
Sunday, December 18, 2011


#Energy of souls and spirituality: Does it exist? Was not Angel Jibril(Gabriel) (alaihi salam) created as an arch angel,yet came to the Holy Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa salam) in human form?

  • #Energy 1.The zikirullah (ALLAH HU ALLAH ) increases the energy within & around us,filling voids & clearing blocks!
  • #Energy 2.Repetition of ALLAH HU ALLAH,cleanses & reflects as a lamp with a light,this nur guidance is awareness.
  • #Energy 3. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH raises consciousness & connects us with the entire Universe & all creation! It resonates,creates balance.
  • #Energy 4. Done in unison zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH is medicine & a balm for everything,opens the heart to receive guidance from angels.
  • #Energy 5. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH mends &strengthens faith, increases one's sharpness in communication in different dimensions.
  • #Energy 6. Zikir ALLAH HU ALLAH, with every heart beat, every drawn & exhaled breath, in the mind, creating a symphony within yourself.
  • #Energy 7. Sit quietly,silently,focusing, deep slow breathing; whilst "thinking" ALLAH HU ALLAH 100 times each day.
  • #Energy 8. In meditation, Allah Hu Allah is the best mantra for everyone, it will open portals of light & eliminate negative entities.
  • #Energy 9. at bedtime, zikir Allah Hu Allah, soothes & sleep is derived easily, the soul will feel at ease immediately.
  • #Energy 10.When we remember Allah, He remembers us. All troubles fades,what's left is LOVE. May we be rightly guided. Amiin.
Surah Yunus 10:12
And when affliction touches man, he calls upon Us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing; but when We remove from him his affliction, he continues [in disobedience] as if he had never called upon Us to [remove] an affliction that touched him. Thus is made pleasing to the transgressors that which they have been doing
Peace, Love & Light

Thursday, December 15, 2011


“There are moments in life that make us realise how diversified humans are and yet we are still the same, made from the same ingredients. Life changing moments of awareness, humble us.”

DSC08740 A solitary stopover. A comfort for the weary traveler.

A long time ago, when Singapore was developing, I remember growing up beside a “kampung”(village) Darat Nanas. That was before the International Changi Airport was built. I spent idyllic childhood moments by the beach on the weekends, swimming , eating and drinking coconut juice directly from the fruit. Those days are gone, as Singapore is now a modern and high tech city.Living abroad for almost 25 years, spending most of my years in Australia, I relished the different cultures and food, having also travelled extensively, my exposure to cultural variations have made my life such an adventure. As I adore the outdoors, meeting new people, tasting new foods, and absorbing each experience .

DSC08562 Tondano, a hilly municipal residing above the city of Manado.

The simple life 6

My recent travels, brought a new dimension to the life of the world. I witnessed people who live by simple means; cooking with firewood, cooking with basic utensils made from local and available natural resources, like dried coconut shells, wood, oil burners, and riding horse or bullock driven carts. Amidst nature, they respect their environment by keeping it clean and the friendly nature of the locals, reflected their simple lifestyles  with alot of smiles.

The simple life collage 1

Their day begins at dawn and as long as the sun shone , life was going on, till dusk, when everything slowed down and people stayed indoors and continued their activities. In the vicinity of North Sulawesi, they have their own unique culture, influenced by the Dutch and Spanish culture, I noticed pristine, cleanliness and discipline; music played loudly from mini buses or trucks as they passed on the long road between Manado and Gorontalo.

The simple life collage 3

The scenery was exquisite, green mountains, blue skies, the sea and bay areas, dotted with homes as we travelled dark roads and came to municipals on the twelve hour drive. The sunset was amazing, the dark night sky so clear with stars, something I have missed being away from my home in Australia for so long, the skies in Jakarta are clouded by pollution, so being in the North of Sulawesi took me back to my memories of home, which I miss so very much.

The simple life collage 4

Respect and love, among humanity ; tolerance of different beliefs and culture reflects in the atmosphere and ambience. No, need for racial and religious conflicts as we are all one when we perceive humanity as God’s creation.

