
Monday, January 9, 2012

The search of the seeker leads to tharekat


IMG_3655activating every atom of energy in our entire body”

How awesome to read about the lineage of tharekat,the travels of each seeker towards Ilahi will take the soul to path of zikir,i.e.tharekat is an assembly of seekers of the soul journey,of lovers towards the light of Ilahi,the journey of drunken stupour &love by repetitive recitation of prayers& zikirullah,brings a coolness of the soul,reformation of the hearts' mirrors,to shine His LOVE & consistently daily as a love ritual,we are possessed by love light&peace, an awesome feeling of release from all other than HIM.

My journey as a spirit in human form took on new meaning when I discovered Islam as a way of life,then learnt the ways of tharekat ,after the basic fundamental lessons of shariah, I found my soul path in tharekat & gained vitality of life,strength in purpose, inner peace, a harmony in body,mind&soul.It's a movement of rhythms that is Universal.ALLAH HU ALLAH the most important zikir.

It will elevate us from the SIRR, awaken & inspire the other points, activating every atom of energy in our entire body,flowing.

~LorraineNur,Tweets 9th January 2012

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