
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Inconsequential garble


"Inconsequential dialogue and facts to fit what theories one suggests, to defend one's personal belief to create accuracy, in order to define what is unknown. This is the vice of lack of faith.

Why do we need to justify our weak faith by creating new thoughts? Why do we complicate our life with un-motivational ideas, that cause more harm than good. Why do we wonder about some instances that should it ever transpires can neither hurt,break or make us?

I seriously encourage that those who make inconsistent dialogue and debates, create doubts in regards to the future of the human race and this Earth, be ever so wary, in generating thoughts with ill effects. Not only do they plant false ideas into the minds of people but they create mitigating evidence which are used incorrectly.

What is life's focus? What is the purpose of existence? What were we created for? Where shall we head when we "die" and what shall we do to achieve the best, most efficient existence for this one moment in a time frame that has no guarantees?

So what if aliens fall from the sky? So what if nuclear weapons are released? So what if the devil wants to rule the world, depopulate it and cause misery? So what if solar flares causes technology to disrupt or destroy communications, or if the Earth gets bombarded by fire balls? So what? We're all going to die anyway, one day, just a matter of when, how and where! What is the complain and what right is there for complains when humans have lost faith in the ONE, who encompasses all things?

What is the need to know about unseen matters, like wormholes, dimensions or spirits and angels? When here is the place to learn about how to become better as humans, not the dominions that humans cannot penetrate, will never penetrate(unless GOD wills it) with the physical, until such time the energy,soul and spirit of the human form is released from the captive space, to then combine with all that was searched for, only such a pity that it shall be then too late to justify, the lack of faith when there was time!

When we hold on to a faith which has no lies or inconsistencies, which can prove itself as a clear evidence and without doubts, that can also be the faith whose book is a direct instruction from God on how to live this life without mishaps, when we can clearly test the information, when we are challenged we can confront and clear these doubts, how, then do we oppose some ideology based on our limited intellect, and egoism, to deny the message intact?

There is not much time left for debates, it is time to activate. It is time to make your stance and choose better! Don't let the time and opportunity pass which will end up with regrets. Read, understand, fulfill, the best for the BEST.

All these stories of the end of the world, constructed to mislead humans; the stories of aliens descending to crush human civilisation ( we do a good job of that to ourselves!); all the mysterious need to know , make sense of, illogical cannot comprehend phenomenons throughout history; it is all in The Holy Book, the last guidance, called Al Qur'an.

Read it, with understanding and an open heart. Give yourself this chance to realise, the awakening is not coming from galaxies and outer space, it is coming from within. It is the awakening of the soul and spirit, to be aware of how we have been neglectful. There is no time for debate, only fools argue about something which is a fact! Fools become blinded by pride and prejudice. Islam is for all mankind. There is only one Creator and to Him all will return, from the first to the last.

This is not a religious outcry, it is a reminder for realisation, to know the Truth, read the Truth, don't banter, accept it, appreciate it and live it! Allah Almighty has not left us nor deserted us. Serve and lower yourself to Him in prostration, each day with remembrance for all the goodness we still have. Why worry about natural disasters when you cannot defend against it? Why worry about the conspiracy theories? Why worry about the state of the future, when you have not submitted to His Presence, and then later wonder who to run to for help & guidance, when you can avert any ill threats by simply praying in prostration and asking from Him, who is the Power over all creation!

"OMG! Who is your GOD? "

"Radhitu billahi Rabba, wa bil Islami deena, wa bi Muhammadin solallahu alaihi wa salam Nabiiyya."

This is your answer.

Love, Peace & Light

Lorraine Nur

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tasbih of angels and prophets in Heaven

Arina’il Heaven from copper and has named it Zaytun

Subhanal-mujibi liman da’ahu.
(Praise be to the Giver of all things, the generous Bestower,
Praise to the Opener of All Ways, the All-Knowing,
Praise to Him who answers all prayers.)”

Subhana-lladhi la mafarra wa la malja’a minhu illa ilayhi,
(Praised be the Almighty Creator,
Praise be to Him from whom there is no escape and no refuge but in Him; Praised be the Highest of All.)

Angel Habib “Weeps for the Sinners and Prays for Mercy Upon Them"

Subhana man laysa ka-mithlihi shay’in.
(Praise be to the Highest King; Glory to the High, the Mighty; Glory to Him who is unlike any other.)