The simple life 5


The simple life is something we all need to get in touch with, although most of us live in cities, taking quiet trips and exploring nature and country sides, will bring a balance in our lives. It will allow us to bring perspectives to our mission in life, when we see how others live that do not have the modern amenities as we do. We can make simple choices when we lead simple lives.

The simple life 7 The simple life 8

Foodcollage 11 The simple life 9

The different sights and tastes of Manado and Gorontalo, where my heart found a new light of love.

Foodcollage2 Great tastes , a variety so tantalising and mouth watering.

“I  want to go back and this time, experience the diving and snorkeling so well known in Manado.”

aerial view collage

My mornings in Gorontalo is a memory etched by glorious sunshine, prayers and calm. A soothing balm for the soul as I sat and had coffee with love and hugs from my zaujah. He and I experienced amazing life moving episodes, committing to one another with love and respect. Total communication and acceptance, as two souls on the same journey, heralding new beginnings and hope for a life  together. He is a sweet soul , an Angel Hearer  beaconed from Heaven. The poems I write reflect all my feelings engraved which now I feel on this physical plane, dare I say souls speak before they even meet?

peaceful mornings colage

He started without a form, came to me as an energy and love, so as it should remain, he has no face or body, for distance is never a hindrance when souls have met before on another plane, before arriving and meeting on the Earth.

And so, this beginning with a never ending, a moment for simplicity to enhance life, simply, by loving & caring; attracting goodness in life .

Gorontalo sights collage Gorontalo sights collage 2

  The simple things in life - click to view 

Love, peace & light





Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Food for our soul


“YA Allah, so many deviations in Islamic circles, so many confusions among scholars, so many misunderstandings among sufism and clerics.So many muslims do not understand the path of the seeker towards the Lord, and to love HIM makes sufis drunken with love for His glory.”


The secular ways and scholars, shout out to defend the faith, in the same tones they admonish seekers in the path of tharekat, they make statements that diminish their knowledge, when they feel that a innovation is happening.

How can anything that brings one closer to Ilahi be incorrect?

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Zikirullah, is the pivot of all Universal energy and life forms, ismuzat is the way of the heart to communicate with Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala(SWT:glorified and exalted be He ). When one seeks to purify the heart, this is the mantra, ALLAH HU ALLAH, the words, THE ZIKIR, that fill the entire being with the Nur Ilahi, the Light of Allah, where we can cleanse and purify the mirror of the heart of the seeker. Repeating long do’as; supplications have no meaning when the love of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala does not reside in the depths of the vulnerable heart of a worshipper.

“To sit in His presence is to remember His Name. To remember His Name is to remember His characteristics and to remember His characteristics is to remember His words, Al Qur’an and to remember His words is to remember His beloved, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam(saaw); Nurullah, the Nur from Allah’s Light. To remember Rasulallah (saaw) is to remember LOVE.”


LOVE the integral part of LIFE. That which bonds us all with the entire Universe and it’s creations. LOVE of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala (SWT) and RASULALLAH (saaw). Every atom of creation resonates the zikir of ALLAH HU ALLAH. Our hearts beat for only one reason , this zikir. Our life is lived for this reason for to His return is our mission and to be closer is our vision. As we remember to repeat ALLAH HU ALLAH, all other obligations become easier, for we shall do everything for HIS sake. Our devotions increase as our love increases. We shall be given hikmah (wisdom) and hidayah (guidance). The food of the soul is ALLAH HU ALLAH. The language of the Holy books are for our minds and for the dunya as a guidance so that we shall know what our mission and vision is on this Earth as we transcend from spirit form to human form.

Sufi leaders or teachers inculcate spiritual training for the seekers, that desire to drink the LOVE of LIGHT and PEACE. The deviants will call out that the teachings are shirk, this is not so. Whatever innovations are made, humans with knowledge have choice to use their intellectual abilities to decipher right from wrong. And Allah SWT shall not allow a lover to veer from HIS Path and will send the seeker protection.

