The twin flame theory is based on an assumption that there are twin energies or split souls that traverse the earth and will eventually meet. That they experience a certain locked and magnetic attraction that cannot be described. It also is reported that this experience is a heart wrenching experience until the two are reunited. Accordingly, when this happens, there signs that are revealed; some too coincidental that only a spiritual or energy connection may explain the phenomena.
Interestingly, this experience is likened to a drowning of all sorts of emotions which affect life upon the meeting and if not understood haunts the pair with yearning and feeling of loss, until reunited. In the event these two haven't met, then it is to be expected that their lives will evoke a feeling of looking for "the one" without actually knowing what is being searched.
Having studied this phenomena with great interest previously through self reported experiences of others, it cannot be denied that auric or energies do exist. It is also interesting to experience the unquenchable need, yearn, absorption of the partner, till hurt takes on a deeper emotional meaning because of deep love. The relationship evolves quickly when in touch, in communication, in tuned and everything falls into place. It is also as if all is connected and the puzzle of life eases and the easel is filled with color from the palette orchestrated by what can only be termed, nature. Even nature then seems to look upon and send discreet messages that the two will suddenly be synchronized to notice simultaneously.; or that without words or even before a text may be sent, a call made or a word spoken; the answer or reaction will be acted on or answered. Truly, it is an incredible experience with no science-based explanation. Yet, energy psychology recognizes that humans have frequencies which we may use to communicate and some more than others. Perhaps it is a deep love that is needed to fulfill the connection, yet what is unexplainable is the connection may transcend time, dimension, space and distance.
I keep an open mind and feel this theory may be worth observing and if ESP is a recognized science in Psychology, then why not the "Twin Flame Theory"?
Lorraine Branson, 9th November 2018
Friday, November 9, 2018
Thursday, November 8, 2018
NDE survivor experience
When death comes there’s no warning. When a person under a near death experience sees a light it’s usually because they will receive a message. It’s a special spiritual experience . When a person comes back from being in the Light; they find they experience some changes in themselves which is priceless. They come back with certain knowledge and skills. They will experience what unconditional love is. Their lives then would usually be in service of others. It’s as if the Light cleanses you. So when a person is to die ; there’s no negotiating. Life is just taken. Unfortunate for the person who isn’t prepared to return home to the Lord because the worldly things prevent them from wanting to leave. They forget Allah SWT is the power over all. And if that certainty without a doubt is within a soul; they would gladly and happily move into the Light; knowing Allah SWT is all good and gives goodness. ~lorrainenur,2017: NDE survivor 1996
Life is the Experiment
Your life, your experiment:
The independent variables can be manipulated; to produce the dependent variable outcome. In between are other factors that may affect the dependent variables ; the variations are unlimited . The things we experience, feel & think affect us, our lives & so likewise in experiments we have endless trials which are based on past trials- so too, life. ~ lorrainenur@2018
Root canal pain and memories
My first root canal at age 53. I have been studying psychology fulltime since age 51. My favourite is cognitive psychology. What does this have to do with my root canal experience?
I have slightly high anxiety when it comes to dentist. It stems from a scare when I was a child; when my sister had a dental appointment. And as I waited for her, all I could hear were her “screams of terror”. This affected me me for many years, such that my first dental experience to fill a tooth was when I was 14.
To make matters worse, at age 20; unsure of what a root canal meant, I extracted a very good molar that could have been saved. This fault was of course blamed on the lack of information given by the dentist at the time.
Now, this genuine fear surfaces each dental visit but eventually I have faced the fear and come out alright.
The root canal session went well the first time; then the second time which was today. Although the area was anesthetized, logically I understood the procedure , and while it was in progress with drilling, cleaning, measuring depth, more drilling with various size mini hand held drills; I found myself distracting my thoughts to other matters like reviewing my readings mentally making notes of what I would write.
When this session was over , my jaw felt rigid but I could close my mouth once again which had been fully opened for 2 hours. The dentist placed a resting bridge to ease the jaw and a lot of modern procedures which makes one feel as comfortable as possible.
So, after leaving the dentist and driving back, the anesthetic effect was starting to wear off. By the time I reached home (30 minutes or less) my entire left side of my face, was in pain.
I took two pain killers, two muscle relaxants and a sedative which was what I needed to feel better and fall asleep.
This is the interesting finding about pain. See, during the procedure to remove the nerve (root canal); the brain has been aware of this invasion, although not felt at the time. This invasion has been recorded. The pain induced must be recorded as a sensation. Thereafter, when the anesthetic wears off , all after-effect pain is felt. Sleep is then needed to calm the body and mind, by consolidating all the memories ; sensations and perceptions of the experience in order for healing to begin mentally. See, during my sleep, I felt the real pain of the procedure ... it was a recorded memory. Because in sleep we have a REM state; we go through what is a very active brain activity during sleep. This is the point we may dream. But, it’s actually memory consolidation. I felt it as a flitted in and out of sleep.
The good news is after waking, all pain disappeared. I had slept for 5 hours. Giving my brain a good relaxation to have approximately 5 REM sessions, enough to relieve the actually pain itself.
So, the wonders of cognitive function in our lives is amazing. It’s said everything is in the mind, that’s not wrong.
This story is aimed at sharing/helping people who have similar experiences . Those with deeper levels of mental issues are recommended to visit professionals.

Living a happier life
ESP is a under researched psychological science, even though there is evidence that some people have these extra sensory perceptions, many do not understand . ESP works within Energy psychology . Faith is an important factor within ESP and also positive psychology that enhances gifts within an individual. Spirituality is a recognized trait within humans : that when harnessed may be lead to increased real happiness plus many other traits. For example, some of which include gratitude, kindness & love. These traits are called character strengths. Heredity is a factor which has been connected to certain optimistic traits. Fortunate are those who are innately optimistic. It is possible to learn how to become authentically happier & live a life of meaning by practicing signature-strengths that is traits which we are endowed with; by applying them daily : such as showing love, kindness, gratitude, fortitude and curiosity. With curiosity one may learn easier hence increasing knowledge. Results of research over many years have shown this correlation in empirical studies. Therefore, a human may choose how life can be more meaningful when they make better choices and practice for their lives.~ lorrainenur@2017
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