Subbuhun quddus Rabbuna wa Rabb-al-mala’ikati wa-r-ruh
(Praised be He with exalted praise, He who is holier than holy, our Lord and the Lord of the angels.)”

Subhana dhil-mulk wal-malakuti
(Praise be to Him in whose Hand lies the entire creation and its dominion.)

Ya man allafa bayna-th-thalji wa-n-nar, allif bayna qulubi ‘ibadikal-mu’minin.
(Oh Thou who hast joined the snow and the fire, unite Thou also the hearts of Thy believing servants.)

Angel Quroos The Rooster This angel who has the form of a rooster descends to the earthly skies when it is night, and this is his Tasbih

La ilaha ill’Allah-al-hayy-al-qayyum.
(Glory to the All-Holy King,
Glory to the Great and Exalted God,
There is no God but Allah, the Ever-Living, Eternally Abiding.)

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, La ilaha ill’Allah, Muhammadan Rasulullah.
Kullu shay’in halikun illa wajhahu, al-Wahid ul-Qahhar.
(In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger. All must perish save His Divine Countenance, He who is One, the All-Vanquishing.)
“At every prayer time, this angel would raise his head and repeat the glorification:
Bismillahil-‘azhim wa bi-hamdihi
(In the Name of Allah, the Mighty and in Praise of Him.)
“His Tasbih was thus:
Subhanaka, ma a’zhama sha’nuka.
(Praise be to Thee, how great is Thy Glory!)

Angel Mikha’il

“I entered and beheld the guardian angel of this Heaven, Mikha’il.
There were two hundred thousand angels at his service, each one of whom had another two hundred thousand helpers to assist him. I greeted him and he returned my greetings with reverence. He gave me the joyous news of the many honors and blessings the Almighty was to bestow on me.
“They were engaged in this Tasbih:
Subhana-llahi kullama sabbaha-llaha musabbihun,
wal-hamdu lillahi kullama hamid-allaha hamidun
wa la ilaha illAllahu kullama hallala-llaha muhallilun
wallahu akbaru kullama kabbara-llaha mukabbirun.
(Glory be to Allah whenever the glorifier glorifies Him;
And praised be He whenever the praiser praises Him;
There is no God but He each time this Tahlil is recited;
And Allah is Greatest each time this Takbir is affirmed.)

Subhanal-warithul-wasi’u-lladhi yudrikul-absar;
Subhana-lladhi la tudrikuhul-absar;
(Praised be He, the Heir Universal who sees, the All-Discerning;
Praised be He whom our eyes cannot perceive;
Praised be the Majestic, the All-Knowing.)

Subhana Rabbi kulli mu’minin wa kafirin,
Subhana man tada’u min haybatihi ma fi butunihal-hawamil.
(Glory be to the Lord of every believer and every infidel;
Glory to Him, from awe of whom pregnant women bring forth what is in their

“The glorification of the angel Mikha’il is this:
(Glory be to the Highest Lord.)”

(Glory be to the Mighty, the All-Powerful;
Glory to the Most Generous of the Generous,
Glory to the Glorious, the Illustrious.)


(Praised be to the All-Compassionate, the All-bounteous;
Praised be the Eternal, Never-Ending;
Praised be He who creates from nothing, then causes to die
and returns to its previous state.)

Subhanallahi wa bi-hamdihi;
Subhanallahil-azhim wa bi-hamdihi,

(Praise be to the Creator, the Glorious;
Praise be to the All-Powerful, All-Knowing;
Praise be to Allah and glorified be He;
Praise be to Allah the Magnificent and glorified be He,
I beseech Allah for forgiveness.)


Angel Qasim
This is the angel who is charged with the distribution of provisions

Subhana-llahi wa bi-hamdihi,
Subhana-llahil-azhim wa bi-hamdihi
wa istaghfirullah.

(Praise be to Allah and glorified be He;
Praise be to Allah the Magnificent and glorified be He,
I beseech Allah for forgiveness.)

Prophet Joseph {as}


(Praised be the Most Bounteous of the Bountiful;
Praised be the Greatest of the Great;
Praised be the Peerless, Unique;
Praised be Eternal, Never-Ending.)