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There are many zones and dimensions which we are not aware of, suffice for the seeker to know that remaining grounded in the teachings based on The Holy Qur’an is to remember, to follow Al Qur’an, the traditions of Rasulallah (saaw) and ask from Allah Ta’ala for whatever is needed to sustain this life, that is not permanent, this life that is full of dark shadows and tricks to take every soul away from the Light, and this is done and can only be achieved, when a person’s mind is empty from the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, hence the heart is dark and the mirror soiled, the soul left in darkness as if locked in a cave, hidden deep with no light source to guide it out to freedom and happiness. The soul is weakened by the dunya and all that takes a person away from remembering ALLAH TA’ALA YaZal Jalali (The one that all praises are due to)

Less of people from this times will do what the people of the past used to do, in matter of devotions. So many souls have forgotten, where they originated from. So many souls are distracted from His remembrance, so how then will we not see, so many difficulties and suffering? Need we add to the difficulties that are already rampant in our world, by segregating and arguing within factions, instead why don’t we put our love for humanity to good use and purposefully utilise the energy and power from our devotions to heal and spread LOVE?

May Allah Ta’ala forgive us for our inconsistencies, our weaknesses and our faults. May we all be guided towards the Nur of Life , for that is our true return. Nothing else that happens within the scope of the daimah matters, when the Nur Of HIS Majesty and Guidance has no place in the daimah of LIFE.

“From Him did we come and to Him is our return.”

Lead life to the best possibilities as souls in human form. Chastise not each other, learn , love and forgive. This is the way when a seeker is finding Light, the character will shine with attributes from His Love and Light. The curtains of secrets and forgetfulness will rise, we will then be blessed with many hikmah and hidayah. That the brain cannot begin to imagine.

Scoff not nor totally ignore, this gentle reminder from a humble servant, whose only desire is to spread His Love and exalt His Name. When the time will come when each sweet soul shall taste the bitterness of this world’s end, at that moment then will be known, humbly and soft spokenly did once, these whispers were heard.

Inlife and death

Peace, Love & Light

~Lorraine Nur~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Tweet collections, 2011

6da9698024cf11e180c9123138016265_7 Peace all!

