I just want to express myself without any hindrance.... I just want to say everything I feel about the political play here and everywhere in this world..... I want to open up all the rat's secrets....... I want the world to be smart and protect each other. Don't be so misguided and so gullible, many leaders lie to us. Make promises they can't keep, I don't see any world leader in poverty or difficulty or in any uncomfortable position, so what if they are presidents etc... they're still humans. Try for once, to come down to the grass roots and see what the real problems we are facing. Because, if you don't, and for sure the only one prediction is true and faultless is that you shall meet your Maker, then you will be made to feel eternal shame. Can you manage that? There are theories of negative forces t play with humans' lives, but there are also positive forces defending and these are so many more. What we see and hear with our reality is truth, and what we can't see and hear, are also truth. People are so preoccupied with "life" they are so closed up, they are entrenched, they plod along hopefully, hopeful, waiting..... 90% of us do this. We are controlled, dictated, brainwashed, we are conditioned to agree with what is not natural, evolution in all sciences and technology cannot take away our basic human nature to care and love. Now, we need to re-learn, re-condition, and open our eyes and ears to progress as nature intended, not as conditioned and programmed robots. Our cultures offers such diversified beliefs that can help us muster strength and courage to begin being good for the sake of goodness....hence the saying, "For goodness sake". To be better , we begin with ourselves, a self realisation.... but yet the whole situation seems so out of control now, I do not want the world to suffer just because the world feels hopeless. There is a good force and they work very hard to help us. Their love and guidance are specific and loyal.They do not ask for any repayments and sincere in their efforts. Let's all make an effort to achieve the best for ourselves although we don't all believe in the same teachings, we do all have the basic human nature. From another perspective, I feel a duty to pass on reminders with the hope that through this, we can all remain positive. Many mediums have different tasks and ways to help people. Psychic abilities don't just happen overnight , they just dawn on us. I do believe this to be a mission for me to try and help the Earth and her contents survive what may be a challenging future IF we allow it to continue on it's negative path. Although, I often feel helpless and frustrated, I manage to have faith in the human race, our intelligence and communication abilities through our energy frequencies. Peace, Love and Light always..... Lorraine Nur.

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