Prophet Da’ud and his son Suleiman {as}

Subhana khaliqi-n-nur;{7Veil,Rajab}
(Praised be the Creator of Light;
Praised be He who accepts Repentance
and the Bestower of All Good.).

Subhana malikil-mulk ,
Subhana man ilayhi tasir-al-umur.

(Praise to the Lord of All Dominions,
Praise to the Compeller, the Imposing;
Praised be to whom all Things must return.)

Angel Soha’il

Subhana man huwa fauqal-jabbarin;
Subhanal-musalliti fauqal-musallitin;
Subhanal-muntaqimi mim-man asahu.

(Glory to Him who is above all oppressors;
Glory to Him who attacks all attackers;
Glory to Him who takes revenge on whomever disobeys Him.)

Angel Malik This is the Guardian of Jahannam (Hell)

Subhana-lladhi la yajuru wa huwal-malik-al-jabbar;
Subhanal-muntaqimu min ‘ada’ihi,
Subhanal-mu’ti li-man yasha’a,
Subhana man laysa ka-mithlihi shay’un.

(Praised be He who commits not injustice
and He is the Almighty, Omnipotent King;
Glory to Him who triumphs in revenge over His foes,
Praised be He who bestows on whomever He wilt;
Glory to Him who is unlike anything.)

Angel Salsa’il Fourth Heaven is created of raw silver

Subhana khaliq-iz-zulumati wa-n-nur,
Subhana khaliq-ish-shamsi wal-qamar-il-munir,

(Praise be to the Creator of darkness and light,
Praise be to the Creator of the sun and the shining moon;
Praise be to the Highest of the High.)

Subbuhun quddus, Rabbun-ar-Rahman-ar-Rahim illadhi la ilaha illa huwa.
(Glorified be our Lord, the All-Holy, the All-Compassionate,
The All-Merciful, besides whom there is no other god.)

Prophets Idris and Nuh

Subhana qabzil-jabbarin,
Subhana-lladhi ‘ala fa la yablughu ‘uluwwahu ahad.
(Glorified be He who answers those who ask of Him,
Praised be He who constrains the tyrants,
Praised be He whose lofty height none can reach but He.)

(Glory be to God, the Living and Gentle,
Glory to God, the True and Munificent,
Glory to God, the Powerful and Wise.)

Angel Kalqa’il Heaven from red gold and its name is Safiya.

Quddusun quddus Rabb-al-arbab,
Subhana Rabbinal-‘alal-‘azham,
Quddusun Rabb-al-malaikati wa-r-ruh
(Holy, Holy, the Lord of All Lords!
Glory to our Lord, the Lofty, the Majestic!
All-Holy the Lord of the angels and the spirit.)

Subhana Dhil-fadhlil-akbar
Subhanal-‘adl illadhi la yajur.
(Praise be to the Possessor of Greatest Grace.
Praise be to the Perfectly Just One who wrongs none.)

Prophets Isma’il, Ishaq, Ya’qub, Lut and Harun

Subhana man la yasiful-wasifuna ‘azhmatahu wa muntahahu
Subhana man hada’at lahu-r-riqab wa dhallat lahu-s-sifaq.
(Glory to Him before the Extremity of whose Majesty all attempts
at description must pale,
Glory to Him before whom princes bow their heads and the
brazen are humbled).

Angel Samkha’il this Heaven from a yellow gem and has called it Khalisa.

Subhanal-Karim, subhana-n-Nur-al-mubin,
Subhana-lladhi huwa ilahu man fi-s-samawati
wa ilahu man fil-ard.
(Glory be to the Munificent, Glory to the Unmistakable Light,
Glory to Him who is God of all that is in the heavens and on the earth.)

Prophet Musa

Subhanal-Hadi man yasha’u.
Subhanal-Mudillu man yasha’u;
(Glory be to Him who leads to righteousness whomsoever He will;
Glory to Him who leads astray whom He will;
Glory to the All-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.)

Angel is Afra’il
7th Heaven is Ghariba

Subhana-lladhi sataha-s-samawati wa rafa’aha,
Subhana-lladhi basatal-arda wa farashaha,
Subhana-lladhi atla’al-kawakiba wa azharaha,
Subhana-lladhi arsal-jibala wa haya’ha.
(Glory be to Him who has fashioned the skies as a roof and raised them aloft;
Glory to Him who has flattened the earth and fitted it accordingly;
Glory to Him who brought forth the stars and made them to be adornments;
Glory to Him who has set up the mountains and fixed them in their places.)”