  • We are given hardships in order to appreciate what we have.Not all good things come easily;committed,we can enjoy the fruits, later.
  • The moments that our souls connect to the Most High, there we discover infinite LOVE of His Light, may we be all blessed and enlightened.
  • "Allah sends hikmah to cool heads, poured by pureness, HIS angels wait,ready to give all freely, utter unending ALLAH HU ALLAH,feel the cool.
  • Shareat is for the body, tharekat is food for the soul, ma'rifat is our destination, zikir is our Buraaq, Allah is the MIGHT!
  • HIS beauty shines through the humble servant, in adoration and pure LOVE for HIS sake, Allah HU Allah..
  • Never blame anyone for circumstances as a result of bad choices.Choices are a freedom only humans have.Consequentially,we have to accept.
  • If one remembers what one intended, one would stay firm and steadfast in all matters,holding on to wholesome principles which improve lives.
  • Life is simple, rational minds can differentiate what logic proves between emotional circumstances.Derive methods of better communications.
  • Turmoil and attacks keep coming, when you think they've ended.The pact will stay intact when the pack starts their attacks.
  • I mean what I say and I say what I mean!I can't lie and am non judgmental.I simply say what I observe,it's meant to help & guide.
  • Love yourself,you deserve it!
  • Just because someone seems optimistic all the time, don't take took years of pain to arrive at this point of growth.
  • Fear of loss under threat constitutes oppression and blackmail. Some times we need to play poker& challenge or Russian roulette.
  • Leave troublemakers to face their lot, one day there will be recompense.
  • I walk away from situations and people who have no interest to improve! Thereby saving myself hardship and further disappointment
  • .My mind explodes from frustration knowing an injustice and helpless to do anything!
  • "When I die, I only want to take with me my good feelings. That is why I eradicate bad&negativity,so I can feel love,peace&joy forever."
  • If you only knew how the entire creation pulsates with one energy force, you would love one another more, love will extinguish the evil one
  • Emotional manipulation is distasteful & unacceptable.
  • We use feelings&emotions to show love,care&concern.We use the brain to make wise decisions.Don't think with your heart.
  • I look towards others to show guidance but finally Allah Ta'ala is the ultimate Guide, Al Qur'an is clear & Rasulallah saaw is perfect!
  • Hearts don't break, EGO does! Feelings are results of words we ingest! Feel good by saying good and feeding positive words, it's healthy!
  • Listen to your heart, what is good will feel right & what is wrong will be bad! Accept and move on. There is light at the end.
  • There's always abundant hope when we exercise our God given right to CHOOSE! Nothing is permanent & we don't have to settle for less.
  • Recently I have been feeling queasy! I don't take too well to negativity, as an empath psychic we tend to absorb and must release!
  • Love generously&sincerely.Sweetest nectar is hard to come by.Treasure each drop.
  • Truth unfolds for preservation of goodness&improvement.There is always room for growth.Avoiding issues is denial,causes discomfort.
  • Technology is going to disappoint us soon! We should be less dependent on it! We must rely more on our own intelligence to be successful.
  • The thing about life principles is that we must believe and utilise them as a part of life, not just think or talk about it only.
  • People tend to preach more than practice.When the time comes, without practice,the preaching have zero results! Ignorance and self denial.
  • The power of prayer keeps us strong and unified in all circumstances, souls connect on a different level, exceeds this physical dimension.
  • Love for the sake of Allah Ta'ala & Rasulallah saaw, for that is true love that will be forever in this world & the next.
  • Life changing episodes,Gain strength from pain,wisdom from disillusions,inner peace by prayers.Remaining firm in convictions,dedication!
  • The NUR of life compromises LOVE, endurance, self sacrifice, faith,patience,and mostly sincere good intentions.Daimah of life.Salaam.
  • Inspite of major upheavals&adversaries;grievances dominate untruths,love will prevail when we love for His sake.Allah Ta'ala sees&hears all.
  • Keep respect even in anger & frustration, to all.Uphold your own selfesteem.You were not born to give trouble.Have common decency.
  • Arguments about a predestiny makes pain & heartache close friends.Choosing better ways equals dignity,love&peace.Make wise choices.
  • In this day&age when faith should be built, sincerity is still a major concern.
  • I found love in a place I least expected and there I plan to stay.Always beside you all the way.Together in Love,Light&Peace.
  • Life takes sweet turns after spooning trials, add sugar and stir well. Love,Light&Peace
  • My dream is forever to be close,grow&support from each breath till each sunrise& sunset,now till the end!Love of angels on Earth!
  • I shall not speak to anyone for three days, if they ask I hope the baby will speak on my behalf.I really need one of those kinds of miracles. #hope
  • Great Creator of the Universe, Answer the pleas of those who ask from YOU, Oh JIBRIL, where are you when I need you most? Ya Rabb,cleanse us!
  • Words enter the brain, it causes an energy which we are in charge of.That determines our emotions.We are in control all the time.
  • In proclaiming a truth one may send the wrong signals others may misinterpret.We give power to words by how we digest & understand them.
  • Humankind choose better behaviour,be conscious that you are a reflection of Him, how can we then debase His goodness and blessings on us?
  • I cannot understand prolonged anger,hurt,pain,in ignoring,not forgiving& allowing suffering.We hope for all goodness,hence must act such.

My 47th birthday message to the world;be your best at all times,create peace&love,be truthful,honest&sincere!Stay happy&smile a lot.Spread well.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life Principles

What are your life principles? What do you hold onto when times get rough? Are the thoughts and processed doctrines within your life, applicable in your life when trials and tribulations bombard you? Do you suffer and recover or are you deflated and surrender without hope?


These are vital questions which one must ask. To believe in what you hold onto and defend these rights as a guidance in your life. Your life principle choices must definitely work for you. If they don’t, then it’s time for a review.


Most doctrines within us, planted from our environment and ties , what values we were raised with, are not permanent and need to be reviewed, adjusted and reformed, to work better for us. The journey of life seems mundane without these life support systems. Each thought transpose a character building. What are we feeding our selves with and how are we maintaining our development as spirits in human form.


