
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Building a non-profit organisation

The intention of creating a non-profit organisation is mainly for helping the locals or people on a global scale, to create awareness of certain situations, give and share information, creating awareness when necessary, about many issues from all levels; for example political and social arenas. This gives members a platform for discussing, evaluation and learning.The necessity for more non-profit organisations is needed in a world where many news-feeds may be ambiguous or false. The aim is to establish truth and cohesion amongst like-minded members.
The global issues we face today, hinder the intention of humanity to become cohesive as one race. On many levels, we find tolerance is lacking. The stresses of environment and lifestyle creates disharmony. Communications break down. Perceptions vary and misunderstandings occur.
On many occasions we have seen NGOs take to the public arena in support,defence or protest of something. News coverage is biased and do not offer full and valid information. It sometimes becomes cumbersome as well, with the use of ever-changing and evolving of technology to keep up with everyone, therefore; creating non-profit organisations may benefit many to stay focused on issues of personal importance, with the end goal of making changes within their environment.
Non-profit organisations' financials come from donations. There may be room for further thought into micro-economy which generates income for the organisation to function. Members of an organisation may be professionals from fields that may generate income ; whereby a certain percentage of profit goes back to the organisation. The internal network of active non-profit organisations may feel more comfortable using these services rather than that of people they may not recognise or trust. Thus non-profit organisations with true goals may not only help causes but internal members as we.
While, writing assignments on public relations and business communications, I have been made conscious of perhaps how a future business environment may improve when they focus on the strengths and abilities of members and employees which make up the main functional body of any organisation.
Finally, it takes people to make things work. Therefore perhaps in the near future, better organisational structures that are less motivated by wealth but more toward humanity, may have a great positive impact on our civilisation.