Subhanal-muhtajibi bi jalalihi,
Subhanal-musawwiri fil-arhami ma yasha’u.
(Glory be to Him who is veiled by His Majesty,
Glory be to Him who forms in the womb whatever He wills.)

Subhanaka ma ‘azhama sha’nuka,
Subhanaka ma ’azhama makanuka,
Subhanaka sayyidi ma arhamaka bi khalqika.
(Be Thou glorified, how immense is Thy dignity!
Glory be to Thee, how high is Thy station!
Glory to Thee, my Lord, how great Thy Mercy on Thine creation!)

Angel Israfil

Subhanal-muhtajibi ‘an khalqihi,
Subhana Rabbina wa ta’ala.
(Glory be to Him, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing,
Glory be to Him who is veiled from His Creation,
Glorified and exalted be He, our Lord Almighty.)



Taken from:Muraqabah Angel Names Meditation

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Imperfect life

photo (2)

Life is not perfect. Life serves up imperfections no matter the standards or levels of any individuals or groups. Life is the lessons for the soul, to accomplish a journey. Where the journey ends depends on us.

Life teaches in segments, the tests we face raises our levels of awareness or stagnates us. The climb towards the goals of life takes determination and patience to progress as souls in human form. We shall be trialed, we shall be admonished, we shall face grievances and sentences. In the ultimate prison of the body and mind, where we lay the perfect line, we reach the summit of certain doubts, and we relinquish the hazards of life's stumble blocks, we free ourselves from the detrimental dangers of allowing the strength to deplete. We sturdy through this journey, when we stop and take breaks.

Nothing will ever be as perfect as we like it to be. We can only try to be the best, share the best, offer the best of ourselves and learn. Every individual is also going through the same, will go through the same and the cycle continues. It is never ending. As the human race is diversified, souls are too, what bonds us, is the faith and love of the Light from God, the love from God, the wisdom from God, The Creator who seems to leave us and abandons us and follows our development, as we head on forgetting His existence, is the Ultimate end focus of this journey.

Nothing remains the same. Nothing will ever be as expected. Disappointment abounds at every corner. The good resides for a while and goes, as evil sheds his presence in every part of life, we need to remember, we have to remember, we are mere energy forms from one energy source, and when we forget to recharge from that One source, we shall certainly be made used of by other forces, as leaches and zappers, which impale themselves into our being , unknowingly, and planting weeds around any good we plant, if we never bother to nourish and protect our good within.

Be consistent in all goodness, create the environment for it within yourself, caring for it, be aware of it, feel and live it. The actions are the reproduction of the mind that remembers. remembers good, that remembers that they are part of the family of light, love and peace. Inculcate in life these basic goodness, be these characteristics and shine as the beacon.

Sometimes, we find ourselves in less conducive situations where there are hindrances to becoming the goodness, we must retract and come back to our basics, not follow the waves or flows that sweep under our feet, losing control of our beings. What should be, never always is. Be examples to each other as reminders of what goodness is, now is the moment that all must evolve within, that the quality of life is not on the outside. Build the inner qualities of goodness, which enrich the feelings from the heart, add positive thoughts to embellish in the mind, consistent mantras of building higher frequencies. Explode the energy to become ultimate warriors of love, light and peace. Fight in the now for what we want to have in the future, become better as humans, living in a place that has great goodness and positive energy. This comes from self. Not others. Leave the others that drown in their own unworthiness because of their pride and ego that causes their self destruction and hoping to destroy all your goodness with them. Avert these monsters in human form, clandestine in their speech, actions and faithless lives.

Spirituality is based on religious thinking as a basic foundation to build on, how do we know when we never learn better ways? How can we establish goodness when we don't understand better? Shed the ego that mars knowledge and wisdom, that calls on bad emotions to destroy good intentions, blinding the self.

The destruction of man's spirituality is a devious and conniving plan, that engages man's desire for wealth and domination, to fool man from real success.

Thwart badness by knowledge, love with a great sense of spreading light, to become at peace inside and ultimately, this entire world can improve to change for the better.

