"And He created night and day, sun and moon. Each of them was outstanding in the line path." (Qur'an Sura 21:33) and (Qur'an Sura 21:33). Also mentioned in that paragraph that the sun is not silent, but moving in a certain path: "And sun walks in the the line path (orbit). Such provisions of the Mighty, the Knowing." (Qur'an Sura 36:38) and (Qur'an Sura 36:38).
Our beloved messenger Mohamed (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "One of the signs of the hour. the sun will rise from the west, where no longer tauba(forgiveness) will be granted"
There are so many reminders,theories, stories,predictions, which instill fear about the end of times; we need to remember that we are souls and that needs invigorating sustenance. I was left a legacy by my spiritual teacher,"
Follow Al Qur'an, Sunnah Rasulallah saw and ask only from Allah Ta'ala for anything and everything.
Reading through the different sites and media in regards to these predictions, trying to understand what is happening to our world and the people in it, I see similarities in some predictions, phenomena when compared to the world crisis and situations.No doubt scary and unbelievable to think the Sun could rise in the West..but with the notion of electromagnetic changes to Earth and planetary alignments, this hadith predicted it's changes 1432 years ago, is clear. Time to think, again! As our reality is based on facts, not lies and magic.
Planets have been in "retrograde" since 2003
One of the most notable of these behaviors has to be the retrograde motion of the planets. Planets, as we noted, move relative to the stars, and they do so, generally, moving from west to east in the sky. If we look at the sky, at the same time of the night on two different nights, we will generally notice that the planets have moved a little to the east. But every once in a while, a planet will do something funny: it will slow down its motion, will appear to "stop" for a short while, and will then start moving in the opposite direction, to the west. Eventually, it will stop again, and resume its movement towards the east.
About every 26 months, Earth comes up from behind and overtakes Mars. While we're passing by the red planet this year, it will look to us as though Mars is moving up and down. Then, as we move farther along our curved orbit and see the planet from a different angle, the illusion will disappear and we will once again see Mars move in a straight line.This apparent erratic movement is called "retrograde motion." The illusion also happens with Jupiter and the other planets that orbit farther from the sun.
So, all this is very interesting for me, as a psychic who channels and communicates (consciously) with spirit entites of the muslim kind; , one of the info I was told that the planets are all shifting; (today being the first time I am reading about retrograde!)...
Allah Ta'ala never lies, HE loves us, but do we remember HIM? Our Rasul, the Prophet of these times, the last and the seal of all prophets, LOVES US, but do we remember him?
Where shall we head from here?
~Lorraine Nur~

Retrograde Mars
Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel
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