Religion is a guidance from Allah SWT, since the first messenger, vicegerent was put on Earth. Religion in these days constitutes a doctrine, rules which humans have choice to follow or not. In these times of technology,information and speed of everything, including time, we can go past mere faith to make decisions about religion. Since, as humans we have the highest intellectual abilities than other known creations, how can we then ignore a call based on facts, to choose a guidance system which has our own self interest at heart? Putting aside prejudices,colour,race,backgrounds,culture and language, let's try to open up our minds to see the clear truth that Allah SWT did not leave us without full guidance and that now so many scientific facts have been discovered which can be explained from Al Qur'an. If then those facts are true, how can we then deny existence of Heaven or Hell, Judgement Day,or all the goodness and punishments we shall be responsible for, one day.May we all be guided, through our love for one another to constantly remind each other,may the light from His Mercy shine for us.
With the age of technology,based on numbers <101001010101010101101001>, this internet highway info is decoded the same, we now have studies which reveal in Al Qur'an using numbers to discover many hidden secrets that have been proven by todays scientific facts, which verifies what Al Qur'an says that Allah SWT "counts everything", "we shall have a day of reckoning and be accountable for everything", that the number 19 is above everything... not to make fear the base of faith but intellect, that is why the Angel Gabriel alaihi salam said to Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa salam to read,in the first revelation of Al Qur'an, and being unlettered, meaning he could not read nor write, he replied such. So, how can an unlettered man, be able to produce a work of words that today 1433 years later, we can verify and prove all the information by our high tech knowledge? Allah humma solli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sohbihi wa sallim. For more informative facts
There are so many stories of the ones close to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala(SWT), that they would glow with nuur, you can see this nuur(light) on almost everyone who makes, maintains and takes wudhu, those who are close to the Divine, those whose hearts have a love that Heaven grants, and The Nuur that Allah SWT first created before anythingelse is the Nuur of Muhammad, The Beloved salallahu alaihi wa alihi salam (saaw). We are all connected by energy in spirit, we are all souls from ONE source and we shall return to the ONE, the source of all Nuur, The Divine presence: An-Nuur. The Light. As-Salam The Peace , Muhibbul - the Love, inshaallah.
This is in bahasa Indonesia, about the Isra' Miraj, and how the ascension of Prophet Muhammad saaw, and the revelation of sholat was revealed to mankind, pertains to Surah 53 of Al Qur'an and how this coded number is in the act of solat which our physical body becomes witness to our worship. Subhan Allah! I cried in gratitude and gratefulness, that slowly many secrets are being revealed,with the technology we have, the hijab is being lifted and our Ilm',knowledge increases to make faith in Allah SWT And Rasulallah saaw, stronger. Inshaallah.
His parents peace and blessings upon him were Amina, bint Wahb and Abdullah, son of Abd Al Muttalib,the son of Hashim,son of Abd Manaf,son of Ksay,son of Kilab,son of Murrah,son of Ka'b,son of Lu'ayy,son of Ghalib,son of Fihr,son of Malik,son of Nadir,son of Kinanah,son of Khuzayma,son of Ilyas,son of Mudar,son of Nizar,son of Ma'aad,son of Adnan,2son of Udd,son of Udad,son of Al Yasu,son of Yashub,son of Hamil,son of Kaydar,son of Prophet Ishmael,son of Prophet Abraham,son of Azar,son of Tarikh,son of Yahur,son of Ushru,son of Arghu,son of Kalun.son of Faligh,son of Amir,son of Shaligh,son of Arfakhshad,son of Shem,son of Prophet Noah,son of Malik,son of Mattushalakh,son of Akhnukh,son of Yard,son of Mahla'il,son of Kinan,son of Anush,son of Kinan,son of Shith,son of Prophet AdamPeace be upon all the Prophets
This picture shows the location of the “Rocky Belt” which shows the moon was once split.
The unbelievers of Makkah said to the Prophet (salla lahu alayhi wa’ale hi Wasallam) that if you are truly a Prophet split the moon and if you do we shall believe. It was a full moon that night…
And so the Prophet (salla lahu alayi wa’ale hi Wasallam) prayed to Allah (swt) to grant him this miracle, and the moon was split. Half was seen over Mount. Saffa, and the other half was seen over Mount. Kaikaan.
The people said that the Prophet (salla lahu alayi wa’ale hi wasallam) has placed a spell on us, however if he played a trick on us, then he can’t play a trick on all the people in the world! Abu Jahl then said: “let us wait until the people of Albadiah ( A Tribe )come, and if they saw the moon split, then it is true, if not then we all know it was a trick of magic.
When the people of Albadiah came they said that they too saw the moon split, and the disbelievers said “oh, how powerful Muhammad’s magic is!”
Then Allah revealed Verse in Al’ Quran in Sura al Qamar:
“The hour has come near and the moon has split, and when they see a sign, they turn and say ‘this is a continuous magic’ and they disbelieved and followed their desires…”This took place in the days of the Prophet Muhammad (salla lahu alayhi wa’ale hi Wasallam) in Makkah.
Geologists conclude that this couldn’t be unless the moon was once split and resealed. The rocks on the belt are a result of the impact during the time that the two halves of the moon recombined.
DISCOVER ISLAM Introduction:
Noon Center for Quranic Studies and Research specializes in Quranic (Koranic) Studies. One of its priorities is the carrying out of research into numerical and mathematical miracles in the Quran (Koran). This is because the world of mathematics and numbers is the world of provable facts, Math having virtually become the language of physical and social sciences. And why should this not be so when the whole universe is based on numbers? Allah says:
“He takes into account every single thing.” (Surat An-Naml,
Oh my dearest Prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him
The one who withstood all adversities
So,people may know how to return to the Rabb
How to live,the best
How to choose better ways
Be better in character
Oh my beloved Rasulallah , peace be upon him
In your humble obedience to Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala
And carrying out your mission with great love
Love for us
Worry for us
Our only wish is to be with you soon