If not, then we all must be prepared to face hardships that we never imagined possible , on a global scale, and there will be no winners.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The children are our future

My time is precious. With everything I have done in my life, so far, I feel being a mother is the best experience for me. I have spent a lot of time with my children this last week. It is amazing how much of myself I see in each one. Their diversified personalities are a challenge in itself, to sort them at each process of their development, always keeping mutual respect dominant in our interactions, these children have the abilities to absorb so much. My oldest daughter is a teen with many moods, alternating from so funny to most serious or ultimately grumpy. It all makes her very unique. In her own independence she attempts to create her world with her brand tag everywhere, her aura and charisma is infectious. I am her mother as I am also her friend and greatest supporter for whatever she would like to endeavour , as a leader and talented child. The second and third children are away on a school camping trip for three days, allowing them the confidence and trust to go, and enjoy themselves, whilst learning responsibility. The youngest two, a definite pair of cheeky boys, with twinkles in their eyes and charming smiles, humourous personalities to match. My sons are wonderful and handsome, in their lives as brothers, I see an awesome bond which they have, and I feel so grateful and proud. My daughters are opposites in looks , sometimes they clash as sisters often do, but their sense of humour bonds them ,and their laughter energises their surroundings, making them attractive and fun to be around.
I am a devoted mother, attempting my best, as my children live apart from me, so with whatever time I get daily to spend with them, I try to inculcate the best behaviour and character lessons, but mostly I am wary and stern about the fundamental Islamic knowledge they need to learn and apply within their daily scope of life. A true challenge, yet with love and devotion, with consistence, I feel and see a great impact and difference, having constant guidance from me, their mother. This is necessary for their development in the world where faith is lacking, and there are so many distractions in life regarding spirituality. I keep the faith that they will become prepared for adulthood with adequate tools to face the challenges life will serve.
Children are a reflection of their upbringing of their parents. I would hope that my children will bring forth more positivity, love,light and peace in their approach to life and whoever they meet, will take away with them, a small light of hope, comfort and pleasure.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Make up your mind

There comes a moment in time, when some things are inevitable. The things which we face, like choices. Sometimes, we face these dilemmas because we fail to understand what we want. We fail to be able to reason,with mixed feelings. We want our cake and eat it,at the same time. We fail in this because we let our feelings rule our judgments. In some cases, we do things because we have to, not because we want to. We sacrifice ourselves for others' but we aren't sincere. We have conditions.
To be reliable, to be happy, we need to make priorities, we do our best, based on our own levels of capabilities and abilities. Not by others'standards, and by doing so, we can achieve the balance of life, with honesty to self. How can we be efficient and spread happiness, when we ourselves aren't happy? This is a responsibility we owe to ourselves, which makes us better people,to interact with, to be in a position of credibility. Everything has a plan, based on our ability to think and visualize what we yearn to obtain or achieve. We cannot allow ourselves to be conditioned,ruled or manipulated. Knowing what we yearn, will be the best start,to begin to lead a positive filled life.We must also be brave and ready,to face challenges, be responsible for our actions, face risks or consequences,harness happiness and try not to make repeated mistakes.
"Make the right decisions and make no mistakes."


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Don't stop me,unless you have a solution! My Voice!


Lorraine Branson

24 July 2011

I just want to express myself without any hindrance.... I just want to say everything I feel about the political play here and everywhere in this world..... I want to open up all the rat's secrets....... I want the world to be smart and protect each other. Don't be so misguided and so gullible, many leaders lie to us. Make promises they can't keep, I don't see any world leader in poverty or difficulty or in any uncomfortable position, so what if they are presidents etc... they're still humans. Try for once, to come down to the grass roots and see what the real problems we are facing. Because, if you don't, and for sure the only one prediction is true and faultless is that you shall meet your Maker, then you will be made to feel eternal shame. Can you manage that? There are theories of negative forces that play with humans' lives, but there are also positive forces defending and these are so many more. What we see and hear with our reality is truth, and what we can't see and hear, are also truth. People are so preoccupied with "life" they are so closed up, they are entrenched, they plod along hopefully, hopeful, waiting..... 90% of us do this. We are controlled, dictated, brainwashed, we are conditioned to agree with what is not natural, evolution in all sciences and technology cannot take away our basic human nature to care and love. Now, we need to re-learn, re-condition, and open our eyes and ears to progress as nature intended, not as conditioned and programmed robots. Our cultures offers such diversified beliefs that can help us muster strength and courage to begin being good for the sake of goodness....hence the saying, "For goodness sake". To be better , we begin with ourselves, a self realisation.... but yet the whole situation seems so out of control now, I do not want the world to suffer just because the world feels hopeless. There is a good force and they work very hard to help us. Their love and guidance are specific and loyal.They do not ask for any repayments and sincere in their efforts. Let's all make an effort to achieve the best for ourselves although we don't all believe in the same teachings, we do all have the basic human nature. From another perspective, I feel a duty to pass on reminders with the hope that through this, we can all remain positive. Many mediums have different tasks and ways to help people. Psychic abilities don't just happen overnight , they just dawn on us. I do believe this to be a mission for me to try and help the Earth and her contents survive what may be a challenging future IF we allow it to continue on it's negative path. Although, I often feel helpless and frustrated, I manage to have faith in the human race, our intelligence and communication abilities through our energy frequencies. Peace, Love and Light always..... Lorraine Nur.

