The closest anybody on this Earth will ever get to recognising and appreciating God, is in Nature. The closest that we will ever feel His presence is in the seas. The closest we shall ever experience what it feels like to be in space where time is of no consequence is in the deep seas and oceans.
There we will experience the wonders of peace.
I ventured on my own , out into the seas, among the coral reefs. On my jetski, I explored all parts of the sea about 500m away from the beach, maybe even up to a kilometer. I dare say it was such an awesome experience, to be alone, with only the sea as my guide. The tide was coming up and the depths of waters were perfect for riding without having to be so mindful of hitting the huge boulders on the seabed. I determined the safe paths and went through all the waterways. The waves yesterday were more rough and bigger than normal, but that did not hinder my exuberance for adventure, the lone rider.
I was mesmerized as I absorbed the energy and wonders of the Java Sea. As I rode sometimes slowly looking below into the glassy waters, I noticed, seaweeds among the corals and rocks. When I went fast, I enjoyed the sea water, spraying into my face, the sunshine and the salty sea wind. I would pause for breaks, just to sit and enjoy wafting with the waves, lulling with the rhythm and basking in the sun. As I warmed in the rays, I would then , with excitement, plunge into the waters depths and swim with the currents and dive into the waves , as I cooled in the sea, and played with the “imaginary” guides of nature. As I snorkeled, I saw the waters churning around me as the waves were creating swirling motions and the sands of the bed were agitated.
The wonder of silence with only the murmur of ocean sounds. A most exhilarating moment.
I decide to pass through the calm channel, heading towards the sea outside of the protection of the coral reef. I could see that the waves were coming towards me half a meter high, and crashing on my jetski, I noticed how the winds blew against the direction I was heading. I tried to find an opening pass to head inwards towards some calmer waters but to no avail and the sea was overpowering. The sense of God’s presence and might overwhelmed me. I felt how a Titan might in the oceans’ depths, when it is about to storm. Instinctively, I decide to head back; turned my machine around and going with the flow of waves rather than against it, backtracking to safer waters, I sped up and as I did, a shoal of flying fishes came up from under the water, almost into my face, I screamed initially in shock, which quickly changed to peals of laughter; I was so thrilled at that one moment shared by nature! How amazing! How many times would that ever happen? The timing was perfect! It did not take long to come back to the safety and calm of the channel, leaving the immense sea for another calmer day.
I spent 95% of my island time, on and in the water. There were some visitors from China, on this trip. One of them did not have spare shorts, so he didn’t venture on the jetskis. He looked like he felt left out or yearned for a ride, still worried about not having a change of clothes.So, I asked him, “If I found you a pair, would you take the ride?” He answered ,”Yes!” So, I asked if anyone had any spare shorts. Les , a big Aussie, laughed and said, “Do you think he would fit in mine , Lorraine?!!” ahahahhaha… Neither did the kids have any. I remembered, I came with extra clothes, and the pants I had on when I arrived would be perfect. I had left my clothes folded on the window sill in the ship. I asked Dewi to get it. When she did, I asked her to give it to that man, the one wearing a red shirt! Luckily, she didn’t immediately because she could not hear me well, I suddenly remembered, that I had also very modestly, folded my lacy undies in the pants … hahhhhh….” Wait Dewi!!!” Did you check inside I yelled out, about 5m, from the beach from the water. She gave me a confused look while ruffling the trousers, “Oh dear!”, the lacy things could have popped out as she did so! I burst into a guffaw laughter, as she saw what was hidden and discreetly put the folded lacy black item into her pocket, and safely loaned my unisex pants to the little Chinese man , wearing the red shirt and specs. PHEW! I had a hilarious vision , that if had just taken them and changed he might have thought he had a choice! Ahhahahah…. if he was a cross dresser! Hilarious!
As it turns out, the sweet Chinese man , who look timid to me, was so grateful for the experience, which in his own words,” Thank you so much, You have given me an incredible experience, I have never been on a jetski before this and it was amazing! Thank you.” As he handed back , a set of dried borrowed black trousers, with a new gleam in his eyes and a huge smile.
The black lacies were discovered back where it was found!
On that jovial and humorous note.
May love, peace and light be forever in your lives.
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