 

Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you,

and it doesn't mean they are bad people.

It just means that their part in your story is over. (Unknown)

Love, is a self fulfilling experience with nothing to be regretful about. Destiny is what is determined, it is not in our control,we can only control our choices!
Destined lovers, friends, acquaintances, partners, may enter and leave as they please. Making commitment is normal till it feels uncomfortable. Nothing ever remains the same. Marriage ties are binds of life long commitments. That destiny too, can be altered by so many factors. These factors are determined by our personal changes whether together or not, commitment to remain together is a pact. CHOICE!
If one decides to leave another, there can then be more pact. No more oneness and as the quote above says, it doesn't mean that they're bad people, it just means that their chapter in your life is over. It's time to move on. Yet, the pain of loss is not so readily accepted when ties of control exist. Love overrides, overcomes everything. This entire Universe exists on love.Everything vibrates with love. Love is a euphoric sensation, non-biased feeling. It is a naturally created drug which numbs, heals makes us high, makes us drunk with happiness. Acceptance, non conforming, open freedom to be yourself! That is the ultimate freedom and wondrous love which is the unconditional love that survives.
Like the poem below based on a dream vision explains:
Some part of me has gone or yours has rolled out the window,
3 parts remain not a whole any more, we've grown apart,you caused from hurt.
So,it's time to leave the room, it is uncomfortable here,nothing more to say,the more reason,not to stay.Harder it is now,for a laugh, smile.

Tried to make amends, although I was not ready,tried to do it right,didn't last for long,still irate,still an open wound,so easy you say.So as always,time will reveal,what is better,right or not,all my energy is leaving me again,from one outburst of your hidden emotion.I just see through it all!

My gift to know and say,not respected by truth,all will flow to the open sea,I release this burden to the Universe.My prayer, please free me from what I cannot bear,take me higher than the surroundings of despair,attach my wings so I may soar.
This is a tragedy of circumstance,bad karma and vibes have been dispensed,
retained and contained,suffocating,poisoning the auric blends,dying.


The excellence of being human,is in our choices!

We are human and have the choice to worship and communicate with the Highest,Most Excellent. In our hearts,words travel to His Presence,by our actions,a physical prostration is the humblest position,all belongs to the mental state of a total submission to His Manifestation. Angel Malik,"Humanity has been prepared, now the cloaks are fanning hot, the robes are flowing with heat,is ready to come out!" - guess who?

Facing all kinds of fear,one fear noone remembers,fear of Allah SWT.So many talk about graciousness and ignorant about faults. Mankind does NOT rule anything on this earth,we are mere travellers,mankind does not make the destiny,we are being used as tools. Nonreligious,faithless,ignoramuses will be in total shock for all the talks about being strong,they will not know how to distinguish the one who will emerge to chastise, they will simply marshmallow the mind,warp it & misconstrue! Remember,you are all spirits in human form!Where will you go from here?WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE END DESTINATION? Have you packed your bags for it?What are the contents in the luggage?

All knowledge will be poured into your mind,once the knowledge of Him you recognise,for it is He who will inspire you to know all. The whole world, your whole life, is your school,each day is your lesson and tests, your character is your certificate. How have you done?

I feel something about to be exposed,something that will change life as we know it,more stresses,but light governs,get focused on right ways .People should take care of what they say, whoever they are,don't aggravate and choose what you have to say, if you want to avoid conflict. Someone once said when you are nice, be always nice,when good,always good. When you realise you have received a negative energy attack,administer an apology for losing the cool,start rebalancing.

Confusion and dissemination!Ground yourself,sincerely refocus & rebalance, what is best will be yours. Sift & sieve. Quieten the mind. Could be either they're disillusioned or in denial, I am fine up till, my ears went heated red hot, learn to please handle.

My prayer, please free me from what I cannot bear,take me higher than the surroundings of despair,attach my wings so I may soar.This is a tragedy of circumstance, bad karma and vibes have been dispensed,retained n contained,suffocating,poisoning the auric blends, dying. Brushing issues under the carpet,trying to mince words,all right to be alright,not the way to lasting happiness,dispense the sincere good. As with all matters,tackle one at a time, one comes,another goes,and comes and goes,the eternal cycle and circle.Compensate with prayers. Tired running from here to there,back again,from there being focused n positive,to back here,invasive non positivity,I am not a crutch.I am not the crutch to lean on,I need to have support.I give all to all,and waste none. I spread the love without conditions. Prioritise,which is more important,anything that feels good in the heart is guided by angels. A prayer is heard when given up to the heavens. A prayer in sincerity,creates no worries just smiles, for as long as you have surrendered to the Most High,whatelse is there but joy.What's in a name? Some names are titles. So,depending on the context, that becomes a mere name or title. Difference must be accepted.I like optimism,happy faces,smiling with simple joy for every and anything. Pessimism,is a bad trait which destroys.look at everything,well.When you are consistent in faith,believe in your prayers,you will find peace of mind,b cos you have given all up to Ya Rabb. Strength of mind and heart comes from a deep belief and trust in Ya Rabb.Mere actions and recitations of prayers offers recluse but true faith and determination comes from trust in Ya Rabb,shows in character.You will be amazed at how much strength and energy Ya Rabb gives to those who surrender fully with no worries. Subhanallah.When you surrender to Ya Rabb, nothings else matters but trying your best and being happy because of it, that is sincerity in acceptance.