Plea for peace, 2011 August

But noone listened.... (01 March,2012)


Lorraine Branson

12 August 2011

"Langlang Bahari, merantau di dunia ghaib, mencaritau informasi, menyebarkan informasi, di kasi energi luar biasa untuk menjalani tugas,mencapai sebuah tujuan, untuk mendamaikan dan mengamankan seluruh manusia dengan memberitau, "pakai akal, pakai akal, pakai akal" menurut ghaib, seluruh rencana untuk mendominasi manoso, tidak bisa hanya dengan izin Allah Ta'ala, dan dalam bulan Ramadan, kita bisa meningkatkan niat dengan doa untuk aman dan damai di Bumi, dan merusakkan rencana2, menghalangi rencana2 pasukkan jahat untuk menghancurkan dan dominasi manusia, karena, dalam bulan Ramadan, kepada siapa mau mereka mengadukkan persoalan ini? Jadi, saat kita mendoakkan seluruh manusia dalam bulan Ramadan, insyaallah, seterusnya, manusia, Bumi dan seluruh makhluk akan di lindungi oleh malaikat2 dari malapetaka yang diinginkan pihak dan kumpulan Mata Buta Satu.Tahun depan, insyaallah, tahun yang aman dan damai. Yang mau mendengar dan membantu kita bersyukur, dan yang tidak mau terima, itu masing2 bertanggungjawab karena kita semua akan hadapi Tuhan Semesta Alam , di akhirat."

Ramalan 2010


Lorraine Branson

4 November 2010

RAMALAN akhir 2010: " Akan di sobek; mau musnahkan semua manusia!" Sakin benci Se Mata Buta Satu yang dia akan memajukkan semua pasukkannya untuk melaksanakan goro-goro di Bumi dan menganiaya menusia sehingga manusia akan menyanyakan apakah Tuhan sudah melupakkan kita? Ini sebenarnya BUKAN ramalan; hanya peringatan,karena manusia akan segera membaca catatan dengan judul heboh seperti itu! Jadi kita semua harus segera berdoa supaya penggerakkan alam tidak akan menjadi bencana alam. STOP! BERHENTI! kesibukkan setiap hari yang ambil waktu dari ibadah kita. SUJUD! Letakkan kepala ke sajadah, ke Bumi, istighfar...TOBAT! Minta apa saja yang kita mau hanya dari Allah Ta'ala dengan yakin dan jangan pernah putus asa. Percayalah, semua istiqomah walaupun sedikit, setiap doa akan di bawa di atas baki dan akan di siapkan balas hadiah itu dengan apa saja yang diminta. Kita sudah di tunggu di pintu Surga oleh mereka yang sudah duluan pergi. Ummat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam,BANGKIT! Ingat Tuhan mu , ALLAH HU ALLAH! Sedihnya kita kalau kita sudah di peringatkan dan kita lali, lalai, malas dan tidak mau perduli! Ya Allah bagaimana lagi kehidupan kita kalau kita sudah tidak mau mendengar seruan , kicauan yang semesta alam kirim kepada manusia? tanda2 kekuasan Allah Ta'ala sudah jelas. Marilah kita bangunkan sebuah negeri, negara dan masyarakat yang sayang Allah Ta'ala dan Rasulallah ,sallallahu alahi wa salam.~LorraineNur

