
Friday, July 5, 2019

People: Energies and souls

I have to ponder about coincidences in life among soul mates and between twin energy. I believe that coincidences are signs between people that recognises their connection as souls. As life events are compared, the coincidences are too consistent and similar that they must be reflected upon. How can two people, over a period of time, learn similar things, like many things and feel the same about topics and even change to the same religion? Were they taught by the same force of higher guidance and power to finally unite, as one energy? If so, could we then contemplate that, what some refer to as, twin flames would then inevitable be this double charged duo, who we may refer to as  twin souls because of their identical characters although not physical twins?
Twin souls are comforting whose energies balance and synchronises, reducing conflict if in a relationship. The timeless feature if this relationship is special. The forgiving nature of this relationship is healing. The loving feature of this relationship is unconditional.
We may not be able to test let alone prove this theory but I for one, believe it is possible.