For the love of the Holy Prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny; his household and companions)SAAW
Rasulallah SAAW, is noble and the chosen . He is Kamil, perfect.He is the beloved of Allah SWT. Of all the Messengers with all their specialities, it is only Rasulallah SAAW that can give shafaat to the Ummah by his last doa for us on that Day. He SAAW, loves the ummah, has prayed for us before we came, and he has been sent as a mercy to mankind. He is the only Messenger that ascended and spoke with Allah SWT, even his sandals were allowed to be kept on. Whatever he touches becomes noble, whoever he loves becomes loved by Allah SWT and all creation. Even animals, that Rasulallah SAAW used, never wanted to be owned by others after serving Rasulallah SAAW. Rasulallah SAAW is Nur from Allah SWT. If not for Muhammad SAAW, Allah SWT would not have created the entire creation, and He SWT did so, so that we would know Him SWT. Whatever that has been in contact with Rasulallah SAAW never perishes, nature and all creation witness how the nobility of Rasulallah SAAW lifts the station of those that love him SAAW. Trees , rocks and stones, water , land , mountains , the clouds, all love and care for him SAAW; such that the spring water which his saliva touched, becomes fresh and sweet; a tree grows in the middle of a desert, where he SAAW once rested and it shaded him SAAW from the heat of the sun. A piece of fabric doesn't disintegrate over time for his SAAW energy stays within. The sweet smell that emerges from all he SAAW touches, lives on forever. Rasulallah SAAW was in the realm of Allah's SWT presence, a hair of his body holds immaculate nobleness, it is cool to the touch. Remember, that Rasulallah SAAW met Allah SWT in a place not even Angel Jibril AS could enter, for he would be burned to ashes, from the Light of Eminence. How royal is our Noble Prophet Muhammad SAAW. Allah humma solli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alih. As all energy , his is the most powerful from amongst men, and any piece of him SAAW, that touches us, makes us noble, Inshaallah. And because of our love for him SAAW, we shall be gathered with him SAAW and be loved and protected because of him SAAW.
"Ya Rasulallah adzrikni, madad madad madad. "
Send salutations on me, but send more salutations on Friday. When you recite the salutation, your voice will reach me wherever you are. Some companions asked, ” even after your death?” The Prophet, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, “Allah has made it unlawful for the earth to decompose my body”.
[Hafidhh Ibn-al-Qayyim, Jala-ul-Afhaan page 145]
Imam Nasa’i narrates that there are specific angels who visit the earth and whose sole duties are to go to the persons who sends salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), and then to take those salutations to the Prophet Muhammad, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace)
[Mishkat chapter on Salaah al Nabi]
LorraineNur-Shufiya@2015 / 20 Rabia Awal 1436H