Thoughts during the past year 2011



Sesiapa yang berusia 40 tahun, amalan kebajikannya belum mengatasi amalan kejahatannya, maka bersedialah ia ke neraka Allah. (Riwayat Tabrani)

Lorraine Branson

20 March 2011

"Bodoh, stupid, brisik, noisy, besuk ada malapetaka, tidak mungkin yang ini semua akan manfaatkan. Tinggalin solat, minum dan maksiat hanya bawa ke jalan jahanam... bodoh orang muslim yang mau hurrah2 di dunia ini dan melupakkan kehidupan yang kekal abadi. Malaikat2 meliat dengan sedih. Waktu sudah sempit, naikkan lah ibadah dan kelakuan iman yang Allah Ta'ala sudah ingatkan dan naikkan lah iman dan cinta Allah cinta Rasul saw , sebelum waktu kita yang terbatas, akan akhir." Lorraine Nur


Lorraine Branson

5 March 2011

"When the nine sides meet. In the new hilal, he will be coming. This is the sign, he is coming. The new hilal of the new month, Rabi Al-Thani 1432 A.H.

Lorraine Branson

17 February 2011

Ya Allah , berilah kami kesabaran, berilah kami keikhlasan untuk menerima kodrat kesusahan untuk menembuskan dosa2 kami supaya kami bisa pulang ke sisiMu dalam keadaan bersih. Amiin.


Lorraine Branson

16 February 2011

Alone I travel the journey of life. Who may pass through , who shall I meet on the path of enlightenment?

Lorraine Branson

16 February 2011

Mysteriously I glide through the corridors of my life , to discover the hidden meanings of the secrets. Give me the keys of knowledge, that I may renew myself.

Lorraine Branson

6 February 2011

"A worldwide revolution is taking place. The unbalanced evolution of society has left many scarred, scared and marred. A total revolution of peaceful people must happen so the leaders who are given responsibilities must listen to the VOICE OF THE NATION. Individuals have a right to ask , to expect, to demand, to revolutionise the way things are done. Economically and financially we must make amends to create the balance so people can begin to feel optimistic about the future. Egalitarian thinkers have been raised unconsciously within a structure that has perpetrated too long. Archaic behavioural political systems have caused damage to an extent which is unbearable. We must feel shameful that the poor, illiterate, hungry and homeless still exist in this day and age of highly intelligent human nation. Exploitation of countries' riches and natural resources have left a degenerating trail of dissatisfactory results."

22 January 2011

It saddens me, when I watch people and their insincerity; it saddens me to watch how manipulative they can be. I am saddened at the fact that soul has no window. I am saddened that the soul has withered and is strangled by fear and disillusions. How sad it is not to be able to stand up for what we believe in and cannot hold on to principles which include loving unconditionally. The reflection is hatred and unhappiness. ~ Lorraine Nur~



Lorraine Branson


22 March 2011

WE view the governments who are involved. We cannot stereotype the whole of the nation. Governments create political agendas. The leaders of the world consolidate to have plans for the world. They are supposed to represent their people BUT in reality they do not. As a nation, humans have a moral support for one another regardless of colour, creed or land. If we as a nation, THE HUMAN NATION, are to survive any conflict from within our fraction, then, we must band together and cleanse the contamination within. The problem we have today, that people are so readily gullible, is the lack of syndrome and the anger management issue, which , leaders will manipulate , in order to create revolt and wars.~LorraineNur

Intuition and family

Lorraine Branson


28 March 2011

My daughter hurt her foot when she was flung from a jetski ride going too fast. I was not with her at the time, but when the accident happened , I felt her and I felt the disturbance as a sharp pain in my chest area, quite sure I was having heart problems. In my mind's eye, I saw her in trouble, I felt it had something to do with one of my children, I instinctively sent out prayers for all , especially to my daughter. I sensed her fear and pain. Although nobody told me about this, as soon as I arrived at their home for my weekend visit, I immediately asked my son who came to greet me, what had occurred that was bad today. His surprise at my question and revealed to me the incident. I went to my daughter, to find her being nursed with an icepack oh her foot, which I examined; I came to a conclusion that it may be fractured. I could not control my grieving anger at the lack of supervision and attention , compassion nor empathy. Involuntarily, I made myself very clear on this point that should anything ever happen to my children while in others' "care", I would not hesitate to find recompense in any form. Suffice to say I am absolutely serious about this fact. My children are my life achievement and through them every persona of myself is transpired and visualised. My daughter is hard and tough, strong and smart, on the outside a ball of feistiness but on the inside she cries, on the outside she laughs, she only wants all goodness and yet she has to be the one who feels misunderstood and although she has mostly everything in the world a child could ever need, her basis of existence is not wealth based, as she is born a humanitarian and she supports so many causes. She reluctantly accepts her non favourable family situation and tries so hard to make the best of everything, at times shutting her mind out from those things that cause her grief. Now, she understands what I kept warning her about , through her darkness and fear, she found herself alone, till the light came from her mother's open heart and absolute love for her. She will always be the first one who lead the others and one day, everybody will know what she was born for.