Dream vision 16th May,2012


It was all too much to bear,a sudden silence eerie amidst a mournful whimper rising to cries of dismal distress: as the energy protection,

Within emerged unable to control any more, the energy started moving the gigantic marble ,glass &wood table to wards the edge of the

Designer window wall to flip it. As it crashed through creating splinters of glass and debris caused by ultrasonic vibrations!

In the distance,a whirl magnetic force,a mountain height, as all things became sucked into the air,brooding gloomy skies accompanies ..

This phenomena, of electro magnetic vibrations and ultrasonic sounds travel through to gather the enemies,as if a warning to change bad ways

Right what has been wrong, show appreciation, treat with respect the elders,this the warning given to the younger generation that is

Deteriorating in character causing hurt and malaise which cover the earth in sadness and gloom but the strength of justice comes hard to clean

Up, harsh reminders from the patient and fearless ones from another unseen dimension! The whole scene was one of destruction, a pending?

They are human and they are animals, they change forms, they have a sign of a hoof in their palms, they feel as humans but they are erratic

As animals agitated, they help sincerely, appreciate kindness and loyal to protectors in humankind, although within themselves,they have

Disagreement, they are ready, willing and able. The young in our society are the future, make sure that they are ready to face the challenge.

Allah knows best.May we all keep in zikirullah ALLAH HU ALLAH, heightening our spirituality to become aware,seeking strength and

fortitude to face the future which only Allah SWT knows and which has been written in Lauhul Makhfudz.

~with Love,Light &Peace


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The game of words


Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men's actions.
SIGMUND FREUD, The Educator's Book of Quote

Words once spoke can never be recalled. WENTWORTH DILLON, Art of Poetry

Desires and words go hand in hand ... they are moved by the same intention to join together, to communicate, to establish bridges between people, whether they are spoken or written.
LAURA ESQUIVEL, Swift as Desire

"However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act on upon them?"
- Buddha

"It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words." (Bukhari)


To all friends of Light, Love & Peace : Our personal space, energy and aura can be invaded so easily in this world that leaves us manged,on the edge and erratic in emotions, when we are taken by surprise by hurtful verbal attacks or gossip, words have a cutting edge and can maim more than a physical attack, so remember to keep the Universal mantra of Allah Hu Allah, as a daily ritual, spending quiet meditation time, to cleanse, fill and reinvigorate, these times will heal the negativity which ejaculates towards a desired targeted person,causing malaise of body, mind and spirit. Remember, we have the choice of how to re-act, we are response able to choose better. Also, if one's psychic is heightened, then one will pick up any negative vibrations and feel as the target does, build resistance by mounting protective barriers warding off negativity, imagine having a security guard at the post of your psychic portal.

Tantamount of a word,it can change a situation or feeling in a split second. A thought before speaking or ejaculating a simple word, can be detrimental or rewarding. A word is the window to the mind of a person, at the time spoken, can affect the moment,or a life time. According to the structure and conditions when words are spoken, it can be correlated to the deepest thoughts, yearning and hopes. All intentions begin with a thought, it moves to become a word which generates a reality. Word choices can be spontaneous but also sincere. Unbecoming characters speak unbecoming words, so it is a reflection of who were are. All words also project an interest,or a manipulation. we succumb to what we feel we want when the words come out right. Indeed, words are powerful, words can bring a man to his knees, or raise his heart to soar. No amount of trying can negate a spoken word, it has left the brain and become part of the information bank in the mantle of psychic and will remain charted as a reality.

It defines a person,character,object or situation. It can cause conflicts or it can resolve. There is wisdom is silence, for choosing silence over idle talk, frivolic words wastes time and energy. Reflecting and practising to be quiet,letting words roll through the mind, makes mental exercise fengshui for a cluttered brain, in need of sifting. As words create your energy and positive aura, it must be noted, meditation will dismiss what is not good and beneficial, allowing pureness and lovingness to remain,a reality we need to become the best as spirits in human form.

