“YA Allah, so many deviations in Islamic circles, so many confusions among scholars, so many misunderstandings among sufism and clerics.So many muslims do not understand the path of the seeker towards the Lord, and to love HIM makes sufis drunken with love for His glory.”
The secular ways and scholars, shout out to defend the faith, in the same tones they admonish seekers in the path of tharekat, they make statements that diminish their knowledge, when they feel that a innovation is happening.
How can anything that brings one closer to Ilahi be incorrect?
Zikirullah, is the pivot of all Universal energy and life forms, ismuzat is the way of the heart to communicate with Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala(SWT:glorified and exalted be He ). When one seeks to purify the heart, this is the mantra, ALLAH HU ALLAH, the words, THE ZIKIR, that fill the entire being with the Nur Ilahi, the Light of Allah, where we can cleanse and purify the mirror of the heart of the seeker. Repeating long do’as; supplications have no meaning when the love of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala does not reside in the depths of the vulnerable heart of a worshipper.
“To sit in His presence is to remember His Name. To remember His Name is to remember His characteristics and to remember His characteristics is to remember His words, Al Qur’an and to remember His words is to remember His beloved, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam(saaw); Nurullah, the Nur from Allah’s Light. To remember Rasulallah (saaw) is to remember LOVE.”
LOVE the integral part of LIFE. That which bonds us all with the entire Universe and it’s creations. LOVE of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala (SWT) and RASULALLAH (saaw). Every atom of creation resonates the zikir of ALLAH HU ALLAH. Our hearts beat for only one reason , this zikir. Our life is lived for this reason for to His return is our mission and to be closer is our vision. As we remember to repeat ALLAH HU ALLAH, all other obligations become easier, for we shall do everything for HIS sake. Our devotions increase as our love increases. We shall be given hikmah (wisdom) and hidayah (guidance). The food of the soul is ALLAH HU ALLAH. The language of the Holy books are for our minds and for the dunya as a guidance so that we shall know what our mission and vision is on this Earth as we transcend from spirit form to human form.
Sufi leaders or teachers inculcate spiritual training for the seekers, that desire to drink the LOVE of LIGHT and PEACE. The deviants will call out that the teachings are shirk, this is not so. Whatever innovations are made, humans with knowledge have choice to use their intellectual abilities to decipher right from wrong. And Allah SWT shall not allow a lover to veer from HIS Path and will send the seeker protection.
There are many zones and dimensions which we are not aware of, suffice for the seeker to know that remaining grounded in the teachings based on The Holy Qur’an is to remember, to follow Al Qur’an, the traditions of Rasulallah (saaw) and ask from Allah Ta’ala for whatever is needed to sustain this life, that is not permanent, this life that is full of dark shadows and tricks to take every soul away from the Light, and this is done and can only be achieved, when a person’s mind is empty from the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, hence the heart is dark and the mirror soiled, the soul left in darkness as if locked in a cave, hidden deep with no light source to guide it out to freedom and happiness. The soul is weakened by the dunya and all that takes a person away from remembering ALLAH TA’ALA YaZal Jalali (The one that all praises are due to)
Less of people from this times will do what the people of the past used to do, in matter of devotions. So many souls have forgotten, where they originated from. So many souls are distracted from His remembrance, so how then will we not see, so many difficulties and suffering? Need we add to the difficulties that are already rampant in our world, by segregating and arguing within factions, instead why don’t we put our love for humanity to good use and purposefully utilise the energy and power from our devotions to heal and spread LOVE?
May Allah Ta’ala forgive us for our inconsistencies, our weaknesses and our faults. May we all be guided towards the Nur of Life , for that is our true return. Nothing else that happens within the scope of the daimah matters, when the Nur Of HIS Majesty and Guidance has no place in the daimah of LIFE.
“From Him did we come and to Him is our return.”
Lead life to the best possibilities as souls in human form. Chastise not each other, learn , love and forgive. This is the way when a seeker is finding Light, the character will shine with attributes from His Love and Light. The curtains of secrets and forgetfulness will rise, we will then be blessed with many hikmah and hidayah. That the brain cannot begin to imagine.
Scoff not nor totally ignore, this gentle reminder from a humble servant, whose only desire is to spread His Love and exalt His Name. When the time will come when each sweet soul shall taste the bitterness of this world’s end, at that moment then will be known, humbly and soft spokenly did once, these whispers were heard.

Peace, Love & Light
~Lorraine Nur~