My recent adventure took me many places and I discovered a better way of life, a simplistic outlook compared to the modern city comforts. I enjoyed spectacular views; as Nature reminded me that as a part of nature, their scenes cooled my eyes and brought forward thoughts of gratitude. My physical self felt rejuvenated for lack of dependency on technology and my mind was centered on the soul dimension through increase of devotions. It was easy to focus in an environment of simple beauty of nature. The fresh and clean air, the unpolluted environment all held healing attributes despite of a sudden and unexpected bombardment of animosity from an opposition to goodness, all necessary vitals needed surfaced as a protection, success and wholesome discovery of a new vision was created. IMG_2937

A paradox for humankind, when good is trying to be achieved, not all parties will agree, as their sound minds are contaminated by a lack of spiritual vigour and sustenance. To live as free souls, we often face contemporary adversaries which attempt to dull us. This is the crux of life principles in motion; does what you hold on to as a belief system, support your life as a reality? I try as much as I possibly can and achieve every time to progress, never regress. My aim is to always shine the light of love, understanding, knowledge, to benefit my surroundings and those I meet. I am non secular but hold firm to Islamic beliefs and prayers which enhance my life and helps me to maintain an aura of peace. As a muslimah who is not radical, I possess an open mind to various knowledge that helps to improve me as a person, applicable faith and wisdom from knowledge, a true blessing of a seeker , when the implemented knowledge, allows us to survive for His sake. That no others’ comments , good or bad, will erode us from His path nor make or break us.


Every muslim have their own perception of what Islam teaches as a doctrine; alot forget that the Word is truth, nothing to be argued about. They are bound by prejudices and false claims. Fools argue about something that is already proven, hence living the best and applying it, with enjoying the benefits through a dignified character, is then the proof of whether your choice of life principles actually work for you or not.

May we all be rightly guided.


Love, Light & peace.



A term that I want to use, for all aspects of unconditional love to mankind.


As life is always a lesson, the best teacher we have, when we open ourselves to accept what life dishes out. I am a woman who believes that when love comes into our lives, we have opportunity to learn and share. May the love be of friends, kin or partners. Every relationship has degrees of love and each relationship is unique. The unconditional love we share, results in comradeship. It hopefully builds and restores better support systems and renews vows of solidarity. No ownership or control is allowed in this unique aspect of loving, caring and sharing. And doing so, by being greatly attuned to the whole aspect of loving, a Universal feeling of great enlightenment, through which all mankind must perpetuate in order to receive the Universal bounties that are readily awaiting to be bestowed.

How wonderful, to be in a position of mental freedom, joyous interaction without clauses, making adjustments with the entire purpose of reforming and improvement. The scope of this comradeship, the bond of genuine love and care, creates a peaceful atmosphere, going with the flow as opposed to fighting the currents. With that we begin to see the beauty of all things in our lives, and start to appreciate all we have. We resonate as spirits on a higher level of awareness. And we do so being very conscious of the energy which flows through our network of comrades.


Even though, some moments may be painful and feels like it drags on, these special lessons heighten our sensitivity, makes us consciously aware to apply life tools and lessons past learnt, to apply,sift the negativity and focus on positivity. As the law of nature states, like attracts like. Positivity will attract positivity, in all matters. You will be gathered with those like you. Therefore, look at your circle and be vigilant about the comradeship you have, remember you have the CHOICE and FREEDOM to choose better; better comrades, better ways, better words, better attitude, better responses, better ability and all this comes about from better knowledge.

Love for the sake of His glorious compassion and beneficence, for His power to love is within us all. Shed EGO and JEALOUSY, the need to DOMINATE and grasp FREEDOM and CONFIDENCE with HUMILITY and GRATEFULNESS!

Apply conscious methods of self improvement, feel the coolness that advances as your hearts and souls merge with all creation, do your best at all times, to be the best in character. Fight the lower nafs (desires) and regain dignity, through LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

The pure soul is your ultimate end destination.

Love, light & peace

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