For each word spoken, the cause and action, becomes a ripple,a wave, a synergy, choosing to become progressively positive, sincere words will effect sincere positivity. And for the slip of the tongue words, these are the slip of thoughts, can either be forgiven but not easily forgotten, and the consequences are the risks taken, being a motormouth! We all have the best intentions to create the best possibilities, facing the reality and accepting human choice, we move on through good communication, aspiring the best quality life with great basic moral values and principles.


~LorraineNur with Light, Love & Peace

Monday, May 7, 2012




My Allah SWT is a pleasing Allah!Full of love,kindness and understanding.When we die we only take the feelings to the realm of spirits,we take our energy,our glow.We never know how we go back, but go past this temporal life we must,so don't waste time,reminiscing,just keep living,the best we can.In the hope of the reunion we hope for.We come alone and we go alone.Are we prepared?None of this existence is truly real,what is real is the goodness and blessings life brings.So,stop wasting precious energy on things that will take time away from worthwhile experiences that will build feelings of gratefulness.The only thing that matters,is how we lead this life to the best of our ability with whatever we have available.The presence of ownership is ambiguous,do we really own anything in this life?Even our own breath is borrowed:temporal life.Being psychic is not as fun as most think,life can be a jump rope,filled with others' skips and falls.We're not supposed to pick you up!Deceiving,deception,lies,cover-ups;a big scope of explanations,depends on one's understanding of the term-it means untruthful to self n others.I am the boss of me!I share my life with those likeminded in my circle of influence,choice a God given right.I have the power within.


These are reflective thoughts which stem from a soul, still in search about the perfection of life. Indeed, the summary is that life is imperfect. We make perfect a moment. We are all equal, except in faith. We are all equal except in knowledge,capacity to choose based on principles and the knowledge of existence for the sake of a Higher force, Allah SWT.

We have no power over anything else but ourselves. Therefore, we would be better to increase ourselves, increase our abilities, increase and improve thinking. This imperfect life, is for the perfect creation. We were not born with all the tools we need for facing this life, but we have the capacity and capability to improve and adorn life with beauty and make it perfect for ourselves. No need to feel any less because of others’, no need to feel any less because we compare our progress to ourselves, looking in the mirror and fixing what looks out of place. We do not need people telling us that we are good enough or not. Suffice to say, the ones that are attracted to you see the beauty in you that’s like to themselves, or that they see your inner glow radiate and are attracted to it because they have the yearning for that themselves.

In our circle of influence we will enjoy them who love us for who we are, not what we are. No labels just sincerity and pure unconditional love. This is the pivot of life education, when one can surpass all the hurdles that society lays , the unhealthy doctrines without any faith basis, we do away we simplistic nonsense, made only to reduce the human mental to feel, they are not worth anything.

All human life is important. You are special,as long as you give your best each day. Appreciate what you have and make the best without complaining. When others’ try to thwart, raise your head in confidence, and feel proud of your own achievements , that has allowed you to survive till this moment and become the person everyone sees. You don’t need anybody telling you that you are good enough or not, you either know you are and if you feel you can do better, make no excuses, start improving. Anything started from a sincere heart shall have good outcomes.


May all the stars in the night sky,the moon hanging as a golden globe,the sun's rays,shine graciously on you,may you walk in Allah's love.
May your hearts' desires be fulfilled,may your dreams become true,may you bath in health,abundant in wealth& your smile and love shine on.

May the love you seek cross your path,may the peace you yearn for arise,may the strength of faith guide you,may eternal bliss be yours.

I see with my heart,my eyes are closed,I feel with my energy,with my eyes closed.The eyes that open are blind to how wonderful You truly are

I am but a spectre,around Your eternal Greatness,my Lord,I am humbled by the thought of Your Greatness.I am at the foot of Your Chair.

Lift me up,carry me on,I hobble on this path of confusion,I am crying through the darkened skies,appealing to You,sustain me!Sustain me!

Hear my cry,hear my call,free me from all this,this world and all the imposters,who say they love You,but they don't,they go on as monsters

We are spirits in human form,as energy within the skin of soul,within the cage of body!Take me back to where I belong,by Your side, safe!

I am here alone,Lord,leave me not!Your power expands through all,hear the cries of a small and weary heart!I Call out,till I can ,no more.

When the Lord allows pain to steep,the soul is freed from the dunya,the soul begins to search,for the true meaning of life.

Lord,where is the my in You?You are for all, I am for You, let me be Yours,to guide me back to You,for without You,I feel I am nothing.

Shufi-ya Rabb,the word of one who loves You,one in Your Presence,body,mind n soul,whom You put on this Earth,to keep remembering You.

I want to go back and rest this weary body and mind,giving up on trying to analyse what this life means,just trying to live what's left.