“When you research deep enough into this global conspiracy you will find that it is a network of Secret Societies such as The Freemasons,The Jesuits, The Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, The CFR and RIIA, The CIA, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Committee of 300, The Round Table and many others that perpetuates this concerted control over humanity.”http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/
I keep reading and discovering, that there is more and more information in regards to the human terminology for the "secret" sectors hoping to destroy mankind, the selected elite who have been empowered to "rule" the world, to create instability etc...etc...etc....
There is so much info , so much "conditioning", possibly a reverse psychology attempt too, to ensure that EVERYONE gets used to being manipulated, given difficulties , making debts, troubles, basically given all there is to know about the forthcoming plans to devastate and ruin, that it all falls on deaf ears, or people are too used to the whole situation they become blasé. That NOONE actually cares except for a handful, the rest either do not want to know, or feel helpless to do anything, they feel it's all just too much or they have given up hope.
And this is why I keep saying, to repeat the name and make the mantra of ALLAH HU ALLAH,regardless of what your birth "religion" is, this is for everyone and anyone, who want to really be awakened and cannot be lied to, as well as remain protected against any kind of negativity.
The details of the stories, the theories and possibly the facts are livid, clear, faithfully described, I choose to follow what I have faith in, ISLAM. It offers me the peace of mind and heart, to accept these global events , to watch and to keep praying for better times ahead and to ward off any ill intentions. If more and more people were to accept and read to understand and make their decision about Islam as a message, as a reminder, as a hope and as a clear way, the wisdom will start to seep in.
Unless someone else has a better answer with sound proofs from a guidance of facts proven by science and technology, I hope the message will be accepted for freedom of the soul and a light towards peace.
ALLAH TA'ALA does not lie,
Dajjal does.
~Lorraine Nur~

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