Deflated and dismal

Lorraine Branson


7 April 2011

My head hurts, my neck hurts, my ears are hot, my heart is sad...all because nobody wants to hear and recognise the TRUTH about this life and the repercussions of all the negative and wrong doings. Humans have soooooo forgotten their roots. Seems all that matters is what we can see or hear with the physical, throwing away all other aspects of life coming from sources outside of holy books, saints and prophets. There are no more prophets to remind us. There are hardly any saints left, the books aren't read, understood and followed. But there are unseen forces always trying to infiltrate, good and bad, yet most people have access to bad ones who hurt. They haven't realised and reached the levels of the light to hear, understand and feel the spirits moving and helping to make everything better. To remind of goodness. To keep faith. To those people that are still shut out, how can they continue to exist with bleakness? I pray that the angels of wisdom waiting by your sides will have the opportunity to pour clarity into your mind and to your heart. That you be able to feel the sweet serenity that is yours to possess, it only takes a quieting of the mind from the distractions of the real world. The daunting world, which is suffocating your senses of perception. Now, you know why world leaders make bad judgements and decisions, which cause havoc to our lands and environment. We have to slow down and listen. Have a quiet moment please, and reflect. For it is for your own existence that you are asked to do so.~LorraineNur

Positive self development

Lorraine Branson


7 April 2011

So, in conclusion to an entire night of tests and patience endurance; discovering knowledge and awakening through the aid of technology, seemingly I have an innate ability to digest much information in a night and discover that the gifts I have can be explained by science; that the power of the mind to be used as a powerful positive tool, to become psychic as opposed to being psychic , all takes training, whether conscious or otherwise, to be able to shift through all the imbalances that our chemistry makeup as humans present, with it's flaws and undistinguishing taints, we , who want to develope and improve, will achieve great success, as opposed to those who wander aimlessly in life without a mission or vision, or those who are trapped; or those who feel no need for improvement. Scant observations in human personality makes me assume that fear or laziness make people dormant in pursuing self improvements, everyone wants a quick cure of become super, over night. The world is constantly changing, nature is, and our lives with technology too. If we did not invest the time to learn how to use the mobile phone, we would still be holding on to the line of a telephone on the desk, hence immobile through a phone conversation. Point is, when we want to learn about something that we feel will be of use to us, we readily accept the information to be able to function. Positive thinking offers us a scope for realisation and improvement. In whatever way we can we should try to implement this for our own benefit. Peace all. *** Lorraine Nur***

At times like these

by Lorraine Branson on Sunday, 22 January 2012 at 00:27 ·

At times like these, the silence truly is my blessing.I have learnt so much in a few years, A few years of regimented training by life, that with all the pains and trials,tests and tribulations I have gone through, in such a short space of time, I now use all the tools life has given , to bear up, keep sane, have faith and hope, not get stuck and move forward. Opening my mind, to all the possibilities and opportunities still available.For in wanting to pressure what is not yet time, will only get frustrations and troubles.Everything happens for and with a reason, same as when people come and go in your life for a reason, season or lesson. Being in a fourth or fifth dimension, where time and space has no meaning, the lot life presents is a mere fleeting moment,where we can choose where we want to position ourselves. We can be the losers or winners, it is solely up to us. I am happy with my progress,at this stage, when I feel the emergence of impatience crawling , I consciously release it, I do something creative, I utilise time the best by filling my knowledge, praying,meditation and focusing on quality of life. I expel the negative fields and force by sending sincere unconditional love frequencies. Relying on prayers as a fortress,I light incense,play music I like and I create an ambience. So no matter, what I have reminders to be at peace and harmony always.
