As salamu alaikum
A non Wahhabi sourced selection to ponder on. Having photos in homes has been raised, thus is my extensive but short reply to initiate some thinking in regards to sources and knowledge, which we may share.
ABOUT HALAL AND HARAM: To abstain from an unlawful thing is piety and there are four grades of piety: (1) Piety which is required for attestation of truth. If a man gives it up, he is not qualified to act as a judge, administrator or witness. This kind of God-fear is only to save oneself from all unlawful things (2) The second grade of piety is that of a pious man. He saves himself even from doubt whether a certain things is lawful or unlawful. The Holy Prophet said: Discard that which is doubtful for that which is not doubtful. He also said: Sin is heart-alluring (3) The third grade of piety is that of the God-fearing man who gives up even a lawful thing for fear of falling into an unlawful thing. The Prophet said: Nobody can be a God-fearing man unless he gives up what causes no harm to him for fear of what causes harm. For instance, such a man does not state all affairs to the people lest he is drawn to back-biting or he fears to eat a delicious food or drink lest it stimulates passion and lust which drive the people to commit unlawful things. (4) The fourth grade is the piety of the siddiqs or extremely religious man who gives up everything except God for fear of spending one single hour of life for nothing.
Out of the above four stages, only the first one is within the domain of a Faqih and not the other three. The Holy Prophet once said to Wabisaa: Consult your conscience even though they give you decision (thrice). A Faqih does not express opinion regarding the machinations of the heart but confines his opinion on things which are subject matters of courts. His jurisdiction is limited to the matters of the world.Science of the road to the hereafter is divided into two parts - the science of revelation and the science of practical religion. The science of revelation is the primary object of the science of practical religion. A certain Sufi said: I fear the bad end of a man who has got no portion of the knowledge of revelation. The least portion is to believe it and place it to those who are worthy of it. A certain sage said: Whoever has got two characteristics-here say and pride-will never be blessed with this secret science. Another sage said: Whoever is addicted to this world or persists in his low desires will not attain this secret science though he might learn the other sciences. This secret science is the science of the Siddiqs and those who are in the neighbourhood of God. This is a light which illumines the heart, cleansing it of all impurities and blameworthy sins. He understands now what he heard before but did not understand. he comes to learn the eternal and perfect attributes of God, His works and wisdom in the creation of this world, the meanings of prophethood, the devil, the angels, the cause of revelation on Prophets, the meaning of Paradise, Hell, punishment of grave, Bridge, Balance, accounts and many other things.
Some say that these things are mere examples, but God has reserved for the pious what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no heart has conceived. Some say that man knows nothing of Paradise except its attributes and names. Others hold that some are mere patterns and some are identical with the realities which these names signify. Likewise others hold that limit to the knowledge of God is one's inability to reach it. The object of secret knowledge is to remove the covers of doubt over these things from mind and the appearance of such light therein which clears everything like day light. It is possible owing to the light of heart. It is like a mirror through which one can see clearly everything that falls on it if is cleared of all impurities therein. The science of the heart is that by which these impurities are removed from the heart as these impurities ar impediments or . obstacles .td the knowledge of God's attributes. The mode of clearing theta is the abstinence from low desires and passions and following the ways off the prophets. Thus to whatever extent the heart, is cleansed and made to face the truth, to that same extent-, will it reflect its reality, this cannot be attained without discipline, and 'efforts. This secret science cannot be written in books, but it can be gained by experience as a gift of God. About this science, the Holy. Prophet said: this is such a knowledge which is like a hidden things. None can grasp it except those who know God. Don't despise such learned man whom God has given a portion of it, as God does not despise a man on whom He gives a gift.
(Wahhabism ) according to me : defined in the Ihya of Imam Al Ghazzali
The Prophet said: Nobody can be learned unless he puts his learning into practice. He said: Knowledge is of two kinds-knowledge by tongue which is open proof of God for the children of Adam and the science of soul which is useful. He said: In the latter days, there will be ignorant worshippers and sinning learned men. He said: Don't acquire knowledge to boast over the learned nor dispute with the ignorant and gain popularity among the people. He who does this will go to Hell. He said: He who conceals his knowledge will be given by God a bridle of fire. He said: I fear most for one* who appears as Anti-Christ than Anti-Christ himself. Someone asked him: Who is he? He said: I fear most for the misguided leaders. He said: He whose knowledge is great but guidance less is away from God. Jesus Christ said: How can you guide the night travellers along the right way when you yourself are perplexed? These and other traditions show that a learned man faces eternal happiness or eternal damnation.