Eid Mubarak dear brothers and sisters. This Ramadan has been very extra special for me and I hope it has been for all. I have learnt a lot these past four years and one thing I know is Allah Most Mighty Hears All, Knows All, seen and unseen, spoken or silent, but through the heart with good intentions is where we shall find the answers to our prayers. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, coming to Islam is a beautiful event, getting to know the Rabb is a life long lesson, within which are many trials and tests, be rest assured, He Most Forgiving , is always waiting for our repentance and will help when we make efforts, no matter how small.... One thing we should never stop doing no matter what is leave sholat/namaz.... Focal point of being a true worshipper. Everything else gets easier once this obligation is fulfilled constant and sincerely, inshallah. We do everything we can bit by bit ( for converts) as we are learning daily and applying as we learn. I have had rough times and iman has been low and tested heavily at a point in my life and the only thing that saved me was sholat. And thereafter, the consciousness of soul and the need to do more , opened the doors of opportunity once more, so never be satisfied with what we are doing, always try to improve and do as much as we can, constantly. Inshallah, may the next month of Ramadan find us all more prepared , more devoted and more dutiful. Amin. Minal Aidiin wal fa idzin .